[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Bethany 5-7-1956. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 12-7-1992 STM]
The Town of Bethany shall apply for membership and participation in the Old Age and Survivors Insurance System under Title II of the Social Security Act, as amended, in accordance with Section 410d of the 1955 Supplement to the General Statutes, Revision of 1949,[1] as of the first day of July 1956, for all its employees, with the exception of:
Services of an emergency nature.
Services and positions the compensation for which is on a fee basis.
Employees excluded by Section 3 of said Section 410-d.
Services performed by temporary election workers, unless otherwise provided by law.
[Added 5-17-1971 ATM; amended 3-26-2015 STM]
Editor's Note: See C.G.S. § 7-452.
[Amended 12-7-1992 STM]
The First Selectman shall execute on behalf of and in the name of the Town of Bethany any and all agreements with the State Employees Retirement Commission for the aforesaid purpose in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Section 410d and subject to the regulations promulgated by the State Employees Retirement Commission pursuant to said section.
[Amended 12-7-1992 STM]
The First Selectman of the Town of Bethany be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make deductions from the wages of the employees participating in the Old Age and Survivors System as required by 409d and to forward the amount thereof, together with the contribution of the Town of Bethany, to the State Employees Retirement Commission in manner and form prescribed by said regulations.