[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fees — See Ch. 235, Art. IV.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 200.
Sewers — See Ch. 445.
Zoning — See Ch. 585.
[Adopted 12-8-1952 by Ord. No. 754]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any vehicle or structure so designed and constructed in such a manner as will permit occupancy thereof as sleeping quarters for one or more persons, or the conduct of any business or profession, occupation or trade (or use as selling or advertising device), and is so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels and used as a conveyance on highways or city streets, propelled or drawn by its own or other motive power, except a device used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
Shall be construed to include person, partnership, firm, company, corporation, tenant, owner, lessee or licensee, their agents, heirs or assigns.
Any park, trailer park, trailer court, court, camp, site, lot, parcel or tract of land designed, maintained or intended for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodations for any trailer coach or trailer coaches, and upon which any trailer coach or trailer coaches are parked, and shall include all buildings used or intended for use as part of the equipment thereof, whether a charge is made for the use of the trailer camp and its facilities or not. "Trailer camp" shall not include automobile or trailer sales lots on which unoccupied trailers are parked for purposes of inspection and sale.
A section of ground in a trailer camp of not less than 600 square feet of unoccupied space in an area designated as the location for only one automobile and one trailer.
It shall be unlawful, within the limits of the Borough of Lodi, for any person to park any trailer on any street, alley or highway or other public place or on any tract of land owned by any person, occupied or unoccupied, within the Borough of Lodi, except as provided in this article.
Emergency or temporary stopping or parking is permitted on any street, alley or highway for not longer than one hour, subject to any other and further prohibitions, regulations or limitations imposed by the traffic and parking regulations or ordinances for that street, alley or highway.
No person shall park or occupy any trailer on the premises of any occupied dwelling or on any lot which is not a part of the premises of any occupied dwelling, either of which is situated outside an approved trailer camp.
It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, operate, maintain or enlarge or permit to be established, operated, maintained or enlarged upon any property owned or controlled by him a trailer camp within the Borough of Lodi without having first secured a license therefor from the Mayor and Council, granted and existing in compliance with the terms of this article. Such license shall expire on December 31 of each year but may be renewed under the provisions of this article for additional periods of one year, application for the renewal to be made not later than December 1.
All fees, permits and charges set forth in this article shall be for the purpose of raising revenue. The annual license fee shall be as provided in Chapter 235, Article IV, Fee Schedule, for each unit space aggregating 80% of the number of unit spaces to be licensed. The application for such license or renewal thereof shall be filed with the Clerk of the Borough of Lodi and shall be accompanied by 1/4 of said fee. The remaining 3/4 of said fee shall be paid to the Borough Clerk in three equal installments on or before the succeeding first days of April, July and October. Application for increase in number of unit spaces licensed may be made at any time, but the applicant shall be required to pay the full quarterly fee for the quarter that the application is granted and shall make each subsequent quarterly payment in the manner hereinbefore specified. The application for a license or renewal thereof, or for an increase in unit spaces to be licensed, shall be made on printed forms furnished by the Mayor and Council and shall include the name and address of the owner in fee of the tract (if the fee is vested in some person other than the applicant, a duly verified statement by that person that the applicant is authorized by him to maintain the trailer camp and make the application) and such a legal description of the premises upon which the trailer camp is located as will readily identify and definitely locate the premises. The application shall be accompanied by four copies of the camp plan showing the following:[1]
The extent and area used for camp purposes.
Roadways and driveways.
Location of sites and unit spaces for trailer coaches.
Location and number of sanitary conveniences, including toilets, washrooms, laundries and utility rooms to be used by occupants of units.
Method and plans of sewage disposal.
Method and plan of garbage removal.
Plan for water supply.
Plan for electrical lighting of units.
The number of unit spaces for which a license is requested.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Before such license may be issued, the premises must be inspected and approved by the Mayor and Council or duly authorized representatives as complying with all the provisions of this article and other applicable ordinances of the Borough of Lodi.
Licenses issued under the terms of this article convey no right to erect any building, to do any plumbing work, or to do any electrical work.
Sections 530-4A, B and C, 530-5A and 530-6 as hereinafter set forth shall apply only to trailer camps hereafter established.
Every trailer camp shall be located on a well-drained area, and the premises shall be properly graded so as to prevent the accumulation of stormwater or other waters.
Units shall be clearly designated and the camp so arranged that all units shall face or abut on a driveway of not less than 16 feet in width, giving easy access from all units to a public street. Such driveway shall be paved and maintained in good condition, having natural drainage into a Borough street or catch basin, be well lighted at night and shall not be obstructed.
