Parking design standard shall be as follows:
A. All parking areas shall be in accordance with such standards as set forth in §
B. All parking spaces shall have an area of at least
9 feet by 20 feet to which there is adequate access from a street,
except those spaces designated for handicapped use, which shall have
an area of at least 12 feet by 20 feet.
C. All parking areas in nonresidential zoning districts
shall be designed so that vehicles cannot back directly into a public
D. All parking shall be accessible from a street and
an individual driveway.
E. A private detached garage may be erected in the side
yard at a depth of 100 feet from the street line or where a lot has
a total length or depth of not more than 100 feet, a detached garage
may be erected in the side yard at a depth of at least 75% of the
depth of the lot.
F. Front yard parking.
[Amended 5-12-1998 by Ord. No. 1194, approved 5-12-1998]
(1) Parking in the front yard of lots in the R-1, R-2
and R-3 Residential Districts shall be limited to the driveway area.
(2) Driveways for such lots shall be located as close
as possible to the side property line.
(3) No other parking in front yards is permitted.
(4) Parking shall be prohibited in the area directly between
the principal structure and the roadway, with the exception of areas
in front of an attached garage.
Two or more uses may provide for required parking
in a common parking lot if the total space provided is not less than
the sum of the spaces required for each use individually; however,
the total number of spaces required in a common parking facility may
be reduced if:
A. It is demonstrated to the Borough Council that the
hours or days of peak parking demand for the uses are so different
that a lower overall total of parking spaces will provide adequately
for the uses to be served.
B. Such demonstration and proof shall be provided by
a registered transportation engineer, the fees for whom shall be paid
by the landowner(s).
Access to and from all off-street parking, loading
and vehicle service areas along public rights-of-way shall consist
of well-defined separate or common entrances and exits and shall comply
with this article and the following provisions:
A. Access drives shall not open upon any public right-of-way
within 75 feet of the center point of the right-of-way line of any
nearest intersection, public street or highway.
[Amended 12-11-2007 by Ord. No. 1287, approved 12-11-2007]
B. The required sight distance for access drives which
open upon any street or highway shall be in accordance with the regulations
of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
All screening and landscaping shall conform to the provisions of §
70-68, Buffer area standards, and the following:
A. Screening between any parking area and the street
line shall be effective at the time of occupancy, subject to the following
(1) All off-street parking areas which provide more than
five parking spaces shall be screened from any abutting property of
a more restrictive zoning district.
(2) Effective screens may be accomplished through the
use of the following: plant materials, fencing or walls and/or mounding
through the use of earthen berms forming a continuous visual buffer.
(3) The area for planting, fencing, walls or earthen berms
shall not extend beyond the street line. No off-street parking or
loading and unloading facilities shall be located within 20 feet of
the street line, unless otherwise provided in other sections of this
(4) When planting screens are employed, the following
shall apply:
A buffer planting strip shall be provided. It
shall be a minimum of 15 feet in width, unless required otherwise
in this chapter.
Planting screens shall be of sufficient height
and sufficient density to constitute a continuous visual buffer five
feet in height at the time of planting, except as provided below.
The type and spacing of plant materials shall be subject to review
and approval of the Borough Council.
At all intersections of accessways, the required
screen shall not be greater than 18 inches in height for a distance
of 10 feet from the street.
(5) Whenever fencing or walls are employed, the effective
height of the continuous visual buffer shall be no less than five
nor more than six feet, subject to other regulations of the code.
(6) Whenever earthen berms are employed, the effective
height of the continuous visual buffer shall be no less than five
feet in height.
B. Landscaping within any parking area which provides
more than five parking spaces shall be subject to the following provisions:
(1) Off-street parking areas and parking lots shall be
landscaped to reduce wind and air turbulence, heat and noise and the
glare of automobile lights, to reduce the level of carbon dioxide,
to provide shade, to ameliorate stormwater drainage problems, to replenish
the groundwater table and to provide for a more attractive setting.
(2) Each parking lot shall have one three-to-three-and-one-half-inch
caliper shade tree for every five parking spaces if there are no existing
shade trees. Shrubs, ground covers and other plant materials are encouraged
to be used to complement the trees, but shall not be the sole contribution
to the landscaping.
(3) The type of plant materials to be used shall be subject
to review and approval by the Borough Council.
(4) The landscaping and planting areas shall be reasonably
dispersed through the parking lot, except where there are 20 or more
parking spaces, in which case the following shall apply:
Landscaped islands shall be provided at the
end of each parking bay. Such islands shall be a minimum of eight
feet in width and 18 feet in length. Such islands shall be provided
to enhance the appearance of the parking area and to control access
and movement within the parking area.
(5) All planting islands and planting beds within a parking
lot shall be surfaced with ground covers and/or dwarf shrubs and shall
not be grassed. Stone mulch may be used in conjunction with shrubs
and ground covers, and shredded hardwood mulch shall be used to form
the plant saucers.