[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi 6-24-1957 by Ord. No. 835. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Construction codes — See Ch. 200.
Fees — See Ch. 235, Arts. I and IV.
Trees — See Ch. 535.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The same as such words are defined in the Building Code of the Borough of Lodi.[1]
Includes public and private corporations, copartnerships, firms and individuals.
A highway or thoroughfare dedicated or devoted to public use, and includes avenue, road, alley, lane, terrace, concourse, driveway and sidewalk.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Construction Codes, Uniform.
It shall be unlawful for any person to move, to commence to move or cause to be moved any house, dwelling or any residence building, as hereinafter defined, into, upon, over and through the streets, brooks or other public ways and lands in the Borough of Lodi without first having obtained a written permit so to do in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
Application for said permit shall be made in writing to the Borough Clerk upon forms supplied by the Borough of Lodi and obtainable at the office of the Borough Clerk.
The application shall be signed by the owner of the house, dwelling or residence building to be moved and the person to be entrusted with the moving of the same.
No application shall be considered unless the information requested in the form shall have been fully answered and approved by the Borough Engineer.
When completed, the application shall be filed in the office of the Borough Clerk and shall have attached to it the following addenda:
A permit fee as provided in Chapter 235, Article IV, Fee Schedule, by cash or certified check, as provided for by § 178-6 hereof.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
A route map indicating the specific streets and exact route suggested to be used and followed during such moving.
The written consent of the proper county or state authorities in the event that such route shall include a county or state highway.
The consent in writing of any public utility, as that term is defined by N.J.S.A. 48:1-1 et seq., to make any necessary change in the facilities of said public utility in the event that the properties or facilities of said utilities are to be disturbed or affected in any manner by the moving of said house, dwelling or residence building.
Proof that all outstanding taxes and assessments levied against the land and building by the Borough of Lodi have been paid.
When application for a permit is made between October 1 to and including December 31 of any year, proof shall be submitted that the applicant has paid to the Collector of the Borough of Lodi for taxes for the succeeding fiscal year a sum equal to the amount of the levy for taxes upon the lands and building for the current year in addition to all other outstanding taxes and assessments.
When the application shall have been filed with the addenda hereinbefore specified, the Borough Clerk shall notify the Building Inspector, Tax Collector, Police Department and Fire Department and the Borough Engineer that such application has been filed, requesting each department to immediately cause an inspection to be made of such house, dwelling or residence building, the street route and proposed situs, and to report in writing to the Borough Clerk of any objection to moving by reason of sewer and house connection to the water and sewer mains, interference with the police and fire signal alarm system, shade trees, streets, traffic and any other public or private property along the route, and whether it is deemed safe to use the proposed route and, if not, to suggest a better and safer route; and to advise the approximate work which is necessary in clearing or otherwise preparing said route by the removal or trimming of trees, temporary rewiring to the police and fire signal alarm system, as well as any other necessary work to permit such removal, together with the estimated cost and charge to be made for such work and the repair of said items upon the removal of the house, dwelling or residence building; and to report where public safety and welfare require the owner to fill in open excavations.
The permit fee for each such moving is hereby fixed at the sum as provided in Chapter 235, Fees, Article IV, Fee Schedule.
The fee is imposed to defray the cost of inspections and regulations and for no other purpose.
Such fee shall be returned to the applicant in the event that the permit is not granted.
If the application has been completed and filed, together with the items specified in § 178-4 hereof, and there are no objections to the granting of the moving permit by the Borough Engineer or any of the municipal departments mentioned in § 178-5 hereof, the Borough Engineer shall notify the applicant that a permit will be issued, provided that the applicant shall file:
An agreement in writing to be signed by the owner and house mover whereby, in consideration of the issuance of the permit, they will cooperate with and abide by such directives as may be issued by the Borough Engineer and all appropriate department supervisors of the Borough of Lodi with regard to such moving operations.
A surety bond of a corporation authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey in the principal sum of $10,000 and form to be approved by the Borough Attorney, conditioned upon:
Notifying the Borough Engineer 48 hours in advance of the time of the commencement of the operation to remove the house, dwelling or residence building and diligently completing the operation within seven working days thereafter, and in the meantime not neglecting or abandoning the project; and in the event of failure to complete such operation within such period of time, the bond shall stipulate that the holder of the permit shall forfeit to the Borough of Lodi the sum of $100 per day for each day or part of day such period of time is exceeded. Such sum is declared to be the reasonable cost of supervision and inspection while such house, dwelling or residence building shall remain in the public streets of the Borough of Lodi;
An agreement to reimburse the Borough of Lodi for any expense which might be incurred to repair damage suffered to public property by reason of such moving; and
Specifically indemnifying and saving harmless the Borough of Lodi, its agents, servants and employees against every loss, expense, damage and liability by reason of granting such permit and such moving operation.
Certificates of policies of insurance for vehicles and apparatus used in the operation in the name of the owner and house mover, with limits of $50,000/$100,000 for personal injury and $25,000 for property damage; with limits of $50,000/$100,000 for public liability for personal injury and $25,000 for public liability for property damage; with contingent public liability coverage with the same limits in favor of the Borough of Lodi, either by endorsement to the aforesaid policy or by separate policy, which shall remain in full force and effect during the moving operation.
A deposit by cash or certified check, representing the estimated cost to the Borough of Lodi for the work referred to in § 178-5 hereof, which sum shall be applied on account of the actual cost of said work, and the applicant agreeing in writing that he will pay any excess should the actual cost be more than the estimated cost; and the Borough of Lodi shall refund any difference should the actual cost be less than the estimated cost.
If such permit is denied by the Borough Engineer, the applicant may file his application, with supporting addenda, with the Borough Clerk for consideration by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Lodi.
Said house, dwelling or residence building and the apparatus used in moving the same shall not unreasonably obstruct or remain stationary nearer than 50 feet to any fire hydrant within the Borough of Lodi.
The cutting, trimming or removal of any tree shall be done only under the direction of the Borough Engineer, who shall determine the extent to which cutting, trimming or removal of trees is necessary.
During the hours between sunset and sunrise, every such building and the apparatus used to move the same shall be adequately guarded by red lights or flares so located as to give sufficient and timely warning to persons upon the highway of the presence of such building and apparatus. Such protection shall be the responsibility of the house mover and owner jointly, who shall comply with the provisions of Title 39 so far as the same may be applicable.
No roadbed, pavement, curbing, tree or public property shall be disturbed by or during such house moving except by employees of the Borough of Lodi.
No house, dwelling or residence building shall be moved to a site where such house, dwelling or residence building, if put in place on the new site, would be in violation of the zoning ordinances of the Borough of Lodi and the Building Code of the Borough of Lodi.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 585, Zoning, and Ch. 200, Construction Codes, Uniform, respectively.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction therefor before the Judge of the Lodi Municipal Court, be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000, imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days and/or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, in the discretion of the aforesaid Judge.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).