No soil pipe or vent line shall open within eight feet of any window, door, ventilating shaft or air duct.
In the event that a new building is built higher than an existing building, the owner of the new building shall not locate windows within eight feet of an existing vent or stack on the lower building unless the owner of such new building shall defray the expenses or shall himself make such alterations to conform with the eight-foot distance in this article. It shall be the duty of the owner of the lower or existing building to make such alteration therein, upon receipt in advance of money or security therefor sufficient for the purpose from the owner of the new or higher building, or to permit, at the election of the owner of the new or higher building, the making of such alterations by the owner of said new or higher building.
All soil and waste pipes must be of cast-iron bell-and-spigot known in commerce as extra heavy, galvanized wrought-iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, cast-iron approved, brass pipe and copper pipe approved. Waste lines and conductor lines, 2 1/2 inches and larger, of black wrought iron coated with tar or asphaltum may be used.
All soil and vent pipes shall not extend less than eight inches and not more than two feet above any roof or building. In no case shall soil or vent lines pass through a hip or French type of roof less than 10 feet from lower end of roof.
The minimum diameter of soil pipe permitted is three inches. A vertical waste pipe into which a line of kitchen sinks, washstands or drinking fountains are discharged shall be at least two inches in diameter, with one-and-one-half-inch branches.
All joints in cast-iron bell-and-spigot soil and waste pipes must be so caulked with oakum and lead, or joints approved by the Examining Board of Plumbers, as to make them watertight and gastight; and before they are connected, they must be thoroughly coated inside and outside with coal-tar pitch applied hot.
All fittings used for soil and waste pipe, except as hereinafter specified, shall be extra-heavy tar- or asphaltum-coated fittings, galvanized, recessed and threaded drainage fittings. All threaded iron pipe shall be reamed before being installed.
All lead pipe used for waste and vent pipe must not be lighter than medium pipe.
Minimum weights
(pounds per foot)
1 1/4
1 1/2
2 1/2
Sheet lead shall weigh not less than four pounds per square foot.
Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed shall have a soil stack or stacks extending through the roof. Soil and waste stacks shall be as direct as possible and free from sharp bends and turns.
The size of soil and waste pipes must not be less than those set forth in the following tables; and not more than one water closet may be placed on a three-inch horizontal branch, and not more than two closets may be placed on a three-inch vertical stack if placed one above the other. If two on one floor, must be four-inch.
Soil and Waste Pipes
Size of pipe
Branch fixtures
Main fixtures
Branch water closet
Main water closet
1 1/4
1 1/2
2 1/2
The term "branch fixture" shall be interpreted to mean a vertical length of stack, not less than eight feet within which a branch or branches are connected, and the total fixture units on all branches connected to a stack within any eight-foot length shall not exceed the maximum permitted by the table in one branch interval.
Any vertical branch rising more than eight feet, and any lateral branch running more than 20 feet from the main soil line shall be continued full size through the roof in the same manner as required for the stack, or may be returned to main vent line full size. A cleanout, easily accessible, shall be provided at the base of all vertical soil and waste stacks, not less than two inches in diameter up to four inches, and not less than four inches on stacks larger than four inches. Cleanout shall have iron pipe threads.
No soil or waste stack shall be installed or permitted outside of a building unless adequate provisions are made to protect it from frost.
All changes in direction of soil and waste lines shall be made with T-Y's, half Y's, 1/16, 1/6, or 1/8 bends. In wrought-iron and cast-iron waste pipe in both horizontal and vertical runs, single sanitary T-Y's may be used in vertical stacks. T's and cross T's may be used in vent pipe.
Where acid or water contaminated with acid is to be wasted, the pipe and fittings in both waste and vent lines, and connections to sewers must be of material approved by the Examining Board of Plumbers.
Floor drains in warehouses or similar buildings must be separately trapped and the waste stack from same must extend through roof. In no case will dead ends be allowed. Traps for floor drains need not be back vented. Floor drains in all slaughterhouses must be discharged into a watertight catch basin or basins of sufficient size, same to be provided with a leg of cast-iron pipe, not less than 12 inches, to form a seal. The top leg must have a brass cleanout screw with iron pipe size threads, and the outlet must not be less than four inches in diameter. In hotels, restaurants and similar buildings where the greasy waste is discharged into drains or sewers from fixtures, same must be provided with a grease-trap interceptor of proper size approved by the Examining Board of Plumbers.
In no case shall a P trap be used for a bathtub or shower when said fixtures are above the first floor and the traps are not accessible from the cellar for cleaning and draining. A two-inch P trap may be used in a stall shower. Where a two-inch P trap is used in a stall shower, a two-inch waste line must be run.
Waste pipe from bar and soda-fountain fixtures must be directly connected to the sewer, and the sinks connected with antisyphon traps. The refrigerators are to drain over open sinks or floor drains. Slush boxes or bottle racks may be connected to bar waste above trap or drain, or the same as refrigerators.
All connections of lead waste with iron pipes must be made with brass or copper ferrules, of the same size as the lead pipe, put in the hub of the branch of the iron pipe and caulked in with lead. All connections of lead pipe shall be made with a wiped joint.
Traps, lead bends, lead waste pipe shall not be made of a grade less than what is known as medium grade, and the grade must be stamped thereon. No lead waste under 1 1/4 inches shall be allowed; minimum copper 1 1/4 inches.
All plumbing fixtures connected to waste must be separately and effectively trapped.
All traps must be well-supported and set true, with respect to their water levels, and protected from frost and evaporation. All floor-drain traps placed in toilet rooms must be provided with a suitable refill water connection to maintain the water seal in the trap.
Closet traps must have a heavy brass floor or wall plate not less than 3/16 inch in thickness, wiped or soldered to the lead; or, where wrought-iron or brass soil pipe is used, it shall be screwed to same and bolted to the trap, and the joint be made gastight and watertight without the use of putty, cement plaster, lead, rubber or leather washers.
No floor plate, flange or gasket connection shall be used until it has been presented to and adopted by the Examining Board of Plumbers.
The use of antisyphon traps for fixtures in old buildings will be allowed at the discretion of the Plumbing Inspector.
For two dental-chair cuspidors and a washbasin, the waste pipe shall not be less than 1 1/2 inches and must be extended full size and then increased one size before passing through the roof. Branch waste pipes extending to dental chairs may be connected with antisyphon traps by permission of the Inspectors.
All waste pipes for fixtures installed in the center of rooms must be extended full size and be increased one size before passing through the roof, or it may connect to any available vent pipes, if of proper size. Such fixtures may be equipped with antisyphon traps.
In a building where dairy products are stored, the floor or floors must be drained into a sewer and properly trapped. The drain receiving the discharge of coolers must not be of a size less than three inches, and properly trapped and vented. Icebox drains must be trapped and the joint between box and drain must be left open.
In old buildings where an old standard soil stack is moved to a new location, it may be used, and it must extend through the roof. No horizontal branch from said stack shall extend over 20 feet.
When replacing an old fixture on old rough work not disturbed, the new fixture or fixtures need not be ventilated. Should the old rough work in any manner be altered, it shall be considered and installed as new work. A plan must be filed and the work inspected. In all cases where a fixture or fixtures are renewed or replaced, a specification of the fixture must be filed with the Bureau of Plumbing and Drainage. Where an old closet is replaced with a new one, a closet floor flange must be installed and shall be inspected.
Where soil, waste, vent or conductor pipes pass through the roof, the joints of the roof shall be made watertight by the use of copper or lead for flashings.
Any other material than that specified in this code, if approved by the Examining Board of Plumbers, may be permitted.