[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Newark Valley 1-8-1979 by Res. No. 4-79, as revised through 1-3-1991. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Defense and indemnification — See Ch. 6.
Code of Ethics — See Ch. 14.
Terms of office — See Ch. 41.
[Amended 10-3-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994; 4-11-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006; 4-10-2007 by Res. No. 23-07]
Applications. Each new employee will be required to fill out an application for employment. This application will list experience, previous employment, etc.
Physicals. All new employees may be required, at the discretion of the Board, to have a physical examination, for which the Board shall reimburse the employee, upon receipt of a paid bill in an amount as set by resolution of the Board of Trustees.[1]
Editor's Note: The current amount is set forth in the fee schedule on file in the Village Clerk-Treasurer's office.
Appointment. New employees may be hired on a part-time or full-time basis.
Part-time employees will not be covered by employee benefits.
Full-time employees will serve a probationary period of six months before receiving permanent appointment. At the end of the probationary period, the department head shall make a written evaluation of the employee's performance and ability and shall make a recommendation to the Board. After review, the Board shall either give the employee permanent appointment or it will dismiss the employee. Full-time employees will receive employee benefits from the date of employment.
The entry-level wage scale/salary set by the Board of Trustees may be modified where a new employee has had previous experience in a field specifically related to a skill either required or particularly valuable on the job.
[Amended 4-11-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006; 4-10-2007 by Res. No. 23-07]
Working hours. The regular working hours for the Public Works Department shall be established by the Board of Trustees. The Supervisor of Public Works may, with the permission of the Board, vary these hours to meet his work requirements. Each employee shall be allowed an unpaid half hour for lunch and a paid morning and afternoon rest break of 15 minutes each.
Time sheets. All employees of the Public Works Department are required to fill out weekly time sheets, which shall be returned to the Village Clerk-Treasurer at the end of each week. Every Friday the Supervisor of Public Works will go over time cards with each employee, and, upon agreeing, both the Supervisor and the employee involved will sign them, and the Supervisor will turn them into the office the following Monday morning.
Duty. All employees shall be available in emergencies and shall work in any department necessary.
Compensatory time.
In the event that an employee is required to work overtime and exceeds the regular forty-hour week, he shall be given compensatory time off in the same amount as the overtime, or given overtime, at the discretion of the department head. No employee may take such compensatory time without authorization of the department head or the Village Board through the Mayor. Any unauthorized leave shall be deducted from the employee's salary. Such compensatory time shall be listed on the time sheets. As compensatory time is accrued, it must be taken during the quarterly pay period in which it accrued or in the pay period immediately following. Compensatory time shall not be cumulative and may not be applied to vacation time. The compensatory time policy does not apply to the department heads. The office will use flex-time whenever possible.
Should the Supervisor determine that the Village work schedule cannot be met due to extraordinary accumulation of compensatory time and/or emergency, he may request emergency overtime for the public works employees. The Mayor, by authority granted by the Board of Trustees, may approve or deny the request depending on the emergency situation and/or budget considerations.
In the case of authorized emergency overtime, employees shall be paid at the overtime rate of time and a half for all hours exceeding the regular forty-hour week.
Leaving the Village. When an employee leaves the Village on Village business, the department heads or one of two department heads must be notified.
Village equipment.
Employee use of vehicles. No Village vehicle shall be used by any employee or officer of the Village for any purpose other than the official business of the Village. Personal use of a Village vehicle is strictly prohibited.
No employee driving a Village vehicle on Village business may at any time allow any person to ride in the vehicle as a passenger other than another employee engaged in Village business, an authorized public officer engaged in Village business or a town employee temporarily engaged in Village business.
No Village employee or officer of the Village shall be allowed the use of a Village vehicle for personal use, even while on call.
Employees shall not allow Village equipment to be taken from the Municipal Building or other Village buildings without the prior approval of the Board. They shall not allow any person to drive or to be a passenger in a Village vehicle, except on specific authorization of the Board.
Use of licenses and training. Any and all licenses, certifications and other professional qualifications obtained by any and all employees at the cost of the Village and/or by the Village paying for training of the employee shall be deemed solely for the benefit of the Village and its taxpayers/residents. The Village shall be entitled to obtain a return on its investment in the training of any such employee. In the event that an employee or former employee shall use the same for any endeavor, the Village shall be entitled to be recompensed for the remaining value of such certification and/or training to be determined from time to time by resolution of the Village Board and filed with the Village Clerk.
