[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi 12-1-1947 by Ord. No. 639. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Littering — See Ch. 329.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 407.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any lot, piece or parcel of land used for the purpose of storing motor vehicles, where the owner or persons storing such vehicles is charged a fee, and shall include such plots where shelters that are not completely enclosed are erected and which are open to the general public.
No person shall maintain or conduct an open-air parking station within the limits of the Borough of Lodi without first having obtained a license therefor from the Clerk of the Borough of Lodi so to do.
Application for licenses for open-air parking stations shall be made by the persons intending to operate open-air parking stations to the Mayor and Council, upon forms drawn and furnished by the Clerk of the Borough of Lodi, and shall set forth the name under which and the place where the open-air parking station is to be operated; whether the applicant is an individual, partnership or corporation; the number of motor vehicles which may at any one time be stored upon the premises; the hours during which the motor vehicles may be stored; a complete schedule of the rates to be charged for storing motor vehicles and such other information as the Clerk of the Borough of Lodi may deem advisable. Each application shall be signed and verified under oath by the applicant, if an individual, or by a duly authorized agent, if a partnership or corporation.
The licensing fee for the issuance of an open-air parking station license shall be as provided in the current Borough Fee Schedule.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
All applications for open-air parking stations shall be referred to the Police Department of the Borough of Lodi for investigation and approval. If after investigation and approval by the Police Department it shall appear that the applicant has complied with the regulations of this chapter and the rules and regulations established by the Police Department and the statements set forth in the application are correct, and if the proper fee shall have been paid, the Mayor and Council may issue to the applicant a license for an open-air parking station, which license shall continue in full force and effect until the first day of January following the issuance of the license or until revoked by the Mayor and Council. The Police Department and Clerk of the Borough of Lodi shall keep records of all applications and licenses issued, indexed alphabetically and by location.
Each licensee shall maintain at each entrance to such open-air parking station a permanently affixed sign suitable to apprise persons using such open-air parking station of the name of the licensee, the hours of the day and/or night during which such places are open for storing motor vehicles and the rates charged, and the closing hour of such station. Where more than one rate is charged for parking, the figures for each rate shall be of the same size and dimensions, and such figures shall measure not less than six inches in height, and the letters and figures indicating the closing hour shall be not less than six inches in height; the rates to be charged and all signs used shall be subject to the approval of the Police Department.
When separate rates or charges are made for day parking and for night parking, the change in rate and effective hours shall be stated, and the notice thereof shall be posted on the signs described in the preceding subsection.
At the time of accepting a motor vehicle for storing or parking in an open-air parking station, the person conducting the same, his agent, servant or employee shall furnish to such person parking his motor vehicle a distinctive check, which shall be numbered to correspond to a coupon placed upon such motor vehicle, which check shall show the location of the lot and the name and address of the licensee operating such open-air parking station.
No licensee shall make any charge for storing any motor vehicle in an open-air parking station in excess of that set forth in his application for license, unless and until he has notified the Police Department in writing of the change and has posted signs showing increases in the same manner as set forth in § 375-6.
Each licensee shall immediately notify the Police Department of any claim made by reason of any loss, theft or conversion upon his premises.
The Mayor and Council may revoke any license, after a hearing before it, if at any time the licensee:
Has knowingly made any false or materially incorrect statement in the application.
Knowingly violates or knowingly permits or countenances the violation of any provisions of this chapter.
Knowingly violates or knowingly permits or countenances the violation of any provisions of any penal law or ordinance regarding theft, larceny or conversion of a motor vehicle or the operation of a motor vehicle without the owner's consent, whether such licensee or other person is convicted of such offense or not.
Each licensee shall keep the sidewalks surrounding the open-air parking station free from dirt, sleet and snow and shall keep the sidewalks in a safe condition for the travel of pedestrians.
Persons operating open-air parking stations shall keep the same free from dust by frequent sprinkling or the use of calcium chloride or other means so that the same shall not become a nuisance to adjacent property owners or others.
Unless expressly authorized by the owner or person having control of such vehicle, it shall be unlawful to use or move any motor vehicle from any parking lot to any other parking lot.
Each licensee shall faithfully perform his duties as bailee and shall employ honest and competent attendants and help on his parking lot. Failure to employ reliable and competent attendants and help shall be cause for revocation of the license of such licensee.
Every merchant or other commercial establishment operating within the Borough of Lodi and having a designated private parking area, including parking areas which have been by request governed by the traffic laws of the State of New Jersey, but are maintained for the use of the patrons of the merchant or other commercial establishment shall have the responsibility and obligation to properly maintain such parking areas and to keep same free from accumulations of debris or litter. Each such merchant or operator of such commercial establishment shall adopt a written schedule of daily cleanup so as to avoid accumulations of litter or debris within his property and to avoid the potential for the scattering of such litter or debris on the property of others. Upon request of the Borough Manager, a copy of said schedule and plan shall be submitted to the Borough. Failure to either adopt said schedule or to allow accumulations of litter or debris to exist on such merchant's property for more than 12 hours following the closing of business on any day shall be a violation of this section. For businesses which are open for 24 hours, the obligation of removing litter and/or debris shall be to have same removed no later than 8:00 p.m. of each day.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). This section derives from Section 2 of Ord. No. 202-10, adopted 1-22-2002.
Any person, partnership, firm, association or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $2,000 or imprisonment in the Bergen County Jail for a period of not more than 90 days, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).