There is hereby established in the Town of Great Barrington
a Department of Public Works, which shall have all the powers and
duties now vested by the General Laws and Town bylaws in the Highway
Department, Sewer Department, Cemetery Department, Parks Department
and the office of Tree Warden. Upon acceptance of this act by said
Town, as hereinafter provided, the aforesaid departments are hereby
abolished and their powers and duties shall be transferred to and
shall be under the direction of the Department of Public Works.
No contracts or liabilities of said departments in force on
the date of acceptance of this act shall be affected by such abolition
and transfer, and the Department of Public Works shall in all respects
be the lawful successor of the departments so abolished. All employees
of those departments shall immediately upon the effective date of
this act, be transferred to the Department of Public Works and shall
not lose under this change or transfer any rating, seniority, retirement
or pension rights or any other rights or privileges under any provision
of law whatsoever.
[Amended 5-6-2002 ATM, Art. 21]
The Department of Public Works shall be supervised by a Superintendent
of Public Works appointed by the Town Manager, who shall be Commissioners
of Public Works. Said Superintendent shall preferably hold a degree
in civil engineering and be a professional engineer registered in
the commonwealth, or shall posses equivalent qualifications as determined
by the Town Manager. He or she shall be responsible for the operational
and administrative functions of the Department of Public Works in
accordance with a job description to be developed by the Town Manager.
The salary and term of office of said Superintendent shall be determined
by the Town Manager subject to appropriation by the Town Meeting.
Said Superintendent shall hold office subject to the will of the Town
All equipment owned by the Town of Great Barrington and under
the control of the Highway, Sewer, Cemetery or Parks Departments or
the Tree Warden shall, upon acceptance of this act, be under the control
and supervision of the Department of Public Works.
Upon acceptance of this act by the Town, the Town Manager shall
prepare and provide job descriptions for the employees of the Department
of Public Works.
[Amended 5-17-2004 ATM, Art. 21; 5-5-2014 ATM, Art. 22]
There is hereby established in the Town of Great Barrington, effective upon acceptance of this act by the Town, a Cemetery Commission and a Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall consist of up to nine members and the Cemetery Commission shall consist of up to four members appointed by the Town Manager for terms of from one year to three years, with staggered terms. (Members of the Cemetery Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission elected on the date of acceptance of this act, and elected incumbents whose terms do not expire until subsequent elections, shall be appointed members of said Commissions and shall serve until the expiration of their elected terms.) The Cemetery Commission shall control all business matters pertaining to the Town's cemeteries, other than maintenance, and shall control the care and expenditure of perpetual care funds as provided in Chapter
35 of the Acts of 1934, and the Recreation Commission shall be responsible for formulating and administering the Town's recreational program.
Notwithstanding the provisions of §
35-1 of this act, the incumbent Tree Warden on the date this act is accepted by the Town of Great Barrington shall continue to perform all the functions of said office under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works.
This act shall constitute a general bylaw of the Town of Great
Barrington, and any further changes in the composition or administration
of the Department of Public Works shall be accomplished by amendments
to said bylaw in the manner provided in the Great Barrington Code.