No more than one premises or building shall be supplied through any single tap without the written approval of the Board, nor may any district water be submetered. In all permanent installations, separate and distinct stopcocks and meters must be provided for each building or premises.
Except as otherwise provided herein, all water service shall be rendered and supplied through meters of a make and type approved and furnished by the Smithtown and St. James Water Districts and shall be of such size as the Board shall deem proper. The Board reserves the right to grant permits upon application for the installation of temporary service at a flat rate for such service or to require that a meter be installed.
No person shall make any attachment to or connection with the pipes or mains of the district or make any repairs, additions, extensions or alterations to the facilities of the district without the prior approval of the Board, and work shall be performed only by an authorized employee of the district, a plumber duly licensed by the Town of Smithtown or an approved water main contractor.
All tapping of the district mains and setting of meters shall be performed by an authorized employee of the district or by such other person as the Board shall designate. No plumber or other person shall, without specific authorization by the Board, tap or otherwise connect, disconnect or repair any pipe, valve or other appurtenances to any facility of the district, except that a duly bonded plumber, as defined by § 312-17 of this chapter, may make installations and repairs of water lines and appurtenances on the consumer's side of the meter or curb stop, provided that said installation or repair shall in all respects comply with the specifications and requirements as may be established by this chapter and by the Board of Commissioners.
Where a person other than an employee, officer of the district or bonded plumber shall be authorized by the Board to tap mains and install or set water meters, he shall post a surety bond covering his workmanship and material in an amount that shall be satisfactory to the Board.
No water shall be introduced into private pipelines upon any premises until and unless the same shall have been inspected and approved and, if there is an inside meter on the premises, until said meter shall have been officially sealed by the district.
Except where authorized by the Board of Water Commissioners, all meters for permanent installations shall be installed, in any accessible location, in the interior of a dwelling, store or other building and shall have a provision for remote reading. Meters may be installed in underground meter pits located, whenever practical, between the curb and sidewalk, as a special exception, when expressly authorized by the Board of Water Commissioners.
The water meter, accessories and setting thereof; the corporation stop and service clamp; and the tap and inspection of facilities shall be supplied and furnished by the district at the expense of the consumer or owner of the premises, and all other appurtenances shall conform in all respects to the requirements of this chapter and specifications established by the Board of Commissioners, which are on file and obtainable at the Water District Office.
All meters shall be set in an accessible manner in a place approved by the Board and shall not be obstructed in any manner that will interfere with the prompt reading, repairing, testing or inspecting thereof.
The Board of Commissioners and its authorized employees and agents are authorized to come upon the premises of the consumer at all times for the purpose of reading, inspecting, repairing, maintaining or removing or testing the water facilities, meters and appurtenances through which water of the district is supplied.
Meters shall be set with the inlet and the outlet in a horizontal plane with the register on top. No outlet through which water may be taken may be installed in any line between the main and the meter.
A stop valve shall be installed within the building at the closest practicable point where the service line enters the building. Whenever the meter shall be located within the building, the stop valves shall be located on the inlet and outlet side of the meter.
Whenever the Board permits the meter to be located within the building, the applicant or consumer shall, at his own expense, install a curb stop, extension service box and rod between the curb and sidewalk, in addition to other appurtenances required under § 312-26 and in accordance with specifications on file and obtainable at the Water District Office.
No hot water lines or other units capable of producing heat shall be located within one foot of the meter.
In the event that a meter is damaged or destroyed for any reason whatsoever, said meter shall be repaired or replaced by the district as soon as conveniently may be, after notice to the district, at the cost and expense of the owner of the premises or the consumer.
All leaks in any service line or appurtenance into and through which district water is supplied shall be reported and repaired immediately, at the cost and expense of the owner or consumer. In the event that such leak or leaks shall not be promptly reported and repaired, the district shall have the right to cut off the supply of water to such consumer.
