In order to allow regulation of parking by the police,
any owner or leasee requesting enforcement of this ordinance shall
furnish to the police an authorization, in writing, signed by him
or his agent, to the effect that a specific vehicle was unlawfully
parked, stored or left upon his premises at a certain time or during
a certain period without his consent or permission, and such owner
or leasee who authorized the police to either tag and/or tow the specific
vehicle shall be available to testify to such fact in court at the
request of the police. Furthermore, any owner or leasee requesting
enforcement of this ordinance shall agree to hold harmless, defend
and indemnify the City of North Tonawanda, its agents, assigns and
employees, as well as the Police Department, from any and all claims,
regardless of the nature of said claims and regardless of the identity
of said claimants, which may arise as a result of the owner or leasee's
authorization to the police to tag and/or tow a specific vehicle.