[Added 12-1-2010 by Bylaw Amendment 10-651]
The purpose of the winter storm overnight parking ban shall be to provide for the safe movement of police, fire and emergency medical service vehicles during snow and ice storms and otherwise provide for public safety during winter weather conditions. The parking ban shall also serve to enhance the capability of the Public Works Department to remove snow and ice from the roadways effectively and efficiently.
A winter storm overnight parking ban shall automatically take effect upon occurrence of any of the following:
Snow, sleet, or freezing rain has fallen, or is imminent.
The National Weather Service and/or local television and/or radio stations or other media are reporting commencement of snow, sleet, or freezing rain within the local area or are predicting that snow, sleet, or freezing rain will begin in Franklin within 12 hours.
[Amended 3-23-2016 by Bylaw Amendment 16-756]
The parking of any motor vehicle within the layout of the right-of-way of any public street or any roadway open to the public or on any municipally owned property is prohibited between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. while a winter storm parking ban is in effect.
Winter storm overnight parking ban violators shall be charged a fine of $25 for each offense.
In addition to the foregoing penalty or in lieu thereof, the Town may have the violator's vehicle towed and stored at the violator's expense.
For purposes of this section, the vehicle's registered owner and any permitted user shall be deemed a violator.
This article shall be in effect from October 15 to April 15.
The Franklin Police Department shall enforce the provisions of this article and shall be solely responsible for issuance of tickets and authorization of towing.