[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Solvay 6-17-2008 by L.L. No. 7-2008. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire prevention and building construction — See Ch. 89.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a uniform program for the registration and inspection of residential rental properties within the Village in an effort to help protect and safeguard the rights, health, safety and welfare of landlords and tenants. Also, the intent of the program is to insure proper maintenance of the residential rental housing stock through the participation of owners, tenants, the Village, and the community at large by adopting a program of annual building inspections and registration.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A representative of the property owner or landlord at least 18 years old who resides within the designated boundaries of Onondaga. Madison, Oswego, Cortland or Cayuga County, who is legally authorized and designated in writing by the property owner to the Village as being authorized to act on the property owner's behalf in matters regarding the rental units regulated hereunder.
The Code Enforcement Officer of the Village.
A person or firm appointed, employed or retained by the Village for the purpose of enforcement of this chapter, including, without limitation, the Village Codes Enforcement Officer and qualified personnel as set forth elsewhere in this chapter.
The act, state or condition of being or becoming a Tenant, licensee, squatter, or being or living in, taking up quarters or space in or on, or being in possession of, all or part of any real property used for residential purposes.
Any person who is in occupancy of all or part of any real property used for residential purposes.
Any rental unit occupied by the property owner.
Any owner of real property used for residential purposes or other person who offers, contemplates, or is able to offer a rental unit for occupancy to anyone other than the owner. "Property owner" shall include the title or equitable owner, mortgagee, or receiver/referee in possession or control of the property, landlord, rental or management agent, or any other person or entity in apparent ownership, management or in control of the real property. A property owner's designated agent (as defined herein) shall be deemed the property owner for all purposes hereunder.
Any real property, or part thereof, occupied, intended to be occupied, or able to or contemplated for occupancy by persons, for residential purposes, other than the owner and his/her immediate family within, or on the premises thereof, whether or not such occupancy or intended occupancy is in consideration of a rental or similar payment. Each separate occupied, possessed, or separable living unit within a parcel of real property is considered a separate rental unit, all and each of which are subject to the provisions hereof. A unit contained within a one- to four-family dwelling occupied by an owner's immediate family for no rental payment or similar consideration shall not be deemed a rental unit for purposes hereof. Any unit claimed by the property owner to not be a rental unit, and therefore exempt from the provisions hereof, shall be supported by the sworn statement described in this chapter.
A permit issued by the Village stating that the referenced property and/or rental unit conforms to the standards of the Property Maintenance Code and Fire Code of New York State, Life Safety Code, and Municipal Code of Solvay, and that such structure or rental unit is permitted for occupancy. Any special circumstances or conditions under which occupancy is permitted may be specified on that rental unit permit.
A temporary permit issued upon initial registration pending a satisfactory inspection and issuance of a rental unit permit, as provided herein.
Any person who occupies a non-owner occupied rental unit.
A rental unit found to be unsafe or unfit for human occupancy or is found otherwise unlawful, including any violation of any federal, New York State, Onondaga County or Village law, regulation or code.
Village of Solvay.
Rules of registration. No rental unit shall be let, rented or occupied by someone other than the property owner until a rental unit permit has been obtained for that unit. A temporary rental unit permit will be issued upon initial registration and that temporary rental permit will be valid until an initial inspection is completed. After inspection, the Village may issue the property owner a rental unit permit. Following the adoption of this chapter, all rental unit occupancy shall be prohibited without a rental unit permit, and rental unit occupancy without a valid permit shall result in the issuance of an order to vacate to the occupants of the rental unit.
Rental permit. Following the adoption of this chapter, any property owner who allows occupation of a residential dwelling unit within the Village (including mixed-use property), must register for and obtain a rental unit permit from the Village.
All property owners must register with the Village within 45 days of the adoption of this chapter, and each and every calendar year or third year thereafter, as provided in this chapter, thereafter on or before December 1, on a form provided by the Village. All fees and the consent to inspect form shall be submitted with the registration form, property owners whose primary residence is outside of Onondaga, Madison, Oswego, Cortland, or Cayuga County must register an agent on their behalf whose business or legal residence is in Onondaga, Madison, Oswego, Cortland, or Cayuga County and is responsible for the rental property. No vacant property shall be rented until a rental unit occupancy permit is issued.
Inspections. The Housing Inspector(s) shall be authorized, in the performance of their duties, to conduct inspections of the exterior and interior of properties or parts of properties, at such times and in such manner as such Housing Inspector may find necessary, with the consent of the occupant or property owner.
Independent special inspections. As scheduled by the Housing Inspector or as required by this chapter or other provisions of law where there is a reasonable question of safety, property owners shall be responsible for the inspection and testing of systems, materials and workmanship, including the costs associated therewith, that are critical to the integrity of the building structure and safety of tenants.
