[Adopted 5-11-1994 as Ord. No. 1153, approved 5-11-1994]
The Borough of Prospect Park will furnish sewer service only in accordance with the currently prevailing and as hereafter revised rates, rules and regulations of the Borough which are made a part of every application, agreement or license entered into between the property owner or customer and the Borough.
The Borough reserves the right, so often as it may deem necessary, to alter, amend and/or repeal the rates and/or rules and regulations or any part and, in whole or in part, to substitute new rates, rules and regulations which shall forthwith, without notice, become and be part of every application, agreement or license for sewerage service in effect at the time of adoption.
The furnishing of sewerage service to premises may be refused if the sewage flow therefrom is found or estimated to be excessive and/or the character of the wastes being or to be discharged therefrom is determined by the Borough Council to be unacceptable for the usual methods of transmission and/or treatment in a conventional wastewater treatment plant.
The maintenance, repair or replacement of sewerage service lines leading from the property to the sewers of the Borough shall be the responsibility of the user and shall in no way affect the payment of sewer rents due to the Borough.
Any customer making any material change in the size, character or extent of equipment or operations utilizing sewerage service or whose change in operations results in a substantial change in the quantity or characteristics of flow of sewage or industrial waste shall immediately give the Borough Council written notice of said change.
The Borough of Prospect Park will furnish sewerage service, subject to there being an existing main of adequate size and/or capacity abutting or in reasonable proximity to the premises to be served.
Any authorized agent of the Borough Council shall have the right of access to the premises for any purposes which the Borough Council deems necessary for the conduct of its business.
In emergencies, the Borough shall have the right to temporarily interrupt service to the premises and shall not be held liable for any claim for damages or inconveniences suffered by the user and/or owner.
If any residential customer shall fail or refuse, upon receipt of written notice from the Borough Council, to remedy any unsatisfactory condition within a reasonable length of time established by the Borough, then the Borough shall have the right to impose a fine and, through the Borough Solicitor, to file a lien against the property in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and such liens, together with penalty and costs accrued thereon, shall be filed and collected in accordance with law.
If any industrial or commercial customer shall fail or refuse, upon receipt of written notice from the Borough Council, to remedy any unsatisfactory condition within a reasonable length of time established by the Borough, then the Borough shall have the right to deny water supply service until the requirements of the Borough have been met. The Borough shall also have the right to physically disconnect the property, and the costs of such disconnection shall be paid by the customer.
The Borough will presume service as being rendered until the customer gives written notice to the Borough Council of his desire to discontinue said service.
At no time under any conditions shall free service be offered to any existing or proposed user of the system.
Application of sewerage service must be made by the customer, in writing, on a form provided by the Borough.
Application for service to establishments such as but not limited to public buildings, churches, apartments and commercial establishments must also be accompanied by detailed plans and specifications, including a list of the number and type of fixtures served and estimated flow data.
Application for the discharge of industrial wastes shall be made in accordance with the applicable sections of this article.
No application for service will be accepted by the Borough from any applicant who is in arrears for changes due on any property presently or heretofore chargeable to him.
Applications accepted by the Borough shall constitute a contract between the Borough Council and the applicant and shall obligate the applicant to adhere to the rates, rules and regulations established by the Borough.
A connection charge as established by the Borough Council shall be required and collected for each and every connection to be made to the existing Borough of Prospect Park sewerage system and for each and every connection made to any new sewer line of any subdivision which eventually connects to the Borough sewerage system.
The applicant desiring service shall pay to the Borough all actual costs incurred by the Borough to make such connections or, under the direction of the Borough, can have the sewer service lateral constructed by himself or others at his expense. Every connection must be inspected and approved by the Borough before the trench is backfilled. Such inspection shall be performed by the Borough Plumbing Inspector or his authorized representative, who shall be present at the time of the connection.
All sewer service laterals from the Borough's sewer, regardless of location, are the property of the customer and/or owner and shall be maintained by him in good condition and repair.
Notification required by the Borough Council of proposed construction and/or repair by parties engaged by the customer is the responsibility of the customer.
Connections to the Borough's sewers must be in compliance with the requirements of the Plumbing Code[1] or other appropriate codes adopted by the Borough and the rules and regulations adopted by the Borough. Attention must be paid to the separation of the public water supply from the sewage system.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 125, Plumbing.
No person, firm or corporation shall be permitted to make a connection to or work upon any part of the Borough sewer system unless he is licensed to do plumbing work by the Borough. Any connection made by unlicensed parties will be thoroughly examined by a representative of the Borough, and any deficiencies will be corrected. Both the examination and the correction work will be at the expense of the customer and the person, firm or corporation performing the unlicensed work.
It is the intention of the Borough Council to require a separate and distinct permit and sewer connection for each individual building, whether constructed as a single detached unit or as one of a pair of a row of houses, but a single connection may be permitted to serve a school, factory, apartment house or other permanent multiple-unit structure whose individual apartments or units are not separately owned.
Sewer service laterals shall be built according to the following specifications:
Sewer laterals shall be cast iron with lead joints. Other methods and materials reflecting new technology may be used as approved by the Borough Council. The minimum pipe size is four inches on a 1/4 inch per foot grade.
Where groundwater is normally above invert of house connection pipe, cast-iron pipe is to be encased in concrete for thickness of at least two inches over the outside edge of the bell and over its entire surface. Prior to the pouring of concrete, the pipe shall be supported at an adequate height from the bottom of the trench to allow complete encasement in concrete. Placing of the concrete shall be done only in the presence of Borough inspectors. Vitrified clay or cast-iron pipes with tight joints need not be encased in concrete except at the connection to the sewer. All pipes will be inspected by the Borough for resistance to infiltration under the provisions of Subsection A above.
Under wet conditions, the house connection, as well as any pipe disturbed in the sewer, shall be fully encased in concrete.
No infiltration will be allowed in house connections.
Where an existing sewer lateral is available for reuse subsequent to the demolition or removal of a previously existing building, the lateral may be reused, provided that it is inspected by the Borough Engineer and is found to be adequate in terms of infiltration/inflow and general conditions.
Should any section or provision of this article be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this article as a whole or of any other part thereof.
Any ordinance or part of the ordinance to the extent that is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed.
The provisions of this article shall be effective immediately.