[Adopted 10-12-1994 as part of Ord. No. 494]
Effective January 1, 1989, there is hereby imposed a monthly charge on each single-family dwelling unit situated in the Borough of Freedom, which charge is imposed by reason of the cost of the removal of garbage or rubbish, or both, by the duly authorized garbage collector for the Borough of Freedom or by borough employees. The monthly charge for said garbage and rubbish collection service shall be paid in advance monthly, quarterly, semiannually or yearly at the Borough Office in an amount to be determined from time to time by the Borough Council of the Borough of Freedom.
All garbage and rubbish collection and disposal fees imposed by the borough shall be billed to the individual property owner regardless of the number of dwelling units within the property, unless said property owner files a claim for exemption on a form to be provided by the Borough Secretary alleging that the garbage and/or rubbish collection service provided by the borough is not being utilized at said dwelling unit. Such a claim for exemption shall only be granted by the Borough Secretary when the dwelling unit is unoccupied for a continuous period of three (3) months or more, in which event the monthly charges will be waived for the period of the vacancy. The failure of the occupants of a single-family dwelling unit to put out any garbage or rubbish for collection during one (1) or more collection periods shall not be considered as the basis for an exemption unless the unit is unoccupied for a period of three (3) months, or more, as aforesaid. The owner of record of said property shall be considered to be liable and responsible for the payment of said garbage and rubbish collection charges, including all late fees, penalties and costs of collection.
The monthly charge for each single-family unit in apartment buildings having six (6) or more residential apartments shall be in an amount to be determined from time to time by the Borough Council of the Borough of Freedom and shall be subject to the following conditions:
That each such apartment building has a garbage and rubbish compactor system in use.
That the compactor packages containing both garbage and rubbish are placed at one (1) single pickup location on the premises.
That the garbage collector only has to make one (1) stop per week to pick up all compactor packages at each such apartment building.
It is hereby declared to be the legislative intention of the Borough Council of the Borough of Freedom that self-hauling of garbage and rubbish, or removal by persons other than the duly authorized garbage collector or borough employees, shall not constitute a good and sufficient reason for the issuance of an exemption from the provisions of this Article.
Any delinquent charge or charges for garbage and rubbish collections imposed by the Article shall be a lien upon the premises where the single-family dwelling unit or units are located and may be collected as provided by law for the collection of municipal charges, including penalties, interest and costs, or may be filed as a municipal lien against premises of the owner or owners thereof.
No owner or occupier of any single-family dwelling unit shall bring garbage or rubbish into the borough for removal by the borough's authorized garbage collector nor permit any other person to deposit garbage or rubbish with said owner's or occupier's garbage or rubbish for collection by the borough's authorized garbage collector.
Any person violating any provisions of this Article shall, upon conviction thereof before any District Justice, be sentenced to pay a fine for each and every such violation of not more than six hundred dollars ($600.) and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, be sentenced to imprisonment in the Beaver County Jail for not more than thirty (30) days.