[Adopted as Ch. 16 of the 1964 Code]
This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "Excavated Lands Ordinance."
The Town Board of the Town of Smithtown may direct the filling in of excavated lands and property in any district in the Town if, after a hearing upon publication of notice in at least one newspaper having general circulation in the Town of Smithtown, the existence of such lands and property are determined by the Town Board to constitute a hazard to public safety.
Prior to the filling in of any excavated lands and property, the Town Board shall provide as follows:
For an inspection and report by an official of the Town duly appointed by the Town Board.
For a public hearing, after notice of such hearing by the publication of a notice in at least one newspaper circulating in the Town specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held and identifying the property which is the subject of the report of the appointed Town official.
For a determination by the Town Board as to whether the existence of such excavated lands and property constitute a hazard to the public safety.
In the event that the Town Board deems such lands and property to constitute a hazard to public safety, for 30 days' notice, by registered mail, to the owner of record of such lands and property at the address shown on the last preceding assessment roll, containing a description of the premises, a statement of the particulars in which said excavated lands and property are hazardous to public safety and an order requiring such excavated lands and property to be filled in by or on behalf of such owner within such thirty-day period.
In the event of the failure of such owner to commence and complete the filling in of such excavated lands and property as required by said order, for the filling in by or under the direction of the Town of Smithtown of such excavated lands and property and for the assessment of the cost thereof against such lands and property in accordance with the provisions of § 157 of the Highway Law of the State of New York.