Any downstream or off-site hydraulic capacity analysis conducted
in accordance with this chapter shall use the following criteria for
determining adequacy:
A. Natural or man-made channels or swales must be able to convey the
postdevelopment runoff associated with a ten-year-return-period event
within their banks at velocities consistent with protection of the
channels from erosion. Acceptable velocities shall be based upon criteria
included in the PADEP Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program
B. Natural or man-made channels or swales must be able to convey the
postdevelopment twenty-five-year-return-period runoff without creating
any hazard to persons or property.
C. Culverts, bridges, storm sewers or any other facilities which must
pass or convey flows from the tributary area must be designed in accordance
with PADEP, Chapter 105 regulations (if applicable), and, at a minimum,
pass the postdevelopment twenty-five-year-return-period runoff.
D. It must be demonstrated that the downstream conveyance channel, other
stormwater facilities, roadways, or overland areas must be capable
of safely conveying the one-hundred-year design storm without causing
additional damage to buildings or other infrastructure.
E. Where the downstream conveyance channel or other facility is located
within a special flood hazard area (as documented on the Flood Insurance
Rate Map), it must be demonstrated that the limits of said flood hazard
area are not increased by the proposed activity.