A Board of Health of Prospect Park is hereby constituted to consist of five members, one of which shall be a registered physician, to be appointed from time to time by Borough Council. The term of each member shall be five years, except appointments to fill unexpired terms, which shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of such vacancy. The original Board of Health shall be appointed for terms as follows: one member for five years, one member for four years, one member for three years, one member for two years and one member for one year. Terms shall expire at the time of the regular meeting of Borough Council in January. Appointments to fill expired terms shall be at the regular January meeting of Borough Council. The Board of Health shall make recommendations to Council for its consideration of appointments to the Board.
Meetings shall be held at such times and such places as the Board of Health shall from time to time fix. A special meeting in January, prior to the regular January meeting of Borough Council, shall be held for the purposes of recommending appointments for Borough Council consideration and reviewing annual reports of the Board of Health. The regular meeting in January of each and every year shall be the annual organization meeting, at which time the terms of all officers elected and appointed by the Board shall expire and elections shall be held and appointments made.
At the annual organization meeting, the Board of Health shall elect a President and Vice President and shall appoint a Secretary, who may be a member of the Board of Health. The Secretary shall receive such compensation as recommended by the Board of Health and approved by Borough Council.
A majority of members of the Board of Health shall constitute a quorum for all meetings.