No person or corporation shall take water of the district or otherwise utilize the facilities of the district for any purpose without the permission of the district, obtained upon written application and upon payment of all fees, charges and deposits required in connection therewith.
[Last amended 2-5-2019 (Board of Water Commissioners)]
Charges for water service shall be established and adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Smithtown acting as the Board of Water Commissioners. A schedule of current fees shall be available at the Town Clerk's office and the Smithtown Water District.
[Last amended 2-5-2019 (Board of Water Commissioners)]
Charges for water service shall be established and adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Smithtown acting as the Board of Water Commissioners. A schedule of current fees shall be available at the Town Clerk's office and the St. James Water District.
Bills for water service shall become due and payable to the district, at its office, on the 15th day of the month following the quarter-annual period for which the bill is rendered. If such bills are not paid within 60 days from the date of the beginning of the quarter-annual period following that for which the bill is rendered, a penalty of 10% of the amount of such bills will be added thereto. If such bills remain unpaid for a period of 60 days from the date of the beginning of the period following that for which the bills are rendered, water service shall be discontinued until such bills, together with the penalties, are paid.
Water rents and charges and penalties thereon are liens upon the real property upon which the water is used, and on or before the day when, under the Town Law, preliminary estimates of expenditures are required to be submitted, the Superintendent shall file with the Town Clerk a statement showing all water rents and charges, with penalties thereon, unpaid for more than 60 days, which said statement shall contain a brief description of each property to which the water was supplied or upon which charges were incurred, the name of the owner liable to pay the same, so far as may be known, and the amount chargeable to such owner.
Such rents, charges and penalties shall not be collected by the Superintendent of the District after the filing of such statement with the Town Clerk but may thereafter be paid to the Supervisor until such time as a statement of such unpaid water rents, charges and penalties is submitted to the Board of Supervisors for the purpose of levying the same as a tax against the property affected.
The Board may establish a different or other rate for any water or service furnished outside the geographical limits of the Smithtown and St. James Water Districts.
For a fire sprinkler system, the rate shall be a minimum of $50 per annum for each system and $0.10 per annum for each sprinkler head in excess of $500.
An installation charge shall be made for each premises into which water shall be introduced for permanent consumption. This charge shall include the following materials and services which shall be furnished by the district:
A water meter and the setting thereof.
A corporation stop and service clamp.
A tap and inspection of the facilities.
Meter pit covers and ring-style valves.
Where remote reading meters are installed, a curb stop and curb box in place of meter pit cover.
Applicant's responsibility.
The applicant or consumer at his own expense shall:
Furnish and install the meter pit and copper tubing.
Install only meter pit coverings and ring-style valves.
This is in accordance with the specifications on file and obtainable at the Water District office.
Cost for three-fourths-inch service and equipment: $400.
[Amended 6-9-1981; 2-5-2019]
Cost for one-inch service and equipment: $475.[1]
[Amended 6-9-1981; 2-5-2019]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection E, Cost for two-inch water service, which immediately followed, was repealed 2-5-2019.
Every plumber shall file with the Board or its authorized representative a performance bond in the penal sum of $10,000 for each 100 homes or fraction thereof in which he shall make installations, repairs or improvements in any twelve-month period. Water main contractors shall be required to furnish a performance bond in an amount equal to 100% of the total amount of the contract before commencement of work. Such bonds shall be placed with one or more sureties acceptable to the Board and shall be conditional that the licensee will pay to the district the amount of all fines or other expenses imposed by the Board in connection with the performance of the work of the licensee upon any facility owned by or which at any time in the future may be owned by the district and further conditioned that the licensee will indemnify and save the district, the Board and the employees thereof harmless from liabilities and all damages and injuries resulting directly or indirectly from an installation, repair, extension or use of the facilities of the district performed by him and further conditioned that the licensee will replace and restore to the satisfaction and approval of the appropriate government authority all streets and pavement removed by the licensee in connection with the work performed by him. Such performance bond is to cover and insure the district against defective material or workmanship of such installations, repairs or improvements for a period of one year from the date of inspection by the Smithtown and St. James Water Districts as herein provided.
[Amended 2-5-2019]
All water main contractors shall prove to the satisfaction of the Board that they possess and necessary qualifications (financial, labor, equipment and otherwise) to successfully complete the work.
All plumbers to whom permits are issued shall be duly licensed plumbers of the Town of Smithtown and licensed by said township pursuant to its plumbing ordinances.
Persons desiring to use district water for building construction purposes will be required to make application at the office of the Board therefor, stating the name and address of the owner of the property and its location, the estimated cost of building and the estimated length of time of the construction period and, on receiving the permit, will be required to pay a minimum charge of $5 for a building costing up to and including $20,000 and $0.25 for each $1,000 of additional cost or fraction thereof. Such permit will be valid for a period of time only as stated thereon but may be renewed for thirty-day periods thereafter if, upon investigation, it is found that conditions warrant renewal. It will not be permitted to use district water for this purpose through a hour service either on the same or from neighboring premises. The willful waste of water or any violation of this chapter will be cause for the discontinuance of the service. If the water is willfully wasted, the Board may cancel such permit and stop the supply of water. The Board reserves the right to make either a flat rate for the service or to require a meter to be installed. If a meter is installed, it must be placed in an approved box of two-inch planks with a hinged cover fitted for a padlock to be provided by the district and so placed that it will not be disturbed during construction. In the winter, the box must be properly covered with earth or otherwise made frostproof and must be uncovered, at any time, upon the request of any member of the Board or its authorized representative for inspection or reading. Any violation of the rules and regulations of the Board will be cause for the removal of the meter and the discontinuance of the service.
[Amended 6-9-1981; 3-26-2009]
Whenever it shall be necessary for the district to turn on the water supply of any consumer at the consumer's request, a minimum service charge of $25 for turning off and $25 for turning on shall be made.
[Amended 2-3-1987; 12-2-2008 (Board of Water Commissioners)]
A consumer's meter will be tested by the district upon receipt of his written request therefor. In the event that his meter is found to be within the legal limits of registration as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of New York State, a charge of $50 shall be made. If the meter is found to be overregistering, no charge for testing shall be made, and an adjusted bill shall be rendered.