[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Solvay 2-27-2024 by L.L. No. 1-2024.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Ch. 147, Trees and Shrubs, adopted as Ch. 13 of the 1975 Code, as amended.
To enhance the quality of life and the present and future health, safety and welfare of all residents, to enhance property values and to ensure proper planting and care of trees on public property, the Village Board herein delegates the authority and responsibility for managing public trees, creates a Tree Committee, establishes practices governing the planting and care of trees on public property and makes provision for the emergency removal of trees on private property under certain conditions.
In recognition of the environment, health and aesthetic benefits of its community forest, this chapter establishes the policies, regulations and standards pursuant to the planting, maintenance, protection, preservation, removal and replacement of trees within the Village of Solvay.
Provide the health and maintenance of Village trees in healthy and nonhazardous condition through good arboricultural practices.
Establish and maintain appropriate diversity in tree species and age classes in order to provide a stable and sustainable community forest.
Encourage the planting of a new tree for any tree that is removed.
Promote the planting of private trees through programming and education.
A set of guidelines duly adopted by the Village and used to guide tree selection, placement, maintenance, removal and replacement to achieve a desired level of quality for the physical environment.
A tree that is indigenous within the northeast United States of America.
Wires with greater than 50 volts above ground.
"Private trees" are herein defined as trees, shrubs, bushes and all other woody vegetation located on a homeowner's property.
A highway road, avenue, lane, alley, terrace, drive, culvert, embankment to which the public has a right to use.
The area within the designated right-of-way lines of a street, road or lane within the Village. Said right-of-way lines are delineated and/or defined by the Village of Solvay and vary throughout the Village depending on the width of the road.
Those entities that provide electricity, gas, sewer, water, telephone, cable television and internet service to properties within the Village.
Any references to the "Village" is to the Village of Solvay and any of its committees and/or departments.
"Village trees" are herein defined as trees, shrubs, bushes and all other woody vegetation on land lying within the easement or right-of-way. Village trees also include any trees within the boundaries of Village parks and any other land that the Village owns.
There is hereby created and established a Solvay Tree Committee for the Village of Solvay. The Solvay Tree Committee shall choose its own officers, make its own rules and regulations and keep a journal or proceedings.
Duties. The Solvay Tree Committee shall:
Be responsible for the study, investigation, council and development of a Community Forestry Management Plan, which is a framework for Village tree management.
Maintain a list of appropriate tree species for planting with a preference for native species.
Provide advice and recommendations regarding trees and the community forest by a trained designee, either trained by Cornell Cooperative Extension or another ISA Certified Arborist, to the Village Board, Planning Board, Village employees, committees and private citizens of the Village of Solvay.
Regularly communicate with the Village of Solvay Department of Public Works on all matters regarding Village trees and work closely with them on planning and implementing tree plantings.
Coordinate activities, including but not limited to the commemoration of Arbor Day, and to inform and educate the public about the community forest.
Together with the Village of Solvay, explore opportunities for grants related to the planting, and educational outreach of a community forest.
Investigate conducting an inventory of Village trees.
Cooperation between agencies. Communication between the Village Board, the Department of Public Works, committees of the Village Board, the Zoning and Planning Board and the Solvay Tree Committee regarding any operations that affect trees within the Village is essential to the long-term management of the Community Forest. The Village Board will designate one member to serve as the main point of contact, or liaison to the Village Tree Committee.
The Village of Solvay, after review of any recommendations of the Solvay Tree Committee, shall have full power and authority over all trees, plants and shrubs (excluding grass) located within street right-of-way, public parks, public right-of-way or easement and other public places in the Village.
Conflict with ordinances. In any case where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any zoning, land development, safety or health ordinance or code of this municipality, Onondaga County or the State of New York, the provision which establishes the higher standard for the promotion and the protection of the safety and health of the people shall prevail.
Partial invalidity. If any section of this chapter shall be held unconstitutional, illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the remainder of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect and enforceable as such.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to abolish or impair existing remedies of the municipality or its officers or agencies relating to the removal of trees(s) which is/are deemed to be dangerous, unsafe or unhealthy.
The Village of Solvay, after reviewing any recommendations of the Solvay Tree Committee, shall have the right to plant and maintain trees and shrubs in the street right-of-way of all streets, avenues, highways and on public grounds. The Village will make all reasonable efforts to comply with property owners' requests regarding placement of a tree on the street right-of-way adjoining their property.
Trees shall be placed to allow for their anticipated mature height and width. The spacing of Village Trees will be in accordance with the three species size classes listed in Appendix A[1] of this chapter, and no trees may be planted closer together than the following: small trees, 30 feet; medium trees, 40 feet; large trees, 50 feet; except in special plantings designed or approved by a landscape architect or ISA Certified Arborist.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Trees adjacent to the street right-of-way shall be pruned such that there are 10 feet above the street surface and eight feet above any sidewalk surface.
