[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hamilton 5-9-1961. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Games of chance — See Ch. 89.
It shall be lawful for authorized organizations, upon obtaining a license therefor, to conduct games of bingo within the limits of the Village of Hamilton under the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of the Bingo Licensing Law[1] of the State of New York and any amendments thereto and the provisions of the State Lottery Control Law.[2]
Editor's Note: See § 475 et seq. of the General Municipal Law.
Editor's Note: See now the Bingo Control Law, § 430 et seq. of the Executive Law.
The provisions of the Bingo Licensing Law of the State of New York and the provisions of the State Lottery Control Law shall control the licensing of organizations and the conduct of bingo games in the Village of Hamilton and this chapter incorporates the provisions of those statutes by reference as if set forth in full herein. Any inconsistency between this chapter and said statutes shall be resolved in favor of those statutes.
In addition to the several restrictions imposed by the Bingo Licensing Law of the State of New York, the following additional restriction is hereby imposed on the conduct of such games in the Village of Hamilton: No game of chance shall be conducted under any license issued under this chapter on the first day of the week, commonly known and designated as Sunday.
This chapter shall take effect June 20, 1961, in the event that at a referendum held for that purpose, a majority of the qualified electors of the Village of Hamilton shall approve the same by voting for the proposition.