[Derived from Ch. II of the Charter and Ordinances, 1974]
[Amended 2-6-1996, effective 2-20-1996; 12-14-2004, effective 12-22-2004]
Each person now holding the office enumerated in this section or who is hereafter elected or appointed thereto shall execute and cause to be approved and filed in the office of the Comptroller and kept in force an undertaking to the City of Buffalo, or such elected or appointed official may be covered under the blanket undertaking or bond of the City of Buffalo, in the penal sum set opposite the title or designation of the office, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office and promptly account for, pay over and deliver all money and property received by him belonging to said City or, in default thereof, that the parties executing such undertaking will pay all damages, costs and expenses resulting from such default, not exceeding the sum therein specified. Each such undertaking shall be executed by the officer as principal and by an incorporated surety company authorized by law to transact business in the State of New York as surety. The undertaking shall be subject to approval by the Corporation Counsel as to form and by the Comptroller as to sufficiency. The undertakings of the respective officers shall be:
President of the Council
Commissioner of Administration and Finance
The Director of Purchase may procure a blanket undertaking or bond or a name schedule bond from any duly authorized corporate surety covering officers, clerks and employees other than those required specifically to be bonded by the Charter or Public Officers Law. Such blanket undertaking shall indemnify against losses through any one of the following conditions:
The failure of the officers, clerks and employees covered thereunder faithfully to perform their duties or to account properly for all moneys or property received by virtue of their positions or employment; or
Fraudulent or dishonest acts committed by the officers, clerks or employees covered thereunder.
Any bonds or undertakings procured by the Director of Purchase by virtue of the authority herein conferred shall be in the minimum penal amount of $300,000.
The premiums on all such bonds or undertakings required by this article shall be paid by the City of Buffalo.