[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Towanda 6-3-1912. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 214.
Secondhand merchandise — See Ch. 233.
All persons setting up or exhibiting a circus, menagerie or tent show, where feats of horsemanship or acrobatic feats are performed or trained horses or animals exhibited, shall before setting up said circus, menagerie or show or where a street parade is connected therewith, before such parade takes place procure from the Mayor, or in his absence from the President of the Borough Council, or should he be absent from the Secretary of the Borough Council, a license therefor.
For each day that the said circus, show or menagerie shall be open the price of license shall be as follows, viz: for of from one to five cars, $10 per day; from five to 10 cars, $15 per day; from 10 to 15 cars, $20 per day, and for all shows running above 15 cars, $25 per day
The Mayor, or in his absence the President of the Borough Council, or if he shall be absent, the Secretary of the Borough Council, shall have power and are hereby authorized to grant the license provided for in § 248-1 of this chapter, but no such license shall be issued until the party applying therefor shall have paid to the officer issuing it for the use of the Borough of Towanda the license fee provided for in § 248-2 of this chapter.
Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of $50 for the use of the Borough of Towanda, to be recovered as penalties are now by law recoverable.
The ordinances passed the fifth day of June 1863, December 1, 1890, May 5, 1896, July 6, 1903, and all other ordinances that may conflict with this chapter are hereby repealed.