[Added 1-8-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the renumbering of former Subsections G through I as Subsections I through K, respectively.
Noncompetition. No employee shall conduct any business within the corporate limits of the Village that is in competition with any function of the Village that generates fees for the Village, unless he/she first obtains Board approval.
[Added 1-8-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
Leave of absence. Requests for leaves without pay must be submitted to the Board at least two weeks in advance, except in cases of emergencies. The Board, at its option, may permit or deny leave of absence requests, depending upon work requirements.
Injured on job. Where a Village employee is injured in the course of his duties with the Village, it shall be the policy of the Village to hold the position open for the injured employee up to six months if medically required and certified. At the end of that period, the employee will be notified to report for work or the position will be declared vacated by the employee.
Resignation and termination. All resignations should be in writing and submitted to the Board. Department heads should give advance notice of one month. All other employees shall give two weeks' notice. No employee shall be terminated without just cause, and all shall receive a hearing by the Board prior to termination.
[Amended 4-11-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006; 4-10-2007 by Res. No. 23-07]
Uniforms and equipment. All employees of the Public Works Department shall be provided with uniforms as set by the Board of Trustees.
Wages. The department head shall evaluate each employee annually and present this evaluation to the Personnel Committee for review. Each year, all employees' wages shall be reviewed. Any increases will be considered on a cost-of-living and a merit basis, and any changes will take effect on the first full pay period of the following March.
If, on March 1, an employee has been employed less than 12 months, including the probationary period, he shall be entitled to one day for every month of employment up to and not to exceed 10 working days' paid vacation during that year; 12 months: two weeks paid vacation.
All full-time employees with five or more years of full-time service with the Village shall be entitled to a third week of vacation. The third week of vacation may not be taken during July or August. The Village Clerk-Treasurer shall keep a record of all vacation time. Vacation time shall not accumulate except on authorization of the Board by resolution.
Part-time, non-exempt employees will be entitled to one week paid vacation, not to exceed the hours worked in a normal work week. If, on March 1, an employee has been employed less than 12 months, he shall be entitled to one day for every month of employment up to and not to exceed five working days' paid vacation during that year. Anyone hired after April 10, 2007 is not eligible.
Sick leave/personal time. An employee may take a maximum of 12 days of sick leave/personal time each calendar year. In the event that an employee does not report for work, the department head must be notified. Sick leave/personal time records will be kept for each employee. Sick leave/personal time may not be accumulated from one year to the next.
Holidays. All employees shall be allowed the following paid holidays:
New Year's Day.
Good Friday.
Memorial Day.
Independence Day.
Labor Day.
Veterans Day.
Thanksgiving Day (two days).
Christmas Day.
Any other day authorized by the Board.
Floating holidays. Village employees shall be granted a floating holiday, which may be granted at the department head's discretion, dependent upon the Village work schedule.
Schooling and conferences. Any employee wishing to attend, during his work hours, a special school or a conference for Village employees which is directly related to his job may make such a request of the Board. Upon approval, the Board will adopt a resolution authorizing the attendance of the employee at such conference or school and specifying the amount of reimbursement for expenses incurred.
Holiday pay. Any employee required to work on a paid holiday for snow removal or other Village emergency shall be paid for that day at an overtime rate of time and a half. Such policy shall apply only to paid holidays.
Family death. Employees shall be allowed up to three days' leave with pay for a death in the immediate family: mother, father, spouse, son or daughter, sister or brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law or brother-in-law, stepmother, stepfather, stepson, stepdaughter, stepsister, stepbrother, grandparents and domestic partner. For deaths in the family other than those listed above, employees are entitled to one day of leave with pay.
The following provisions do not apply to any and all employees hired on or after November 13, 2018.
[Added 1-8-2019 by L.L. No. 1-2019[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the renumbering of former Subsections A through F as Subsections B through G, respectively.
