[Adopted 3-3-2009 by Ord. No. 09-07]
It is the purpose of this article to impose upon developers the costs incurred by Runnemede Borough in updating the municipal Tax Map/GIS database as a result of the approval of various subdivisions or the creation of any new lots within Runnemede Borough. Said costs are directly related to the development procedure, and thereby Runnemede Borough determines that they should be borne by the developer/applicant for all said subdivisions.
Each applicant and/or developer for any approval which results in the creation of any new lots, revision of any existing lots, and/or other alterations to the Tax Map/GIS database, shall be responsible for paying all reasonable charges incurred by the Runnemede Borough Engineer in updating said Tax Map/GIS database. These costs shall include, but not be limited to, update to the GIS database, revisions to existing Tax Map plates, creation/addition of new Tax Map plates, appropriate revisions to the Key Map(s), reprographic services for applicable Borough, county and state submission copies, as well as any reasonable shipping and handling fees involved.
Once final subdivision and/or new lot approval has been received, an escrow account shall be established by the applicant and maintained by Runnemede Borough for the express purpose of maintaining the Tax Map/GIS database.[1] No construction permit shall be issued until said costs are posted with Runnemede Borough, as outlined below:
[Amended 12-27-2023 by Ord. No. 23-15]
Minor subdivisions (three lots or less): $150 per lot.
Major subdivisions are broken down as follows:
$100 per lot.
$800 per lot for a commercial site plan.
$1,000 per condominium site plan, plus $50 per unit for residential condominium projects.
$100 per lot or per change for each lot/Tax Map revision due to deed discrepancies, easement detailing, ownership labeling, acreage calculation and labeling, street name changes, and other minor revisions.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 331, Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review.
If any portion of the escrow account remains unused following the appropriate revisions to the Tax Map/GIS database, it shall be refunded to the applicant.
In the event that any application for development is denied and the application is no longer pending before the respective Board, then any portion of the aforementioned fee which has not been expended by the engineer responsible for maintaining the Tax Map/GIS database shall be refunded to the applicant.
In addition to the maintenance fees noted, each approved applicant must supply a map of the new subdivision or new lot in a scale suitable for inclusion on the Runnemede Borough Tax Map/GIS database. Said Map must be submitted in hardcopy format, and must be compliant with current New Jersey Map Filing Law guidelines (N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.).[2]
[Amended 3-2-2010 by Ord. No. 10-04]
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq. was repealed by L. 2011, c. 217, § 2, effective 5-1-2012. See now N.J.S.A. 46:26B-1 et seq.
Any/all previous ordinances now in effect regarding Tax Map/GIS database escrow fees in Runnemede Borough are superseded by this article.