[HISTORY: Adopted by the Planning Board of the Town of Great Barrington 1-14-1970, amended in its entirety 11-14-1991 and subsequently amended through 2-14-2008. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Planning Board — See Ch. 4, Art. I.
Regional School District Planning Board — See Ch. 4, Art. II.
Conservation Commission — See Ch. 4, Art. III.
Department of Public Works — See Ch. 35.
Streets and ways — See Ch. 153.
Wetlands — See Ch. 168.
Zoning — See Ch. 171.
The Planning Board encourages subdivision planning that is sensitive to the natural features of the land, avoids environmentally critical areas, conserves farmland, and helps to meet the diverse housing needs of the Town.
In order to proceed through the subdivision process in the most expeditious and cost effective manner, each applicant is strongly encouraged to meet with the Planning Board at the outset to go over the inventory of Constraints and Opportunities (Form B-1)[1] and to discuss the general direction of the development. There is no fee for this meeting. Please call the Chairperson and ask to be put on the agenda.
Editor's Note: Form B-1 is on file in the Town offices.