Any employee retiring from the Village and working for the Village at the time of retirement the minimum of 10 years of Village employment shall be eligible for a continued Village contribution to the employee health insurance plan, for the cost of single insurance as the same is allowed to current employees, whether the employee has single, spousal or family plan coverage, as the contribution may be defined from time to time by the Village Board, commencing at the time the employee is eligible to receive distribution of retirement benefits from the New York State Retirement System and ending at such time as Medicare becomes the major insurer, at which time the employee will have to pick up his/her own secondary insurer for him/herself. The retired employee is wholly responsible for ensuring that his/her share of the health insurance premium is in the hands of the Clerk-Treasurer before the due date of the payment, and if the payment is not received in the Village office by the deadline, the health insurance plan for the employee shall be terminated.
[Added 8-12-1991 by Res. No. 31-91; amended 11-8-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
The Village shall contribute to the health insurance cost for any retired employee with over 10 years of service who elects to remain on the Village health insurance plan and who has not yet reached Medicare eligibility in the same amount as it contributes in Subsection A above, if he/she has elected the family plan, he/she may elect to receive the same family plan overall rate as regular employees, except that he/she must pay all amounts over the amounts the Village contributes for single plan coverage pursuant to Subsection A above directly to the Village Clerk-Treasurer. The retired employee is wholly responsible for ensuring that his/her share of the family health plan is in the hands of the Clerk-Treasurer before the due date of the payment, and if the payment is not received in the Village office by the deadline, the health insurance will be terminated.
[Amended 11-8-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
If a retired employee's spouse reaches the age where Medicare becomes the primary insurer and the Village the secondary insurer before the retiree has reached Medicare eligibility, the retiree and his spouse will be required to apply for separate policies. The Village will pay for the retiree's individual policy on the same basis as for all regular employees, and the retiree is responsible for picking up the amount on the spouse's policy, which shall be paid to the Clerk-Treasurer on the same basis as above.
If the opposite shall be true and the retired employee becomes eligible for Medicare before the spouse, they will still be required to apply for separate policies. The Village will pick up the costs for coverage as secondary insurer, and the employee will be responsible for picking up the spousal policy.
All Village employees shall be urged before retirement to seek insurance counseling service from the Tioga County Office for the Aging.
The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby directed to send a copy of this section to any retired employee on the Village health insurance plan and to all current employees.
All new employees shall receive a copy of the personnel policies and regulations, and all employees shall receive a written copy of any resolution passed by the Board effecting a change in the personnel policies.
[Added 6-3-1996 by Res. No. 16-96]
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Newark Valley hereby adopts the finalized drug-free workplace policy as presented by the Personnel Committee.
This policy is to be added to the Village employee policies, and the Clerk-Treasurer is hereby directed to send a copy of the policy to Tioga County Safety, which will be administering the training.
This policy is to be given to the employees to read and an agreement to be signed, dated, and placed in the personnel files upon their agreed-upon approval. This to be done from here on at the time of hiring.
[Added 6-3-1996 by Res. No. 17-96]
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Newark Valley hereby adopts a waiver of the residency requirement, thereby allowing an employee/official to be employed by the Village if the qualifications have been met and no applicants have been forthcoming from the Village.
It is understood that if there is an interested Village applicant with the necessary qualifications, he or she must have the first opportunity to accept.
[Added 5-8-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
The Village of Newark Valley believes in the dignity of the individual and recognizes the right of any person to equal opportunities. In this regard, the Village has had a long-standing practice of protecting and safeguarding the rights and opportunities of any person who might either seek or obtain employment with or volunteer for the Village without being subjected to illegal discrimination or harassment in the workplace. Solely for the purposes of this policy, the term "employee" shall also include a volunteer.
Policy. In addition to prohibiting illegal discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, marital status, military status, or national origin or other unlawful conduct, the Village of Newark Valley also prohibits the illegal harassment of its employees or officers in any form. The Village will take all steps necessary to prevent and stop the occurrence of any illegal discrimination or harassment in the workplace.
This policy applies to all Village officers and employees and all individuals who serve as contractors to the Village. Depending on the extent of the exercise of control, this policy may be applied to the conduct of those who are not officers or employees or contractors of the Village with respect to illegal discrimination or illegal harassment of Village officers or employees in the workplace.
