[Amended 5-25-1993, effective 6-7-1993]
No person shall own, operate, conduct, manage or engage in the business of demolition of any structures unless he has secured a license therefor. Application shall be made to the Commissioner of Permit and Inspection Services on forms prescribed by him. Said application shall contain proof of appropriate insurance as prescribed by the Commissioner of Permit and Inspection Services, including workers' compensation for employees.
[Amended 12-9-2003, effective 12-19-2003]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
GRADE 1One who performs demolition on structures limited to 1 1/2 stories in height, to a maximum of 20 feet.
GRADE 2One who performs demolition on structures limited to three stories in height, to a maximum of 30 feet.
GRADE 3One who performs demolition on any structure.
GRADE 4One who performs demolition by the use of explosives, including those who subcontract for other licensed demolition contractors or those subcontractors preparing the building for demolition by explosion.
Fees for license as a demolition contractor, and for any renewal thereof, shall be as provided in Chapter 175, Fees.
All licenses shall expire each year on the 30th day of September.
All persons holding a license as a demolition contractor shall be subject to the rules and proceedings contained in § 144-9 relating to suspension and revocation of licenses and to the procedures contained in § 144-10 relating to hearings and decisions on charges arising from complaints or improper conduct.