[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town (now City) of Seat Pleasant: Art. I, 12-16-1968 as Ch. 14, §§ 14-7 through 14-11, of the 1968 Code; Art. II, 12-16-1968 as Ch. 14, § 14-22, of the 1968 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-16-1968 as Ch. 14, §§ 14-7 through 14-11, of the 1968 Code]
No privy, vault or cesspool shall be erected, used or maintained within the corporate limits of the City of Seat Pleasant upon any premises adjacent to any avenue, street, road or alley in which water and sewer mains have been installed and are available adjacent to said premises. Each day such privy, vault or cesspool shall be used or maintained shall constitute a separate offense.
No privy, vault, cesspool or reservoir shall be constructed, erected, used or maintained within the corporate limits of the City of Seat Pleasant unless such privy, vault, cesspool or reservoir shall be constructed, erected, used and maintained in conformity with the regulations of the State Board of Health.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or bury the contents of any privy, vault, cesspool, reservoir or earth closet within the corporate limits of the City of Seat Pleasant.
No person shall remove or cause to be removed the contents of any privy, earth closet, privy vault or reservoir between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., without first having obtained a permit from the Mayor and Council so to do.
No vehicle conveying the contents of privies and earth closets shall be driven through any street, road, lane or alley of the city between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., and each violation of the provisions hereof shall constitute a separate offense.
Any violation of the provisions of this Article shall be deemed a misdemeanor with a maximum fine of $1,000 and/or maximum imprisonment for six months.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Chapter 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
[Adopted 12-16-1968 as Ch. 14, § 14-22, of the 1968 Code]
Each lot or subdivisions lot situated on any street in the City of Seat Pleasant where there is a public sewer and water main shall be connected with said public sewer and water main in such manner and under the following conditions: where there is on any such original lot or subdivisional lot any building used or intended to be used as a dwelling or in which persons are employed or intended to be employed in any trade or business or any stable, shed, pen or place where cows, horses, mules or other animals are kept, then, in that instance, such original lot or subdivisional lot shall be connected with the public sewer and water main and the owner or owners of any such lot, building or other structure, after receiving notice from the Mayor and Council to connect such lot, building or other structure to the public sewer and water main, shall within 30 days file the application with the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to have sewer and water connections made available, and the owner or owners of any such lot, building or other structure shall have an additional period of 30 days from the time that the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission taps the sewer and brings the same to the property line of said lot or lots.
Each day that said owner or owners shall neglect or refuse to make such connections with the public sewer and water main after such facilities have been provided for by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission shall constitute a separate violation of this Article.
If the owner or owners of any such lot, building or other structure, after being convicted of any such offenses, shall fail or refuse to connect said lot, building or other structure to the public sewer and water main, said Mayor and Council may cause such connection to be made. The expense of said connection and necessary expenses incident thereto shall be assessed as a tax against such lot, building or other structure, which tax shall be carried on the regular tax roll of the Mayor and Council of Seat Pleasant and shall be collected in the manner provided for the collection of other taxes.