The Village and this discrimination and harassment policy prohibit conduct that is illegal under state or federal law, including but not limited to the inappropriate forms of behavior described in Subsection B, Definition of sexual harassment.
Department heads and supervisory personnel are responsible for ensuring a work environment free from unsolicited, unwelcome, and intimidating unlawful discrimination or harassment. These individuals must take immediate and, if authorized, appropriate corrective action when allegations of illegal discrimination or harassment come to their attention to assure compliance with this policy. Should a department head or supervisor not be authorized to take corrective action, the matter shall be referred to the individual or body, as the case may be, having that authority.
A person who is found to have committed an act of unlawful discrimination or harassment or other inappropriate behavior will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of a negotiated labor agreement or state law, as may be appropriate. Additionally, retaliation against someone who has complained about prohibited discrimination or harassment is strictly prohibited as is retaliation against an individual who cooperates with an investigation of a discrimination or harassment complaint. Any such retaliatory conduct is illegal and will result in disciplinary action against the retaliator, if that person is an officer, employee, or volunteer of the Village. Intimidation, coercion, threats, reprisals, or discrimination against any person for complaining about unlawful discrimination or harassment, as described in this policy, is prohibited.
All Village officers and employees will be held responsible and accountable for avoiding or eliminating the conduct prohibited by this policy. Individuals are encouraged to report violations of this policy to their supervisor or to a member of the Discrimination/Harassment Committee. This Committee shall consist of two members of the Village Board, to be appointed annually by the Mayor.
Definition of sexual harassment.
Sexual advances that are not welcome, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct with sexual overtones constitute sexual harassment when:
Submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual's work;
Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for work decisions, such as promotion, transfer, or termination, affecting such individual; or
Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Sexual harassment refers to behavior that an individual does not welcome; that is personally offensive; that fails to respect the rights of others; that lowers morale and that, therefore, interferes with an individual's work performance and effectiveness; or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Specific forms of behavior that the Village would consider sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, the following:
Verbal harassment: abusive verbal language related to a person's sex, including sexual innuendos; slurs; suggestive, derogatory, or insulting comments or sounds; whistling; jokes of a sexual nature; sexual propositions; and threats; included would be any sexual advance that is unwelcome or any demand for sexual favors.
Nonverbal harassment: abusive written language, showing or displaying pornographic or sexually explicit objects or pictures, graphic commentaries, leering or obscene gestures in the workplace such that it unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Physical harassment: any physical contact which is not welcome, including touching, petting, pinching, coerced sexual intercourse, assault, or persistent brushing up against a person's body.
Any Village officer or employee is encouraged to report an incident of suspected illegal discrimination or harassment to a department head or to the Discrimination/Harassment Committee as soon as possible after an alleged incident. A victim does not have to be the opposite sex of the harasser. The harasser does not have to be victim's immediate supervisor. The harasser could be an agent of a supervisor, another supervisor, a coworker, or even someone not on the payroll of the Village who might have occasion to appear at a work site or enter a Village building or facility. A victim of sexual harassment does not necessarily have to be the person at whom unwelcome sexual conduct is directed. Such an individual could be someone who is affected by such conduct when it is directed toward another person, thereby creating a hostile work environment. Such conduct is unlawful and is prohibited by the Village and by this policy.
Should an officer or employee believe that he or she has been discriminated against or harassed and would like guidance as to how to proceed in filing a complaint, that individual should review the Village's discrimination and harassment complaint procedure or contact any member of the Discrimination/Harassment Committee for assistance.
Should an individual file a complaint, the procedures of the Discrimination/Harassment Committee must be followed, including the time limit of 180 days. The procedures describe the steps to be taken when an individual has filed a complaint, detail the responsibilities of all involved parties, and provide the time frames for actions to be taken.
All complaints will be handled in a timely and confidential manner. In no event will information concerning a complaint be released by the Village to any third party or to anyone within Village government who is not directly involved with or in the investigation. A breach of this prohibition will result in disciplinary action.
The investigation of a complaint will normally include conferring with the parties involved and any named or apparent witnesses. The particular facts of the allegation will be examined individually, with a review of the nature of the behavior and the context in which the incident or incidents occurred. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process. The Discrimination/Harassment Committee will also investigate cases in which a supervisor requests or requires assistance.
