[Adopted 9-21-2009]
The following definitions shall be applicable to Article III:
The meaning given to it in § 37-24.
Insurance protecting the insured from negligent acts or negligent failures to act by professional consultants and advisors.
A bond or other equivalent insurance obtained by a fiduciary to protect the insured against theft or other wrongful use of the funds for the benefit of a party other than the insured.
A bank, trust company, or other depository institution acting as a custodian of one or more of the Funds in whole or in part.
Any of the following and "Funds" means two or more of them:
Employees' Retirement System Trust Fund created under Chapter 37, Article I.
Employees' OPEB Trust Fund created under Chapter 37, Article II.
Also includes the Police and Fire Retirement Plan Fund created under Section of 10.7 of the Town of Fairfield Charter and the Police and Fire OPEB Trust Fund created under Chapter 37, Article II, so long as the direction has been made pursuant to § 37-19B.
A corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 selected by the Investment Board after a request for qualifications published by the Town Purchasing Authority.
The Joint Retirement Investment Board established by § 37-19.
A corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership, including banks or insurance companies, selected by the Investment Board after consultation with the Investment Advisor to invest the Funds.
The Investment Policy and Guidelines adopted by the Investment Board pursuant to § 37-21D, as it may exist from time to time.
Other post-employment benefit.
The Town as administrator of the Employees' Retirement System, the Police and Fire Retirement Plan, and the OPEBs.
The Town hereby establishes the Joint Retirement Investment Board to manage the Funds.
Upon the direction of the Town of Fairfield Police and Fire Retirement Board, the Investment Board shall also manage their Funds.
The Investment Board shall consist of the members of the Employees' Retirement Board, acting as trustees of both Funds, and, so long as the direction has been made pursuant to § 37-19B, the members of the Town of Fairfield Police and Fire Retirement Board, acting as trustees of both of their funds, as such Boards may be composed from time to time.
The Investment Board shall provide to each of its new members an orientation as to the purpose, duties, methods and ethics of the Investment Board, as well as to the investments and performance of the Funds. The orientation shall be provided within 60 days after the member's date of appointment.
The Investment Board shall appoint a Chair and Vice Chair from among the Investment Board members. The term of office of the Chair and Vice Chair shall be one year, renewable at the discretion of the Investment Board.
The Town shall provide, at the Investment Board's expense, a secretary who shall record the minutes of the regular meetings and any special meetings of the Investment Board. The secretary shall maintain the Investment Board's decisions, votes and actions. All such documents shall be in the custody of the Town Clerk.
The Investment Board shall hold no fewer than four meetings per calendar year. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, or at the request of seven or more members, giving at least five days' notice of the time and place of such special meeting to each Investment Board member and the Town Clerk.
A quorum for any meeting of the Investment Board shall be a majority of the members of the Investment Board, with the Chair or Vice Chair being present. If the direction has been made pursuant to § 37-19B, no quorum shall exist unless there are present at least three members representing the Police and Fire Retirement Board and at least five members representing the Employees' Retirement Board. The First Selectman may qualify as a representative from either Board, but not both, for purposes of constituting a quorum.
The decisions of the Investment Board shall be taken by majority vote of the Investment Board members present at the meeting. Each member, including the First Selectman, has only one vote.
The Investment Board may establish such subcommittees as it deems advisable to conduct the business of the Investment Board.
The Investment Board shall be the trustees of their respective Funds and shall have full control and management of such Funds, with the power to combine such Funds and to invest and reinvest the same in accordance with the General Statutes respecting the investment of trust funds.
The Chief Fiscal Officer shall keep an accounting of the relative, indivisible ownership of the Funds among the trusts that contributed to the Funds.
The Investment Board shall discharge its duties solely in the interests of the members and their beneficiaries and for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to the eligible members. The Investment Board shall manage the Funds in accordance with the Investment Policy.
The Investment Board shall establish a statement of Investment Policy and Guidelines that shall be filed with the Town Clerk. The Investment Policy shall, at a minimum, set forth:
The return and risk tolerance objectives of the Funds.
Fund performance criteria.
The eligible types of investments for the Funds.
Target strategic asset ranges for the various types of investments.
The credit and custodial risk policies for the Funds.
Procedures for reducing investments in a type of investment when the target allocation to that type has been exceeded.
