Site plan details are primarily for the use of the municipal agency to establish criteria required to make decisions and recommendations.
The following documents shall be provided for a preliminary site plan review:
Title, key map location of development and the name and address of the record owner and/or development applicant and the site planner preparing the site development plan.
Indication of proposed use or uses of the land and buildings.
Site plans should be presented at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet nor larger than one inch equals 20 feet; the size of sheets should not exceed 36 by 24 inches.
Scale and graphic scale.
North arrow, in the same direction on all sheets.
Submit survey of the property prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer of New Jersey, showing boundaries of properties, line of all existing streets and roads, easements, rights-of-way and areas dedicated to public use within 200 feet of the property.
Existing and proposed buildings, with dimensions, shall be shown with first floor elevation and present and finished grade elevations at all corners and entrances. Present buildings and structures to be removed shall be indicated.
Topographic map delineating existing contours at two-foot intervals, up to 50 feet beyond property lines, as well as proposed grading and contours, wooded areas/trees, where four inches or greater in diameter, floodplains, ponds, streams and drainage ditch.
The location of all existing and proposed structures, such as walls, fences, culverts, bridges, roadways, with grade elevations for each structure shall be indicated.
Existing zones of the development site and of any different zones within 200 feet of the property.
The distance of the property line, measured along the center line of existing streets abutting the property, from the nearest intersection.
The boundaries of the property, building and setback lines, lines of existing streets, lots, reservations, easements and areas dedicated to public use.
Location of all utility structures and lines, existing and proposed stormwater drainage, on site and on tract and from buildings and structures, as well as utility provisions, including telephone, power and light, water hydrant locations, sewer and gas, whether privately or publicly owned, with manholes, inlets, pipe sizes, grades, inverts and directions of flow.
Location, size and nature of the entire lot or lots in question and of contiguous lots owned by the applicant or owner of record or in which the applicant has a direct interest even though only a portion of the entire property is involved in site plan development. This shall be provided on a key map, if necessary.
All proposed easements and public and community areas.
All means of vehicular ingress and egress to and from the site onto public streets, showing the size and location of driveways, curb cuts and curbing, sight lines and radii.
Location and design of off-street parking areas, showing their size, and the locations of internal circulation, traffic patterns, parking space, aisles, driveways, curbing, barriers and wearing surface finished and construction, all of which shall conform to the requirements of §§ 240-116A and B.
Location, arrangement and dimensions of truck loading and unloading platforms and docks.
Provisions for refuse and garbage disposal. Ensure that areas are not exposed to view, are nonpolluting, covered from weather and are secure from vandalism. In the case of an application for the construction of 50 or more units of single-family residential housing or in the case of any commercial or industrial development, a site or sites must be specified for the storage and disposition of recyclables in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 344, Solid Waste, Article I, Recycling, of the Code of the Township of Stillwater, as the same may be amended from time to time, establishing a recycling program and requiring the separation of recyclable material.
Provisions for screening storage of equipment attached or separate from buildings.
All existing or proposed exterior lighting, freestanding and/or on building, for size, nature of construction, lumens, heights, area and direction of illumination, foot candles produced, as well as time controls proposed for outdoor lighting and display.
Note all existing or proposed signs and their sizes, nature of construction and location, height and orientation, including all identification signs, traffic directional signs and arrows, freestanding and facade signs and time control for sign lighting, of any.
Locations, dimensions and construction of off-site sidewalks, on-site exits, walks and sidewalks. Provision should be made for pedestrian safety, accessways and, where necessary, a bicycle system and racking.
Proposed screening, green areas, landscaping and fencing. Landscaping shall be shown, including size, type and number of plants. A tree removal and plant schedule with planting details shall be included. Tree removal shall be in accordance with Chapter 382, Trees, Article II, Protection of Trees, of the Code of the Township of Stillwater.
Improvements to adjoining streets and roads, and traffic control devices necessary in streets or highways. Acceleration and deceleration lanes, paving, land dedication or acquisition for roads should be shown.
Copies of any covenants and deed restrictions intended to cover any of the development site.