An individual who believes that he or she has been unjustly charged with illegal discrimination or harassment will be afforded every opportunity to offer and present information relevant to the complaint. Any such information will be confidential.
A person who participates in this procedure may do so without fear of retaliation. Retaliation against anyone who has filed a complaint under this policy is prohibited and may well be a violation of federal or state law. Any such retaliation will result in disciplinary action.
A person who is found to have committed an act of illegal discrimination or harassment will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of a negotiated labor agreement or state law, as may be appropriate.
Nothing in this policy should be construed to limit an individual's existing right to file a complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights or the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or to take any legal action which he or she may deem advisable.
Discrimination and harassment complaint procedure.
Step one.
An aggrieved person, hereafter referred to as the "complainant," will meet with his or her department head to discuss an allegation of discrimination or harassment and may file a complaint of discrimination or harassment. If a complaint is filed, the department head shall send a signed complaint on a form available from the Village to the Discrimination/Harassment Committee. Should an individual feel uncomfortable raising an issue of alleged illegal discrimination or harassment with a department head, any other department head or a member of the Discrimination/Harassment Committee may be approached. Verbal complaints may be handled informally.
Any written complaint must be filed by a complainant within 180 days of an alleged act of discrimination or harassment on a form available from the Village.
The complainant may withdraw his or her complaint at any time by filing a notice in writing on a form available from the Village.
Step two.
When a written complaint is filed, the department head or Committee member shall have 15 working days to try to resolve the allegation informally by:
Gathering and assessing the facts deemed necessary to resolve it;
Meeting with the alleged abuser and the complainant separately; and
Using whatever other methods are deemed necessary or appropriate to attempt to resolve the complaint.
Regardless of whether the complaint is written or verbal, if a resolution is achieved by a department head, he or she will prepare a statement that the complaint has been resolved. All parties must sign the statement, which shall be sent to the Discrimination/Harassment Committee. The case will be considered closed.
If a complaint is not resolved, it will be turned over to the Discrimination/Harassment Committee. The Committee will investigate the complaint, call witnesses to appear before the Committee, and review any other evidence the Committee feels is credible and probative of the allegation or allegations. Notice of the complaint must be given to the accused, who shall also be afforded an opportunity to appear before the Committee, with or without counsel, if he or she so desires. The Committee will have 10 working days to investigate the complaint and an additional 10 working days to render a decision.
Written notice of the Committee's decision will be given to both the complainant and the accused.
[Added 5-10-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
It is the policy of the Village of Newark Valley to fully comply with the provisions and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and ensure equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons with disabilities. All employment practices, such as recruitment, hiring, promotion, demotion, layoff and return from layoff, compensation, job assignments, job classification, paid or unpaid leave, fringe benefits, training, and employer-sponsored activities, including recreational or social programs, will be conducted so as not to discriminate unlawfully against persons with disabilities. This also extends to prohibit discrimination based on a person's relationship or association with a disabled individual. Reasonable accommodation is available to all qualified employees and applicants with disabilities, unless it imposes an undue hardship on the operations of a program.
Pre-employment inquiries are made only regarding an applicant's ability to perform the duties of the position, not any disabling condition. Pre-employment physical exams will only be requested when in compliance with the law. The Village of Newark Valley intends to base employment decisions on principles of equal employment opportunity and nondiscrimination, as defined by law.
Qualified individuals with disabilities are entitled to equal pay and other forms of compensation (or changes in compensation), along with work assignments, classification, seniority, leave and all other forms of employment compensation or advantage.
The Village of Newark Valley has designated the Mayor as the person designated to accept discrimination claims and monitor compliance with efforts to ensure the municipality's compliance with the ADA and to receive complaints of discrimination against disabled persons. Any person who believes he or she is a victim of discrimination can direct a written complaint to this person. This procedure is not intended to restrict an individual's rights to make a complaint to a federal or state agency.
The Village of Newark Valley's policy is to investigate all such complaints thoroughly and promptly. To the fullest extent practical, the Village of Newark Valley will keep complaints and their resolutions confidential. If an investigation confirms the discrimination has occurred, the Village of Newark Valley will take corrective action, including any discipline that is appropriate up to and including immediate termination of employment. The Village of Newark Valley will cooperate with any state or federal agency in the investigation of any complaints.
