[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Solvay: Art. I, as Ch. 9, Sec. 9-37, of the 1975 Code; Art. II, 12-10-1991 by L.L. No. 5-1991.[1] Section 126-2 added at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Alcoholic beverages — See Ch. 45.
Firearms — See Ch. 84.
Editor's Note: This local law also contained the following statement: The purpose of this local law is to amend L.L. No. 4-1991 (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I) passed on October 8, 1991. Since the passage of L.L. No. 4 amending and recodifying the Code of the Village of Solvay, it has come to the attention of the Village Board of the Village of Solvay that several sections of the former Village Code which should have been included in the 1991 Code, adopted pursuant to L.L. No. 4-1991, were inadvertently left out of the adopted version. This local law is intended to add the missing sections of the former Village Code to the Code adopted on October 8, 1991."
[Adopted as Ch. 9, Sec. 9-37, of the 1975 Code]
No person shall throw or cast any stone or other missile or thing in, from or to any street, lane, alley, park, public place or enclosed grounds.
[Added 10-8-1991 by L.L. No. 4-1991]
An offense against the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $250 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.
[Adopted 12-10-1991 by L.L. No. 5-1991]
No person shall conduct himself in an indecent or obscene manner or publicly exhibit or expose his person in an indecent or obscene manner in or upon any public street, sidewalk, lane, alley or park or within or upon any private or public place or building.
No person shall willfully destroy, injure or break any electric or telephone poles or fixtures thereof.
No person shall willfully or maliciously break or deface or in any way injure any of the public lamps or lampposts, nor shall any person unlawfully light or cause to be lighted or unlawfully put out or cause to be put out any of said lamps.
No person shall make or assist in making any riot, noise or disturbance in any house, at or within any building within the village or upon any street, park or public place.
No person shall create, cause to be created or permit upon any premises owned by him or under his control or upon or within any public street or public place any disturbing noise, including music, of such volume and character as to unreasonably disturb the public peace of persons in the immediate vicinity thereof.
No person shall ring any bell, blow any horn or race any motor unnecessarily or in such a manner as to disturb the public peace.
No person shall participate in any parade, demonstration, public gathering or assemblage called or formed for the purpose of inciting, advising or urging the use of violence, force or the commission of any act in violation of law or at which any of such acts or things are advocated, advised, urged or committed.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be punished as provided for in the Code of the Village of Solvay adopted on October 8, 1991.