This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Zoning Law of the Village of Shortsville." For convenience, it is referred to throughout this chapter as the "Zoning Law" or "Zoning Code."
The provisions of this Zoning Law become effective on June 13, 2018, except as otherwise expressly stated.
This Zoning Law is adopted pursuant to the powers granted and limitations imposed by legislation of the State of New York.
The regulations of this Zoning Law apply to all development, public or private, within the corporate limits of the Village of Shortsville unless otherwise expressly stated in this Zoning Law.
There is hereby established a new comprehensive zoning law for the Village of Shortsville, which is set forth in the text, tables, illustrations and map that constitute this chapter. The Zoning Law is adopted to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare and provide for solar access. The Zoning Law is also a tool to implement the goals and objectives of the Village of Shortsville Comprehensive Plan.
The provisions of this Zoning Law are the minimum requirements deemed necessary to carry out the Zoning Law's stated purpose and intent.
In addition to the requirements of the Zoning Law, all uses and development must comply with all other applicable village, county, state, and federal laws and regulations.
All references in the Zoning Law to other village, county, state, or federal laws and regulations are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a complete list of such regulations. These references do not imply any responsibility for villages to enforce county, state, or federal laws and regulations.
Conflict with state or federal laws and regulations. If the provisions of this Zoning Law are inconsistent with those of the state or federal government, the more restrictive provision will control, to the extent permitted by law. The more restrictive provision is the one that imposes greater restrictions or more stringent controls.
Conflict with other Village regulations. If the provisions of this Zoning Law are inconsistent with one another, or if they conflict with provisions found in other adopted laws, ordinances, or regulations of the Village, the more restrictive provision will control. The more restrictive provision is the one that imposes greater restrictions or more stringent controls.
Conflict with private agreements and covenants. This Zoning Law is not intended to interfere with, abrogate or annul any easement, covenant, deed restriction or other agreement between private parties. If the provisions of this Zoning Law impose a greater restriction than imposed by a private agreement, the provisions of this Zoning Law will control. If the provisions of a valid, enforceable private agreement impose a greater restriction than this Zoning Law, the provisions of the private agreement will control. The Village does not enforce or maintain a record of private agreements.
If any portion of this Zoning Law is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion is to be deemed severed from the Zoning Law, and in no way affects the validity of the remainder of the Zoning Law.