This directive is for municipal use only and does not apply in any criminal or civil proceeding. The municipal policy shall not be construed as a creation of higher legal standard of safety or care in an evidential sense with respect to third-party claims. Violations of this directive will only form the basis for municipal administrative sanctions. Violations of law will form the basis for civil and criminal sanctions and a recognized judicial setting.
[Added 5-10-2004 by L.L. No. 4-2004]
The Village of Newark Valley is an equal opportunity employer. Discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability or veteran status will not be tolerated.
This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to employment advertising, hiring, placement, compensation, training, promotion, demotion, termination, layoff, transfer, disciplinary actions, leave of absence or any other benefits. Discrimination based on any of the above is strictly prohibited, and any supervisor, administrator or employee who engages in or tolerates such behavior is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Civil Service Law, collective bargaining agreements or any other applicable state or federal law.
If an employee believes he or she has encountered violations of this policy, he or she may advise his or her department head. In addition, an employee can file a written complaint with the Mayor, as the person designated to accept the complaint, within 30 calendar days of the incident. Retaliation against the complainant will not be tolerated. False accusations will be treated as a disciplinary offense and will result in the same level of punishment as that applied to one who engages in such behavior.
The Village of Newark Valley's policy is to investigate all such complaints. If an investigation confirms that a violation has occurred, the Village of Newark Valley will take corrective action, including any discipline that is appropriate, up to and including immediate termination of employment.
This directive is for municipal use only and does not apply in any criminal or civil proceeding. The municipal policy shall not be construed as a creation of a higher legal standard of safety or care in an evidential sense with respect to third-party claims. Violations of this directive will only form the basis for municipal administrative sanctions. Violations of law will form the basis for civil and criminal sanctions and a recognized judicial setting.
[Added 5-14-2013 by L.L. No. 2-2013]
Purpose. Village of Newark Valley maintains a zero-tolerance standard of violence in the workplace. The purpose of this policy is to provide Village of Newark Valley employees guidance that will maintain an environment at and within Village of Newark Valley property and events that is free of violence and the threat of violence.
Policy. Violent behavior of any kind or threats of violence, either implied or direct, are prohibited by the Village of Newark Valley, in properties and at Village of Newark Valley sponsored events. Such conduct by a Village of Newark Valley employee will not be tolerated. An employee who exhibits violent behavior may be subject to criminal prosecution and shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Violent threats or actions by a nonemployee may result in criminal prosecution. The Village of Newark Valley will investigate all complaints filed and will also investigate any possible violation of this policy of which we are made aware. Retaliation against a person who makes a complaint regarding violent behavior or threats of violence made to him/her is also prohibited.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An order by a court that specifies and/or restricts the behavior of an individual. Court orders may be issued in matters involving domestic violence, stalking or harassment, among other types of protective orders, including temporary restraining orders.
Making others afraid or fearful through threatening behavior.
The implication or expression of intent to inflict physical harm or actions that a reasonable person would interpret as a threat to physical safety or property.
Behavior in which an employee, former employee or visitor to a workplace inflicts or threatens to inflict damage to property, serious harm, injury or death to others at the workplace.
A standard that establishes that any behavior, implied or actual, that violates the policy will not be tolerated.
Prohibited behavior.
Violence in the workplace may include, but is not limited to, the following list of prohibited behaviors directed at or by a coworker, supervisor or member of the public:
Direct threats or physical intimidation.
Implications or suggestions of violence.
Possession of weapons of any kind on Village of Newark Valley property, including parking lots, other exterior premises or while engaged in activities for Village of Newark Valley in other locations, or at Village of Newark Valley sponsored events, unless such possession or use is a requirement of the job.
Assault of any form.
Physical restraint or confinement.
Dangerous or threatening horseplay.
Loud, disruptive or angry behavior or language that is clearly not part of the typical work environment.
Blatant or intentional disregard for the safety or well-being of others.
Commission of a violent felony or misdemeanor on Village of Newark Valley property.
Any other act that a reasonable person would perceive as constituting a threat of violence.
Domestic violence.
