[Added 5-3-1999 ATM, Art. 28][1]
Editor's Note: This article also redesignated former §§ 18-1, 18-2 and 18-3 as §§ 94-1, 94-2 and 94-3.
Any new construction or substantial renovation in the Town of Great Barrington in which a fire alarm system or fire warning system is installed, pursuant to 527 CMR Board of Fire Prevention Regulations, MGL c. 148, Massachusetts Fire Law, or 780 CMR State Building Code, shall have a box, safe, vault or other secure enclosure commonly known as a "lock box" affixed to the building at a location readily accessible to the Fire Department in which keys to all interior locks, as well as any information deemed necessary by the Fire Chief or his designee, such as the location of utilities and hazardous storage, will be kept. The key to open the lock box shall be the key standard to the Great Barrington Fire Department for such use.