[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the City of Seat Pleasant 4-9-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-11. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings stated:
Refers to housing, either owner-occupied or rental, for which the household spends no more than 30% of its gross income on housing-related expenses; provided, however, that any housing program or project that receives federal or state funds and complies with regulations applicable to such funding source(s) regarding the percentage of household income to be spent on housing shall be considered "affordable housing" for purposes of this definition or as decided upon by the Board of Directors.
Refers to a process where elected officials and community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. Community well-being (economic, social, environmental and cultural) often evolves from this type of collective action being taken at a grassroots level.
The Seat Pleasant Economic and Community Development Corporation (SPECDC) shall be created by the Director of Economic Development as a separate corporate entity, a Maryland not-for-profit corporation, established in the name of "the Seat Pleasant Economic and Community Development Corporation," held by the City of Seat Pleasant, a Maryland municipal corporation, into which shall be deposited funds collected pursuant to § 113-3A of this chapter.
The SPECDC shall be administered by the Economic Development Department and managed by an Executive Director appointed by the Mayor, who shall account for the Economic and Community Development Corporation. A Board of Directors comprised of the City Administrator, Director of Economic Development, and City Treasurer shall have oversight and final authority over all matters relating to the SPECDC, including approval of all decisions regarding the SPECDC monies, subject to consideration of the Executive Director's recommendations and except as otherwise stated in this chapter. The Board of Directors shall meet on a quarterly basis based on the availability of each member. The SPECDC projects shall be recommended by the Executive Director and decided by the Board of Directors.
The Executive Director, subject to the Board of Directors' approval, may utilize a separate, independent entity to invest the proceeds of the SPECDC in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter and subject to the City's investment policies and procedures.
In addition to the other duties specified herein, the Executive Director shall:
Develop an annual plan for using the Economic and Community Development Corporation's assets in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter, which shall be approved by the Board of Directors for submission to the City Council, which may then approve the plan by resolution;
Disburse funds from the Economic and Community Development Corporation in accordance with a duly approved annual plan as specified in § 113-2D(1) of this chapter;
Recommend to the Board of Directors qualified funding projects in accordance with the details of the annual plan, or to otherwise assist in the administration and management of the SPECDC; and
Perform such other duties as the Mayor may direct.
It is the intention of the City Council that the Economic and Community Development Corporation be a dedicated funding source used for the purpose of this chapter and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The SPECDC shall develop and manage its own budget, and its fiscal year shall be aligned with that of the City. Accordingly, any assets remaining in the SPECDC at the end of any fiscal year shall be carried into the next fiscal year, including all interest and income earned, as well as any repayments or forfeitures of loans and/or grants.
The Economic and Community Development Corporation will be funded through the following sources:
Grants and/or loans from private sources, Prince George's County, the State of Maryland, and/or the federal government; and
Appropriations from the City's general fund or other City funds;
Other gifts, donations, or grants; or
Other sources of funding as the City Council may from time to time specify by ordinance.
Funds appropriated from the Economic and Community Development Corporation shall be used to fund programs and projects for the benefit of affordable housing and economic and community development within the corporate limits of the City that:
Increase production of affordable housing for sale or rent;
Increase the accessibility of new and existing development projects to citizens and residents, both existing and potential, and increase the supply of urban development;
Manage funds for, including, but not limited to, grants or loans for basic repair, rehabilitation, or improvement of housing and business stock, adaptive modification, or the targeted improvement of facades;
Provide funds to match other local, state, or federal housing assistance programs;
Provide counseling and education as to housing and business development options for City residents; and
Pay the actual staffing and operation costs associated with the administrative costs of the Economic and Community Development Corporation as set forth in § 113-3C of this chapter.
Administrative costs of the SPECDC associated with funding and administering the programs and projects specified in this chapter may be paid from the SPECDC's assets or from other revenue sources as designated by the City Council as part of the City's annual budget process.
On an annual basis, a percentage of the SPECDC monies that are used for purposes other than to pay for administrative costs shall be used to fund programs and projects specified by this chapter for the benefit of households with low to moderate incomes. The exact percentage shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.