[HISTORY: Adopted by the Special Town Meeting of the Town of Bethany 10-25-1999. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Board of Selectmen is authorized to accept or reject gifts which may be offered to the Town, or any of its officers or agencies for the benefit of the Town, of real and tangible (corporeal) personal property, and specifically, but not limited to, coin, currency, money, deposits in financial institutions, shares of stock, bonds and notes or other securities, negotiable instruments, credits or evidences of any interest in property or evidences of debt.
The following terms and conditions shall guide the Board's decision to accept or to reject gifts offered to the Town:
The Board shall reject any gift which, in its judgment, is not in the best interest of the Town to receive.
The Board shall reject any gift which contains terms or conditions which, in its judgment, would impose upon the Town a duty to act or prohibit the Town from acting in a manner not in the best interest of the Town or is generally unreasonably restrictive.
The Board shall refer to the Town Meeting for acceptance or rejection any gift which would require an annual appropriation of Town funds raised by taxes to meet the terms or conditions of the gift or to preserve and maintain the corpus of a gift of real property. The referral by the Board of Selectmen to the Town Meeting shall include the following:
A report by the Board of Finance containing an analysis of the fiscal impact on the Town; and
A report of the Board of Selectmen presenting the nonfiscal advantages and/or disadvantages of the gift for the Town.
If required by Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended, a report of the Planning and Zoning Commission.