The purpose of this review procedure is to encourage compatible development within the Borough and to ensure the satisfactory development of sites within all zoning districts.
The requirements of this article shall be applicable to all new development projects except those involving no more than one detached single-family home or duplex.
All development which occurs within the site plan review process shall meet the use conditions for specific uses as specified in Article II.
The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the municipality, which agreement shall require that the applicant deliver to the municipality a performance bond in a defined amount, 50% of the site development excluding structures, conditioned upon the complete development of the site (exclusive of the structures) within a stipulated period of time.
A development with a projected buildout of two years or less is defined as a "short-term development."
The site plan review process for short-term development shall follow the five-step procedure as stated in § 165-107 for planned residential development.
Approval of the final site plan for short-term development shall be valid for two years following the approval by the Borough Council. If the development has not been completed by the end of two years, renewal can be granted by the Borough Council after review of the status of implementation of the plan.
A development with a projected development of more than two years is defined as a "long-term development."
The site plan review process for a long-term development shall follow the five-step procedure as stated in §§ 165-106 and 165-107 with the following changes:
The preapplication conference shall include the review of a conceptual plan for development and the proposed phasing for development.
The preliminary development plan, public hearings and approval shall review the conceptual plan.
The final development plan and application for final approval shall be processed for each phase of development.
No additional phases shall be constructed until the previous phase is completed.
The total number of units and other land uses may vary from the conceptual plan for a given phase, but at no time shall the total proposed development exceed that which was approved for the conceptual plan.