The camp shall be so laid out that no unit shall be located farther than 200 feet from the toilets and service buildings provided for herein, and walkways to such buildings shall be paved and well lighted at night.
Every trailer unit shall be furnished with an electric service outlet. Such outlet shall be equipped with an externally operated switch or fuse of not less than 30 amperes' capacity and a heavy-duty outlet receptacle.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or operating a camp car and/or trailer located in a campground to remove or cause to have removed the wheels or any similar transporting devices from said camp car and/or trailer or to otherwise permanently fix it to the ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal of said camp car and/or trailer without first obtaining a permit so to do from the Building Inspector of the Borough of Lodi. Any alteration to any camp car and/or trailer as above set forth shall be construed as removing it from the requirements of this article and converting it into a dwelling, and it shall thereupon be subject to the requirements of the Building Code of the Borough of Lodi and the State Housing Act of New Jersey.
An adequate supply of pure water, furnished through a pipe distribution system connected directly with the Borough water main, with supply faucets located not more than 200 feet from any trailer, shall be furnished for drinking and domestic purposes.
No common drinking vessels shall be permitted, nor shall any drinking water faucets be placed in any toilet room or water closet compartment.
An abundant supply of hot water shall be provided at all times for bathing, washing and laundry facilities.
Every trailer camp shall have erected thereon at a distance not greater than 200 feet away from any unit it is designed to serve a suitable building for housing toilets, showers and laundry facilities as required by this article, such building to be known as the "service building."
There shall be provided separate toilet rooms for each sex. Flush toilets provided with an adequate water supply shall be enclosed in separate compartments having a minimum width of three feet six inches and shall be provided for each sex in the ratio of one toilet for each eight units or fraction thereof. Every male toilet room shall have one urinal for each 16 units, but in no case shall any male toilet be without one urinal. Toilet rooms shall contain lavatories with hot and cold water in the ratio of one lavatory to every two or less water closets.
Separate bathing facilities for each sex shall be provided, with one shower enclosed in a compartment at least four feet square for each eight units or fraction thereof. Each shower compartment shall be supplemented by an individual dressing compartment of at least 12 square feet.
Laundry facilities shall be provided in the ratio of one double tray and one ironing board for each 10 units.
The above accommodations shall be based on the total camp capacity according to accepted plans.
Floors of toilets, showers and the laundry shall be of concrete, tile or similar material impervious to water and easily cleaned and pitched to a floor drain.
All waste from showers, toilets, laundries, faucets and lavatories shall be wasted into a sewer system extended from and connected with the Borough sewer system.
All sanitary facilities in any trailer shall comply with the Sanitary Code of the Borough of Lodi.
In no case shall any wastewater be thrown or discharged upon the surface of the ground.
There shall be provided in every trailer camp such number of fly-tight metal garbage depositories as shall be deemed necessary by the Health Officer, and the garbage shall be disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the Health Officer.
No trailer may be inhabited by a greater number of occupants than that for which it was designed.
In every trailer camp there shall be an office building in which shall be located the office of the person in charge of said camp. A copy of the camp license and of this article shall be posted therein, and the camp register shall at all times be kept in said office.
It is hereby made the duty of the attendant or person in charge, together with the licensee, to:
Keep at all times a register of all guests (which shall be open at all times to inspection by state and federal officers and officers of the Borough of Lodi), showing for all guests:
Names and addresses and unit space number.
Dates of entrance and departure.
License numbers of all trailers and towing or other automobiles.
States issuing such licenses.
Maintain the camp in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition at all times.
See that the provisions of this article are complied with and enforced and report promptly to the proper authorities any violations of this article or any other violations of law which may come to his attention.
Report to the Health Officer all cases of persons or animals affected or suspected of being affected with any communicable disease.
Prevent the running loose of dogs, cats or other animals or pets.
Maintain in convenient places approved by the Fire Department hand fire extinguishers in the ratio of one to each eight units.
Prohibit the lighting of open fires on the premises.
Prohibit the use of any trailer by a greater number of occupants than that which it is designed to accommodate.
All plumbing, building and other work on or at any camp licensed under this article shall be in accordance with the ordinances of the Borough of Lodi regulating such work, unless said ordinances are specifically made inapplicable under the terms of this article.
The Mayor and Council, after a public hearing and determination by that the holder of any license issued pursuant to the terms of this article has violated any of the provisions hereof or is allowing any trailer or trailer camp to be maintained in an unsanitary or unsafe manner or is a nuisance, may revoke said license.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000, imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days and/or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, in the discretion of the Judge before whom he is convicted.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).