Elevations, sketches, renderings or pictures of any new buildings or structures.
Preliminary architectural floor plans and elevations should be submitted, with the name, address, professional number and seal of the architect.
Appropriate places for signatures and date of approval of the Chairman and Secretary of the municipal agency and the Planning Board Engineer.
In fire prevention, consideration shall be shown for service lines, hydrants, siamese connections, automatic sprinkler systems, fire zones, no parking fire zones and pavement and wall signs.
Dimensions of all of the above on the site plan so that scaling will not be necessary.
A proposed plan shall be submitted showing the plan for the continued operation and maintenance of utilities, open space, common areas, neighborhood facilities and the like, indicating the entity responsible for each and the proposed capitalization of each such entity, as well as copies of all proposed agreements, deed covenants, incorporations or other pertinent legal document relating to the future operation and/or maintenance of such utilities, open space, common areas or neighborhood facilities.
For all site plans of 10 acres or more, an environmental impact statement meeting the criteria established in § 240-85 shall be required.
For site plans of less than 10 acres, the Board may require such portions of an environmental impact statement deemed appropriate as additional information.
General. Standards pertaining to site plan improvements for off-street parking, roads, loading areas, signs, etc., shall be as required for the particular zone as specified in Article VIII.
Specific requirements. Each site plan shall provide for the following:
The layout of the land development shall be consistent with the zoning article except in those cases where application is being made to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance from the terms and provisions of the zoning ordinance.
Adequate and suitable provisions shall be made for the factors enumerated in § 240-53H.
Streets within the land development shall be of sufficient width and suitable grade and suitably located to accommodate prospective traffic and to provide access for fire-fighting and emergency equipment to buildings and shall be coordinated so as to compose a convenient system consistent with the circulation element of the Master Plan. No street shall be required of a width greater than 50 feet within the right-of-way line unless such street constitutes an extension of an existing street of a greater width or already has been shown on the Master Plan at a greater width.
Adequate water supply, drainage, shade trees, sewage facilities and other utilities necessary for essential service to residents and occupants.
Any area reserved for public use shall be of suitable size, shape and location to serve its intended purposes.
Any open space to be set aside as part of a cluster design shall comply with those provisions and as provided for by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
No development shall take place in a delineated floodway area, and shall be permitted in a delineated flood fringe area only where it is determined by the Township Engineer that the first floor elevation will be above the flood level, and that construction and landfilling will not significantly increase flooding in other areas.
Adequate protection and conservation of soils through the submission of an erosion and sedimentation control plan approved by the appropriate authority for all site plans that will result in disturbance of 5,000 square feet of land or more.
Standards for the grading, improvement and construction of streets or driveways and for any required walkways, curbs, gutters, streetlights, fire hydrants and water, drainage, sewage facilities and other improvements found necessary shall be as provided to the developer by the Township Engineer. Where certain utilities to be installed are under other governmental authority or jurisdictions, the standards shall be provided by those jurisdictions and shall be adhered to by the developer. A letter approving the proposed installations and statement as to who will carry out the construction shall be required.
Any off-tract water, sewer, drainage or street improvements required as a result of land development shall be paid for by the developer on a pro rata basis, as determined by the municipal agency. Such costs shall be determined by proportioning the benefit to the site in relation to the benefit to the entire area being served, as specified in the standards set forth in the land subdivision provisions of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: See Art. VI, Subdivision and Site Plan Review and Approval.
All plats and copies shall conform to one of the following four standard sizes, as measured from the outside cutting edges: eight inches by 13 inches, 15 inches by 21 inches, 24 inches by 36 inches, or 30 inches by 42 inches.
The plat shall be based on Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base at one of the following scales to enable the entire area of land and all required details under consideration to be legibly drawn on one standard size sheet: one inch equals 20 feet, one inch equals 30 feet, one inch equals 50 feet, one inch equals 100 feet, one inch equals 200 feet or one inch equals 400 feet.
For purposes of preparing a plat, all lots, tracts or parcels of land within a single block as shown on the Township Tax Map and tax records as being under one ownership shall be shown, regardless of how many individually described tracts are contained in whole or in part in that particular Tax Map block.