Domestic violence, while often originating in the home, can significantly impact workplace safety and the productivity of victims as well as coworkers. For the purposes of this document, "domestic violence" is defined as abuse committed against an adult or fully emancipated minor. Abuse is the intentional reckless attempt to cause bodily injury, sexual assault, threatening behavior, harassment, or stalking, or making annoying phone calls to a person who is in any of the following relationships:
Spouse or former spouse;
Domestic partner or former domestic partner;
Cohabitant or former cohabitant and or other household members;
A person with whom the victim is having, or has had, a dating or engagement relationship;
A person with whom the victim has a child.
Village of Newark Valley recognizes that domestic violence may occur in relationships regardless of the marital status, age, race, or sexual orientation of the parties.
Reporting acts or threats of violence. An employee who is the victim of violence, or believes that he/she has been threatened with violence, or witnesses an act or threat of violence towards anyone else shall take the following steps:
If an emergency exists and the situation is one of immediate danger, the employee shall contact the local police officials by dialing 9-1-1, and may take whatever emergency steps are available and appropriate to protect himself/herself from immediate harm, such as leaving the area.
If the situation is not one of immediate danger, the employee shall report the incident to the appropriate supervisor or manager as soon as possible and complete the Village of Newark Valley Workplace Violence Incident Report Form.
Procedures: future violence.
Employees who have reason to believe they, or others, may be victimized by a violent act sometime in the future, at the workplace or as a direct result of their employment with Village of Newark Valley, shall inform their supervisor by immediately completing a Workplace Violence Incident Report Form so appropriate action may be taken. The supervisor shall inform his/her department director or designee, the Director of Human Resources and the local law enforcement officials.
Employees who have signed and filed a restraining order, temporary or permanent, against an individual due to a potential act of violence, who would be in violation of the order by coming near them at work, shall immediately supply a copy of the signed order to their supervisor. The supervisor shall provide copies to the department director, the Director of Human Resources and local police.
Incident investigation.
Acts of violence or threats will be investigated immediately in order to protect employees from danger, unnecessary anxiety concerning their welfare, and the loss of productivity. The employee's department director will cause to be initiated an investigation into potential violation of work rules/policies. Simultaneously, the department director will refer the matter to local police for their review of potential violation of civil and/or criminal law.
Procedures for investigating incidents of workplace violence include:
Visiting the scene of an incident as soon as possible.
Interviewing injured and threatened employees and witnesses.
Examining the workplace for security risk factors associated with the incident, including any reports of inappropriate behavior by the perpetrator.
Determining the cause of the incident.
Taking mitigating action to prevent the incident from recurring.
Recording the findings and mitigating actions taken.
In appropriate circumstances, the Village of Newark Valley will inform the reporting individual of the results of the investigation. To the extent possible, the Village of Newark Valley will maintain the confidentiality of the reporting employee and the investigation but may need to disclose results in appropriate circumstances; for example, in order to protect individual safety. The Village of Newark Valley will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who reports workplace violence.
Mitigating measures. Incidents which threaten the security of employees shall be mitigated as soon as possible following their discovery. Mitigating actions include:
Notification of law enforcement authorities when a potential criminal act has occurred.
Provision of emergency medical care in the event of any violent act upon an employee.
Post-event trauma counseling for those employees desiring such assistance.
Assurance that incidents are handled in accordance with the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy.
Requesting that the Village of Newark Valley's attorney file a restraining order as appropriate.
Training and instruction.
The Village of Newark Valley Human Resources Department shall be responsible for ensuring that all employees, including managers and supervisors, are provided training and instruction on general workplace security practices. Department directors shall be responsible for ensuring that all employees, including managers and supervisors, are provided training and instructions on job-specific workplace security practices.
Training and instruction shall be provided as follows:
To all current employees when the policy is first implemented.
To all newly hired employees, supervisors and managers, or employees given new job assignments for which specific workplace security training for that job assignment has not previously been provided.
To affected employees whenever management is made aware of a new or previously unrecognized hazard.
Workplace security training and instruction includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Preventive measures to reduce the threat of workplace violence, including procedures for reporting workplace security hazards.
Methods to diffuse hostile or threatening situations.
Escape routes.
Explanation of this Workplace Violence Prevention Policy.
In addition; specific instructions shall be provided to all employees regarding workplace security hazards unique to their job assignment.