Trees shall be planted so as to not block the site line at street intersections.
Trees shall be planted at least 10 feet from fire hydrants/fire plugs.
Underground utilities.
Trees shall be planted such that they do not have to be removed for access to underground utilities. DigSafeNY will be called out to mark any underground utilities prior to any tree planting. No trees, other than those species listed as small trees in the Appendix of this chapter, may be planted over or within five lateral feet of any underground water line, sewer line, transmission line or other utility.
Trees shall be protected from damage during above- or below-ground utility work. The area of protection is 125% of the tree canopy. If this area cannot be protected, an ISA Certified Arborist must be on site to observe work and ensure that no roots over one inch are severed.
Overhead utility wires.
Tall growing trees (anything with a mature height over 40 feet) shall not be planted underneath overhead utility wires. No trees, other than those species listed as small trees in the Appendix of this chapter, may be planted under or within 10 lateral feet of any overhead utility wire.
Pruning and maintenance.
The Village, after reviewing any recommendation of the Solvay Tree Committee, shall have the right, but not the obligation, to prune, maintain and remove trees, plants and shrubs within the street right-of-way as may be necessary to ensure public safety and/or health and natural form of the tree.
Pruning standards. All pruning shall conform to the current ANSI A300 standards for tree care operations. The ANSI A300 standards are included in the Appendix.[2] When required, crown reduction is preferred to the topping of trees.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Trees adjacent to the street right-of-way shall be pruned such that there are 10 feet above the street surface and eight feet above any sidewalk. The Solvay Tree Committee has the responsibility to prune or designate volunteers to prune young trees (under five inches' caliper).
The Village of Solvay shall have the right to prune any trees or shrubs on private property within the Village when such trees constitute a hazard to life and property, are potentially injurious to servers, electric power lines, gas lines, water lines or other public utilities, or interferes with visibility of any traffic control, device or sign.
Reporting a pruning concern or hazard of a Village tree: A Village resident can report a hazardous tree or pruning request to the Village Department of Public Works. The request will then be reviewed by the Solvay Tree Committee and sent back to the Department of Public Works with instruction.
Removal. No healthy Village tree shall be removed from any Village property and street right-of-way without Tree Committee approval.
Any tree planted by the Village that has been removed without permission, or damaged to such an extent that it must be removed, shall be replaced within one year by the party responsible for the removal or damage at their expense.
The Village of Solvay shall have the right to cause the removal of any trees or tree parts on private property within the Village when such trees constitute a hazard to life and property, are potentially injurious to servers, electric power lines, gas lines, waterlines or other public utilities (if the situation cannot be mitigated by other means) or harbors insects or disease, which constitute a potential threat to other trees within the Village.
The Village will notify in writing the owners of such trees. Removal shall be done by said owners at their own expense within 60 days of the date of notice.
In the event of failure of owners to comply with such provisions, the Village of Solvay shall have the authority to remove such trees and charge the cost of removal on the owner's property tax notice.
Stumps. All stumps of Village trees shall be removed or ground below the surface of the ground so that the top of the stump shall not project above the surface of the ground.
Interference with implementation of this Code provision. It shall be unlawful for any person to prevent, delay or interfere with the Village of Solvay in the implementation, use and enforcement of the provisions of this Code section, or any of its agents, while engaging in and about the planting, cultivating, mulching, pruning, spraying, or removing of any street trees, park trees, or trees on private grounds, as authorized in this code section.
New development, additions and construction projects. All new development including, but not limited to, residential, commercial, industrial and parking lots, will include the planting of trees at such density as shall be determined by the Village of Solvay, after reviewing any recommendations of the Solvay Tree Committee, and in cooperation with the Zoning and Planning Board.
Reasonable requirements for the preservation of trees may be specified by the Village Board.
There shall be at least one tree per lot and spaced according to the requirements in this chapter. New trees shall measure at least 1.5 inches in caliper as measured at the point four feet above the finished grade.
When construction, excavation, and/or material deposits result in the damage, destruction and/or removal of a Village tree, the person or utility responsible for that damage shall replace the tree where appropriate with either a tree or trees of equivalent dollar value* and approved by the Solvay Tree Committee.
*Determined through the "Wood for Wood" method based upon simple replacement of the wood lost and not taking species or condition into account. For example, if the tree is 20 inches DBH, you would need to 10 two-inch caliper trees to replace it. Ten the average cost per tree (i.e., $200) = $2,000.
The property owner/developer shall be responsible for tree planting and all irrigation and maintenance of the tree for a two-year period from the time of the lanting and shall replace any trees that die during this period.