The present tense includes the future, the singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. The word "shall" is always mandatory.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and phrases shall be construed throughout this chapter to have the meanings indicated in this article:
The Newtown Township Board of Supervisors.
An area of required yard space adjacent to a use or facility within a property or to the boundary of a property or district, upon which may be located a visual barrier to mitigate the visual impact of the adjacent development. Such barrier may be comprised of plant material, earth berms, fences and walls, or a combination of these materials. The width of the buffer area and the extent of screening required shall be determined by the type of use proposed and the adjacent uses, as provided herein. The impact of the proposed use on adjoining properties is the basis for the establishment of buffer area standards.
PRIMARY BUFFER AREAA buffer area located adjacent to any residential zoning district. The "primary buffer area" may be included in any front, side or rear yard area required under the provisions of this chapter. Any and all front, side or rear yard areas which adjoin residential zoning districts shall be treated as "primary buffer areas."
SECONDARY BUFFER AREAA buffer area located adjacent to any zoning district other than a residential zone. The "secondary buffer area" may be included in any front, side or rear yard area required under the provisions of this chapter. Any and all front, side or rear yard areas which are adjacent to any zoning district other than a residential zoning district shall be treated as a "secondary buffer area."
SPECIAL BUFFERA buffer area, as designated by the Township, which requires more stringent screening treatment in order to mitigate adverse visual conditions resulting from unique topographic or other physical factors evolved through the procedure in development of the land.
The diameter of a tree trunk measured six inches above the ground level for trees up to and including four inches in caliper size. For trees of larger size caliper, the measurement is taken 12 inches above the ground level.
A line on the surface of the ground which is generally of a circular configuration, formed by the dripping of rainwater from the outermost ends of tree branches.
Operations connected with excavations and embankments of earth such as those encountered in the procedure of grading land areas and includes the stripping and stockpiling of topsoil.
A landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any other state having a reciprocal registration agreement with Pennsylvania.
The addition of features to the land which enhances a particular site from the standpoint of noise abatement, recreational enjoyment and visual amenity.
The Township official appointed annually by the Board of Supervisors and responsible to the Township Manager for the administration of this chapter.
Any action taken to lessen the specified undesirable impacts of a proposed land use or land disturbance activity, including those which would adversely affect the health or longevity of a natural feature, pose a visual intrusion or conflict or otherwise be deemed incompatible with surrounding properties.
A building containing two or more dwelling units, including but not limited to a four-family dwelling (fourplex, quadraplex), townhouse (single-family attached) or apartment building.
A component of a landscape, either naturally occurring or man-made, such as a water body, wetland, special plant or woodland, or any part thereof identified by Newtown Township at any time as being important for conservation.
The planned management of a natural feature to prevent its exploitation, destruction or neglect.
A deciduous tree grown for the purpose of providing shade.
Any activity which involves removal of vegetation or which causes land on a given site to be exposed to the danger of erosion, including clearing, grading, filling, plowing and/or other types of earthwork.
A specifically selected plant, tree, shrub, flower or other vegetation considered worthy of preservation by the Township because of species, size, shape, age, historical importance or any other significant characteristics.
A tree planted or growing adjacent to a highway or street.
A channel which collects or carries surface water runoff.
The Township of Newtown, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
A low-lying, wet ground area such as a swamp or marsh, which supports plant and animal life indigenous to this environment.
A land area characterized by tree cover and other woody vegetation.