The plat shall, in addition, show and include the following information:
The location of the lot or lots for which subdivision is being requested in relation to the tract or tracts remaining, if any, within the Township Tax Map block.
All boundary lines on the plat shall contain dimensions in a similar manner to those shown on the Township Tax Map. For purposes of this subsection, dimensional reference to the street or road right-of-way lines shall be shown.
The area of each lot for which subdivision is being requested shall be shown. For purposes of this subsection, the area required is that outside of the street or road right-of-way line.
Insofar as is practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight streets and radii to curved streets.
The approximate location of all existing structures and wooded area within the lot or lots for which subdivision is being requested and within 200 feet of all its boundaries. If there are no structures or wooded areas, a statement to that effect shall appear on the plat. Structures and wooded areas other than above, but within the balance of the tract or tracts remaining, if any, need not be shown.
The approximate location of all ponds, brooks, streams and streets within the lot for which subdivision is being requested and within 500 feet of all boundaries. Ponds, brooks, streams and streets other than above, but within the balance of the tract or tracts remaining, if any, need not be shown. All streets shown on the plat shall bear their official names as indicated on the Township Tax Map.
The Township Tax Map block and lot numbers within the boundaries outlined on the plat.
The Township Tax Map block and lot numbers of all properties adjoining those outlined on the plat.
The date drawn and the name and address of the person preparing the plat.
Additional information as is considered necessary by the Board.
Soil logs and soil permeability tests as regulated by N.J.A.C. 7:9A-1 et seq.
The preliminary plat of a major subdivision shall be clearly and legibly drawn or reproduced at one of the following scales: one inch equals 20 feet, one inch equals 30 feet, one inch equals 40 feet, one inch equals 50 feet, one inch equals 60 feet, or one inch equals 100 feet. Preliminary plats shall be designed and drawn by a licensed New Jersey professional engineer and land surveyor. The plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of Article VIII and shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
A key map showing the entire major subdivision and its relationship to surrounding areas.
The name of the major subdivision, Tax Map sheet, block and lot number, date, North arrow, graphic scale and the following names and addresses:
Name and address of record owner or owners of record.
Name and address of the subdivider.
Name and address of the licensed New Jersey professional engineer or land surveyor who prepared the map.
Acreage of tract to be subdivided to nearest tenth of an acre.
Total number of proposed lots.
Sufficient contours to determine the general slope and natural drainage of the land and the location of proposed streets. Contours are to extend 100 feet beyond boundaries of the major subdivision.
The location of and proposed property lines, streets, building, watercourses, swamps, railroads, bridges, drainage pipes or ditches, easements and rights-of-way and any natural features such as wooded areas and rock formations.
Concurrently with the submission of the preliminary plat of the major subdivision, the divider shall submit 17 copies of a separate engineering drawing showing the plan and center-line profile of all proposed streets, typical cross section, tentative location of necessary storm sewers, waterlines, catch basins, manholes and other utilities. The horizontal scale of the drawing shall be one inch equals 50 feet and the vertical scale shall be one inch equals five feet.
A copy of any protective covenants or deed restrictions applying to the major subdivision, including drainage rights to which property shall be subject, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
A plan for operational responsibility of utility, road or other facility serving the development a copy of which shall be referred to the Township Committee for its comment or recommendations.
A copy of the tree removal plan complying with the standards set forth in Chapter 382, Trees, Article II, Protection of Trees, of the Code of the Township of Stillwater.
Soil logs and percolation tests as regulated below:
No soil log shall be accepted showing a depth of four feet or less.
No soil log shall be accepted within 30 feet of an existing or proposed property line if it is less than 10 feet deep or shows indication of a seasonal high-water table of 6 1/2 feet or less.
No soil log shall, in any case, be accepted if located within 10 feet of an existing or proposed property line.
No soil log shall be accepted where there is an indication of a seasonal high-water table within two feet of the surface.
No percolation test with a rate in excess of 60 minutes per inch shall be accepted.