Qualified personnel. Independent special inspections and tests shall be made by qualified persons who, because of experience or education, are recognized as competent by the Codes Enforcement Officer. Reports of inspections and tests signed by the tester and a witness, together with a statement of any remedial measures to be taken, shall be filed with the Code Enforcement Officer within 10 days after each inspection and test. If any equipment or system is found to be defective or not in proper operating condition upon inspection or test, the property owner shall promptly remedy such defect or condition.
Notice of violations. The Codes Enforcement Officer shall, in his/her discretion, determine the severity of any code violations following an inspection. If a property owner and/or occupant is cited with a code violation, the Code Enforcement Officer shall notify the property owner of the violation and provide the property owner with a reasonable amount of time in which to make repairs. If the violations are not corrected by the reinspection date, an appearance ticket may be issued and a court appearance will be required and/or the temporary rental permit may be revoked. The Codes Enforcement Officer may grant reasonable time extensions to cure a violation upon the request of the property owner made prior to the expiration date, provided that the property owner has previously acted in such period diligently and in good faith to cure the same.
Order to vacate premises. Whenever a notice of violation has not been complied with, or the determination has been made that a property or rental unit(s) is unsafe, unfit for human occupancy, unlawful or serious in nature, the Codes Enforcement Officer may order the rental property or rental unit(s) to be vacated within such reasonable time as the Codes Enforcement Officer shall direct.
Approval to occupy. No such rental unit(s) previously ordered to be vacated shall be occupied until a new rental permit is secured from the Codes Enforcement Officer.
Rental unit permit term. The term of a rental unit permit shall be three years from the inspection date.
The Village reserves the right to suspend any rental permit at any time due to violations of any laws, codes, ordinances and regulations of New York State, County of Onondaga, or the Village.
Registration and inspection fees shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees. Failure to pay registration and inspection fees within 30 days of any annual registration date will result in the charges being levied against and added as an additional tax upon the subject property.
Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, neglects or refuses to comply with any of the terms of this chapter shall for jurisdictional purposes only be guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000. Each week a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
All fees and penalties, unless and until levied as an additional tax upon the subject property, shall be paid prior to the issuance of any rental unit permit.
In the event of a refusal to cooperate with an inspection request, after being provided with reasonable notice, an administrative search warrant will be requested from the courts and the Housing Inspector will return with the warrant and law enforcement personnel to make the inspection.
In the event any action or proceeding is commenced by the Village, service by certified mail, return receipt requested, upon a property owner or agent shall be deemed good and sufficient service and shall be legally sufficient in lieu of any requirement of service of process under the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules or Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law. For purposes of this notice, the last available tax records of the Village shall be determinative of property ownership and the address for service. The Village shall be reimbursed for the cost of such action or proceeding and, in addition, for the costs of any litigation, mediation, repair, replacement, or maintenance required hereunder or as a result of a violation of any other Village Code provision, plus a thirty-percent administration cost by assessment and levy upon the lots or parcels of land on which the rental unit is situate. The expenses so assessed shall constitute a lien and charge upon the real property on which it is levied until paid or otherwise satisfied or discharged and shall be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other Village taxes.
Whenever the Village has ordered the reimbursement of the cost of the work performed or services rendered as hereinabove provided, by assessment and levy upon the lot or parcels of lands whereupon such work was performed or such services rendered, the Village Clerk may cause a notice of intent to levy such costs and expenses against said lots or parcels of land in a form approved by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees to be recorded in the Onondaga County Clerk's Office in order that such notice shall be indexed against said premises or parcels of land as notice to subsequent transferees or others acquiring any interest in said lots or parcels of land of the intention by the Village to assess and levy the amount of such expenses upon said lots or parcels of land. Any recording fees of the Onondaga County Clerk shall be included in the costs and expenses so assessed and levied upon such lots or parcels. The failure of the Village Clerk to record such notice of intent to levy shall not affect or impair the validity of any lien or assessment of such costs and expenses later imposed against such lots or parcels of land, the property owner(s) hereof or any subsequent transferees or others acquiring any interest in such lots or parcels of land.
The property owner shall have the right to request a hearing before the Village Board of Trustees for an interpretation, appeal or review of the written order, decision or determination that was made by the Code Enforcement Officer. Such request must be made in writing no later than 30 days from the date that a written order, decision or determination was made by the Code Enforcement Officer or such interpretation issue otherwise arises. A hearing before the Village Board of Trustees shall be timely held. The proceedings at such hearing shall be reduced to writing and entered as a matter of the public record in the Office of the Village Clerk.