The Authority is hereby designated and appointed as the agent of this municipality for the purpose of adopting or promulgating rules and regulations for the use of the sewer system and connection thereto and receiving all applications for permits required under the provisions of this Part 1, designating place of connection, establishing rules and regulations on the materials and construction of sewer system, private sewer system, service line, house connection, lateral sewer, and service connection, and carrying out all inspections, observations, measurements, samplings and testing required or permitted hereunder.
[Amended 6-7-2005 by Ord. No. 239]
The municipality specifically and expressly incorporates by reference in their entirety, as though set forth in full herein:
The Authority's Rules and Regulations Concerning Connections to and Use of the Sanitary Sewer System dated July 1997 and amendments thereto dated December 20, 2001, recognized, approved and adopted by the Authority on December 16, 2004;
The Authority's specifications for addition and extension of the sewer system dated July 1997, recognized, approved and adopted by the Authority on December 16, 2004;
Definitions of the Authority's Rules and Regulations dated as amended and restated September 23, 2010; and
[Amended 4-5-2011 by Ord. No. 260]
Chapter 60: Industrial Waste of the Authority's Rules and Regulations concerning industrial waste dated as amended and restated September 23, 2010.
[Added 4-5-2011 by Ord. No. 260]