Four soil logs and two percolation tests shall be provided for each existing or proposed lot.
The final plat of a major subdivision shall be clearly and legibly drawn in ink on tracing cloth at one of the following scales: one inch equals 30 feet, one inch equals 40 feet, one inch equals 50 feet, one inch equals 60 feet, or one inch equals 100 feet, and in full compliance with all of the provisions of the Map Filing Law, N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.8 to 46:23-9.16, and amendments and supplements thereto. The final plat shall be designed and certified by a licensed New Jersey Land Surveyor and shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
Date, name and location of the major subdivision, name of owner, graphic scale, North arrow and reference meridian;
Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of existing and proposed streets, street names, easements and other rights-of-ways, land to be reserved or dedicated to public use, all lot lines and other site lines; with accurate areas and dimensions, bearings or deflection angles, and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves.
The purpose of any easement or land reserved or dedicated to public use shall be designated and the proposed use of sites other than residential shall be noted.
Each block shall be numbered, and the lots within each block shall be numbered consecutively beginning with number one. The procedure for numbering blocks and lots shall be established by the Township Planning Board in consultation with the Township Tax Assessor.
Minimum building setback line on all lots and other sites.
Location and description of all monuments.
Tax Map block and lot numbers of all adjoining properties and the names of owners of each such lot.
Certification that the applicant is agent or owner of the land or that the owner has given consent under an option agreement.
When approval of a plat is required by any officer or body of such a municipality, county or state, approval shall be certified on the plat.
Certification from the Township Engineer as to accuracy of details of plat.
Certificate from Tax Collector that all taxes are paid to date.
Tree removal plan as required by Chapter 382, Trees, Article II, Protection of Trees, of the Code of the Township of Stillwater.
Details of environmental impact statement providing the information indicated below shall be submitted:
General provisions.
The environmental impact generated by land development projects necessitates a comprehensive analysis of a variety of problems. This constitutes an environmental impact statement. In evaluating environmental impact, the approving authority shall not approve any submission until they find and determine that the proposed development:
Will not result in appreciable harmful effects to both the natural and aesthetic environments.
Has been designed and conceived with a view toward the protection of regional resources and energy-saving techniques.
Will not place a disproportionate or excessive demand upon the total resources available for such proposal.
In order to accomplish these goals, the approving agency shall condition any approval upon the agreement to implement performance controls deemed necessary to assure the protection of the environment. Any approval shall also be conditioned upon the receipt of licenses, permits or other approvals required by law. Those factors outlined below, along with supplemental requirements adopted by the agency, shall be used to determine the environmental performance controls that are necessary.
General requirements. It is further recognized that the level of detail required for various types of applications will vary depending on the size of the proposal, the nature of the site and the location of the project. Therefore, having determined that some flexibility is needed in preparing the environmental impact statement (a revised environmental impact statement may be required if significant changes to the site plan, as determined by the Planning Board prior to final approval, were made since original submission), the requirements for such a document are listed as follows:
Plot plan applications for a single- or two-family dwelling on an existing lot of record are specifically exempt from the environmental impact statement requirements. In addition, minor subdivision shall, in general, be exempt unless required by the municipal agency due to specific sensitive environmental situations. Finally, all agricultural operations that are conducted in accordance with a plan approved by the Soil Conservation District are exempt, and all silvaculture operations that are conducted in accordance with a plan prepared by a professional forester or the New Jersey Division of Parks and Forests are exempt.
A preapplication conference may be held with the Township Planner and/or the municipal agency chairman, or his designee, the Environmental Commission Chairman, or his designee, and the Planning Board Engineer to determine the content of the environmental impact statement as outlined in § 240-85D along with any supplemental guidelines adopted by the municipal agency. Waivers of specific environmental impact statement requirements may be granted by the Planning Board with input from the Township Planner and Engineer.
When the environmental impact statement is prepared by an individual other than the applicant, the credentials and expertise of that individual shall be submitted with the environmental impact statement. All applicable material on file in the Stillwater Township Municipal Building pertinent to local conditions shall be consulted. Any additional material pertinent to evaluation of potential regional impacts shall also be considered. Furthermore, as much original research as necessary shall be conducted to develop a comprehensive environmental impact statement.
