[Derived from Art. IX of Ch. XXV of the Charter and Ordinances, 1974]
The inspectors of food and drug supplies shall have power and it is their duty to examine all complaints which may be filed with the Department with reference to any unwholesome food or drugs. It shall be their duty in case of poisoning or suspected poisoning to make diligent investigation and furnish to the Commissioner of Health such samples for analysis as may be deemed necessary.
No preparation recognized in the United States Pharmacopoeia shall be sold or kept on sale within the City of Buffalo if it differs from the standard of quality or purity laid down therein, unless the order calls for an article different from such standard or unless such difference is made known or appears to the purchaser at the time of sale.
No person shall sell, offer for sale, give away, deal in or supply or have in his or her possession with intent to sell, offer for sale, give away, deal in or supply any article of food or drink or any medicinal or toilet preparation intended for human use internally or externally, which contains any wood naphtha, otherwise known as "wood alcohol" or "methyl alcohol," either crude or refined, whatever may be the name or trademark under or by which said wood naphtha shall be called or known.
No person shall sell, offer for sale, give away, deal in or supply or have in his or her possession with intent to sell, offer for sale, give away, deal in or supply any wood naphtha, otherwise known as "wood alcohol" or "methyl alcohol," either crude or refined, whatever may be the name or trademark under or by which said wood naphtha shall be called or known, unless the container in which the same is sold, offered for sale, given away, dealt in or supplied shall bear a notice containing the following device and words conspicuously printed or stenciled thereon, namely:
Warning -- It is unlawful to use this fluid in any article of food, beverage or medicinal or toilet preparation, intended for internal or external human use.
No person shall sell or cause to be sold at retail within the City of Buffalo carbolic acid of a greater strength than a 5% solution, nor cocaine in any form, except upon the prescription of a physician duly authorized and licensed to practice as such under the laws of the State of New York.
This section shall not apply to the sale of carbonic acid in amounts of two pounds or more nor to the sale of cocaine to dentists duly licensed to practice under the laws of the State of New York.