Acceptable types of insurance and ratings of insurers as provided in § 37-22A.
The Investment Policy shall be reviewed and either ratified or modified at the first meeting of the Investment Board in each fiscal year, and at such other times as deemed prudent by the Investment Board. Revision dates shall be noted on the face of the Investment Policy. Any changes to the asset allocation shall be deemed revisions and shall be noted in the same manner as other revisions.
The Investment Board shall:
Retain and monitor the performance of a qualified Investment Advisor;
Appoint the Funding Agent;
Select Investment Managers; and
Employ, as necessary, actuaries, attorneys, accountants and other consultants, who shall not be fiduciaries merely as a result of their employment hereunder.
In the event that the Investment Board's contractual relationship with the Investment Advisor terminates, the Investment Board shall retain a successor Investment Advisor in a reasonable period of time. Within 30 days after such termination, a request for qualifications shall be published. The absence of an Investment Advisor shall not invalidate any decision, contract or other matter pertaining to the Funds investment by the Investment Board.
The Investment Board shall impose the following insurance requirements:
The Investment Advisor, Funding Agent and all Investment Managers shall maintain errors and omissions insurance and fidelity bonds and provide evidence to the Investment Board or, in the case of the Investment Managers, to the Investment Advisor annually that such insurance and bonds are in effect and in compliance with the Investment Policy.
All other consultants shall maintain errors and omissions insurance and provide evidence to the Investment Board annually that such insurance is in effect and in compliance with the Investment Policy.
Expenses and fees properly incurred by the Investment Board in the performance of its duties shall be paid from the Funds.
The Investment Advisor shall:
Recommend on all matters relating to the investment of the Funds;
Advise the Investment Board on the development, review and revision of the Investment Policy;
Monitor the performance of the Investment Managers against benchmarks, and recommend rebalancing of assets as necessary;
Recommend issues relating to investment strategies, including the hiring, retention or dismissal of Investment Managers;
Provide advice and support on the selection and performance criteria to be established for Investment Managers;
Perform due diligence, and other procedures on each Investment Manager;
Obtain and review audited financial statements of all investments, excluding separately managed accounts, on a timely basis;
Obtain evidence of errors and omission insurance and fidelity bonds for all Investment Managers; and
Perform any other functions which are specifically allocated to it in its agreement with the Investment Board.
The Funding Agent shall:
Maintain custody of the Funds;
Settle trades and receive and credit dividends, interest and other income;
Disburse benefits as instructed by the Plan Administrator or its agent;
Pay expenses as directed by the Investment Board; and
Perform any other functions which are specifically allocated to it in its agreement with the Investment Board.
Within the first three months of each fiscal year, the Investment Board shall present to the Representative Town Meeting an annual report on the following:
The current Investment Policy and any revisions made to it in the prior year;
The investment performance of the Funds in the prior year;
All incurred expenses; and
A summary report of any conflicts of interest reported in the prior year.
The Investment Board shall submit to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance a quarterly statement of fund performance. The statement shall disclose:
Balances of funds;
Rates of return for the quarter presented;
Increase and/or decrease of fund balances compared to the prior quarter; and
A description of the investments maintained and compliance with the Investment Board's determined asset mix policy.
No Investment Board member will engage in conduct, known as a conflict of interest, which would cause him or her to use his or her position and influence on the Investment Board for personal gain for the benefit of others instead of the best interests of the members and/or their beneficiaries.
Annually, each Investment Board member shall sign a statement that either the member has no conflicts of interest or, if the member may have a conflict, discloses the nature and details of any actual or perceived conflicts of interest with respect to the member's role on the Investment Board. In addition, disclosure shall be made to the Investment Board as soon as practicable after the member discovers a conflict of interest. Upon disclosure, the Investment Board shall inform the Board of Selectman who shall then determine a suitable course of action.
Conflicts of interest shall not arise out of an Investment Board member's (i) participation in the Employees' Retirement System or the Police and Fire Retirement Fund, nor (ii) ownership of an investment also made by the Investment Board, provided that such investment does not constitute more than 5% of the net worth of such Investment Board member, nor more than 5% of the ownership of such investment.
The failure of a person to comply with the procedures described in this section will not of itself invalidate any decision, contract or other matter pertaining to the Fund's investment.