The environmental impact statement shall consist of written and graphic materials which will clearly present the information that is required. The scale of all maps shall be one inch equals 50 feet, unless the Planner and/or municipal agency agree to another scale. Contours, when required, shall be provided at two-foot intervals for slopes of less than 15% or five-foot intervals if equal to or greater than 15%.
Upon receipt of the environmental impact statement, the appropriate agency shall determine whether it has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. If it is not in compliance, it shall be returned to the applicant with recommendations regarding the additions, deletions and/or corrections which are needed.
In preparing the environmental impact statement, the applicant shall make himself aware of the requirements specified in other sections of this Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 240) so that unnecessary duplication of effort is avoided.
Application types. All major subdivision applications, preliminary and final site plan applications consisting of more than 10 acres and those minor subdivision sites lying within sensitive environmental areas shall be accompanied by an environmental impact assessment except as set forth herein. The information required shall be presented in a concise report unless environmentally sensitive areas are involved. When environmentally sensitive areas are involved, the report shall be supplemented with additional graphic and explanatory material. Environmentally sensitive areas in Stillwater Township include, but are not limited to:
Stream corridors and floodplains.
Streams and water bodies.
Slopes greater than 15%.
Erodible soils.
Mature forests of sugar maple or hemlock.
Aquifer recharge areas.
Aquifer discharge areas.
Unique natural features and habitats.
Habitats for threatened or endangered species as identified pursuant to the Endangered and Non-Game Species Conservation Act, N.J.S.A. 23:2A-1 et seq. and in the list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants found at 50 CFR 17.11(h) or 17.12(h) and subsequent amendments thereto.
Format. When an environmental impact statement is required, the following format shall be utilized and the information requested shall be provided:
Project description. Indicate the purpose and scope of the proposed project. Enumerate the benefits to the public, if any, which will result from the proposed project and describe the suitability of the site for the intended use. A description of the proposed project shall be presented to indicate the extent to which the site must be altered, the kinds of facilities to be constructed, how they are to be constructed and the uses intended. The resident population, working population and visitor populations shall be estimated. The compatibility or incompatibility of the proposed project shall be described in relation to the following:
The Township Master Plan, especially the land use and open space elements.
Master plans of adjacent municipalities.
The Sussex County Master Plan.
Regional and state planning guides.
Other pertinent planning documents.
Army Corps of Engineers.
Site description inventory. Provide a description of environmental conditions on the site, which shall include but not be limited to the following items:
Types of soil. A list and description of each soil type located on the site. Percolation data and soil analysis as required by the Sussex County Health Department shall be provided. Where the proposed area of land disturbance will involve soils with moderate or severe limitations as per the Sussex County Soil Conservation District, a complete mapping of all soil types on the site shall be required, indicating where those moderate and severe limitations exist.
Topography. A description of the topographic conditions within the site and extending 100 feet beyond the property lines.
Geology. A description of the geologic formations and features associated with the site as well as depth to bedrock conditions; delineations of those areas where bedrock is in close proximity to the surface, i.e., within four feet of the surface, as well as major bedrock outcroppings.
Vegetation. A description of the existing vegetation on the site. When required, sketch the location of major vegetation groupings such as woodland, open field and wetland. Where woodlands are delineated, the forest type shall be indicated. It should include unique features and protected species, i.e., dogwood, black walnut trees, hemlock, etc.
Surface water. A description of existing, watercourses and water bodies that are partially or totally on the site and their relationship to the area of land disturbance. Existing surface runoff from the site shall be calculated using the methods contained in Soil Conservation Survey Manual No. 55. When the natural drainage pattern will be significantly altered or sewage effluent added to a watercourse or water body, an analysis shall be conducted which will investigate flow, depth, capacity and water quality of receiving waters. When required, floodplain areas shall be mapped in consultation with the Department of Environmental Protection. Existing drainage structures shall be mapped, and the capacity of the drainage network shall be determined.
