[Added 4-23-1979 by Ord. No. 815]
There shall be a Borough Administrator to assist the Mayor and Borough Council, whose function shall be to provide a liaison between the governing body and the various departments, bodies and other officials of the Borough of South Plainfield under the supervision and control of the Mayor and Borough Council, and to fulfill such other duties as shall be specifically assigned by said Mayor and Council from time to time.
The Borough Administrator shall direct the preparation of the budget document and the compilation and analysis of budget costs and estimates, the maintenance of sound personnel policies and administrative practices and the purchasing of materials, supplies and equipment to be furnished for work and labor to be done for the Borough.
In addition to the duties set forth in § 5-2, the Borough Administrator shall perform the following functions:
Supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Borough government.
Study the governmental and administrative operations and needs of the Borough government and prepare and recommend to the Council necessary and desirable plans and programs with respect thereto.
Attend all meetings of the governing body and perform such other duties as the Council may prescribe.
Prepare agenda for and arrange meetings of the governing body.
Follow up actions of the governing body by correspondence, review of minutes, personal conferences and administrative direction.
[Amended 12-23-1985]
The Borough Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. The term of office of the Borough Administrator shall be at the pleasure of the governing body.