[Amended 9-10-2007 by L.L. No. 8-2007; 7-27-2009 by L.L. No. 12-2009; 2-8-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023; 3-13-2024 by L.L. No. 3-2024]
For the purpose of this chapter, the Town of Cicero, outside the incorporated Village of North Syracuse, is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
Agricultural District: AG
Residential Districts: R-20, R-15, R-12, R-10, R-M, and R-MX
Commercial Districts: NC, GC, GCP, CS, and RC
Industrial District: IN
Planned Unit Development District
Floodplain Zone
Overlay Districts: DC and HG
[Amended 5-8-2019 by L.L. No. 12-2019]
The zoning districts are shown, defined and bounded on the map accompanying this chapter, entitled "Zoning Map, Town of Cicero," which with all explanatory matter thereon is hereby made a part of this chapter. The Zoning Map, which is updated periodically, shall be on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
Where uncertainty exists with respect to boundaries of the various zoning districts as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Questions concerning the exact location of the district boundary lines shall be resolved by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, railroad lines or streams, such center lines shall be construed to be the boundaries.
Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be the boundaries.
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately parallel to the center lines of streets, such district boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated on the Zoning Map. If no distance is given, such dimension shall be determined by the use of a scale.
Where a district boundary line divides a lot of record at the time such line is adopted, and there is any question as to the application of the regulations to any portion of such lot, the questions shall be referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals for determination.
In order to reimburse the Town for legal and engineering expenses associated with a request for any approval, permit, relief or zone change, the applicant shall deposit with the Town of Cicero such amounts as may from time to time be determined by resolution of the Town Board.