Subsurface water. A description of subsurface water conditions on the site, both in terms of depth to groundwater and water supply capabilities of the site. Detailed information regarding existing wells within 500 feet of the site relative to depth, capacity and water quality shall be provided. The water supply capabilities of the adjacent areas and the recharge capabilities of the site shall be discussed.
Unique, scenic and/or historic features. A description and map of those portions of the site that have unique, scenic and/or historic qualities.
Existing development features. A description of any existing features on the site that are not considered to be part of the natural environment. This may include, but not necessarily be limited to, roads, housing units, accessory structures and utility lines.
Miscellaneous. An analysis shall be conducted of existing air quality and noise levels.
Energy conservation features. Siting for solar access and maximum energy efficiency with respect to land features.
Habitats for threatened or endangered species as identified pursuant to the Endangered and Non-Game Species Conservation Act, N.J.S.A. 23:2A-1 et seq. and in the list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants found at 50 CFR 17.11(h) or 17.12(h) and subsequent amendments thereto.
Natural Heritage Sites as defined herein.
Area and regional (Sussex County and Warren County) description. A description of the surrounding area shall be provided, including existing land use patterns. The existing infrastructure, with respect to the drainage and transportation network, as well as any central sewerage and water supply facilities, shall be described in detail. An appropriate regional analysis relative to the proposed project shall be included.
Impact. Discuss the negative and the positive on-site and off-site impacts as affect the items listed above. Indicate those resources affected by the proposal which will be irretrievably lost and those resources which are renewable. The specific concerns that shall be considered include, but are not limited to, the following:
Soil erosion and sedimentation resulting from surface runoff.
Flooding and floodplain disruption.
Degradation of surface water quality.
Groundwater pollution.
Reduction of groundwater capabilities.
Sewage disposal.
Solid waste disposal.
Vegetation destruction.
Disruption of wildlife habitats.
Destruction of scenic and historic features.
Air quality degradation.
Noise levels.
Energy utilization.
Neighborhood deterioration.
Effect on public services, such as schools, fire and police.
Traffic congestion and impact on wildlife.
Health, safety and welfare of existing residents.
Regional development policies.
Type of public lighting for access roads and parking area and its impact on wildlife.
Loss of wildlife habitat.
Recommendations to mitigate adverse environmental impact. Describe in detail what measures will be employed during the planning, construction and operation phases which will minimize or eliminate negative impacts on site and off site that could result from the proposed project. Of specific interest are:
Drainage plans, which shall include, but not be limited to, soil erosion and sedimentation controls. Every effort shall be made to limit off-site peak runoff to predevelopment levels.
Water supply and water conservation proposals.
Sewage disposal techniques.
Site design techniques sensitive to the natural environment, which should include innovative landscape, building, and circulation design/ solar access siting.
Energy conservation measures.
Noise reduction techniques.
Construction schedule.
Miscellaneous on-site and off-site public improvements.
Alternatives. Discuss what alternatives were considered, both in terms of building design, site design and project location. Indicate why an alternative was rejected if it would have resulted in a lesser negative impact than the subject proposal.
Licenses, permits and other approvals required by law. The applicant shall list all known licenses, permits and other forms of approval required by law for the construction and operation of the proposed project. This list shall include, but will not be limited to, approval required by the Township as well as agencies of the county, state and federal governments. Where approvals have been granted, copies of such approvals shall be attached. Where approvals are pending, a note shall be made to that effect.
Documentation. All publications, reports, manuscripts or other written sources of information related to the project, the project site and the Township which were consulted and employed in compilation of the environmental impact statement shall be listed. A list of agencies and individuals from whom pertinent information was obtained orally or by letter shall be listed separately. Dates and locations of all meetings shall be specified. A revised environmental impact statement may be required if significant changes to the site plan, as determined by the Planning Board prior to final approval, were done since original submission.
For subdivisions of fewer than 10 lots, the Board may require portions of the environmental impact statement deemed appropriate as additional information.
Applicants shall comply with all requirements of the Residential Site Improvement Standards as adopted in N.J.A.C. 5:21-1 et seq.