Consumers shall have the water shut off when the premises become vacant. In case a house or other building is to be closed for a time, especially during cold weather, the owner or consumer must notify the district in order that the meter may be read and the ring-style valves or the curb stop be closed. In case of failure to do so, resulting in the bursting of pipes by freezing, the owner or consumer shall pay for all water thus lost, the quantity to be estimated by the district and added to the next bill and paid in like manner as the regular water rental charge.
Meters shall not be tampered with or disturbed by any unauthorized person. In the event that damage to or destruction of a meter is caused by such unauthorized tampering or disturbance, the meter shall be repaired or replaced by the district, at the expense of the owner or consumer, as soon as conveniently may be done after the district received notice of such damage or destruction.
In the event that any meter fails to register or otherwise becomes out of order, the consumer shall notify the district immediately.
All repair or replacement of meters shall be made by an authorized employee or agent of the district.
All meters which, in the opinion of the Board, have become unsuitable for further use shall be replaced by another meter, at the expense of the district.
Service pipes, fittings, corporation stops, ring-style valves and meters shall be of such size, make and construction as the district shall deem proper. Service pipes less than two inches in diameter shall be of pure seamless copper tubing with bronze fittings of a type and make approved by the Board. All copper tubing shall be of the following gauge:
Nominal Pipe Size
Outside Dimensions
1 1/8
1 1/4
1 3/8
1 1/2
1 5/8
Service pipes two inches or more in diameter shall be of cast-iron pipe, Class 150, with protective lining and shall be connected to a tee in the main with a gate valve and box close to the main, unless a special exception is authorized by the Board of Water Commissioners.
Lead goosenecks shall not be used.
No red or white lead or joint compound shall be used on joints between the main and the meter.
All distribution pipes shall be of a quality and weight suitable for service under a pressure equivalent to at least 330 feet head of water.
All permanent water mains hereafter installed within the Smithtown and St. James Water Districts shall be of at least six inches in diameter.
No water main or service pipe shall be laid in a sewer or drain trench, nor will any sewer or drain be permitted in any water main or service pipe trench. No water main or service pipe will be permitted to pass within seven feet of any sewage disposal system.
The meter pit shall be installed between the curb and the sidewalk where practicable and shall be kept five feet clear of driveways.
All water pipes, service pipes and appurtenances shall be kept in good repair and shall be protected from frost and heat and shall be kept in good repair, at the expense of the consumer.
All water mains and service pipes shall be laid at least four feet six inches below the surface of the ground.
In the event that a change in ground elevation shall leave any service pipe inadequately buried or result in a meter pit or other appurtenance of the water facilities being projected above the ground or being covered with earth, the consumer shall, at his own expense, have such service pipe or meter pit raised or lowered, as the case may be, so as to conform to all of the requirements of the district, this work to be performed by authorized persons only.
No street or public ground shall be opened or excavated by any consumer or applicant for water service until and unless said applicant shall have been granted all permits required by the government authorities or agencies affected or having a right to pass upon such opening or excavation, nor until all performance bonds or other securities and insurance policies that may be required shall have been obtained and are in force.
The consumer or applicant making such street opening or excavation shall take all precautions for the safety and convenience of the public and shall assume all responsibility and liability for injury or damages resulting therefrom and agrees to save and hold the district, the Board, its agents and employees harmless from all liability for damages or injuries resulting therefrom.
Open trenches shall be guarded with barricades and sufficient warning lights or flares shall be displayed before sundown and maintained until sunrise.
Under no circumstances will any excavation containing water mains, appurtenances or facilities belonging to the district or through which district water is to pass be backfilled or covered until and unless such water mains, appurtenances or facilities have been inspected by a duly authorized employee or officer of the district.
The consumer, applicant or owner shall file with the district a written report of the completion of all attachments, connections, alterations and extensions of water pipelines and appurtenances within 24 hours after such completion, specifying the nature, location and type of attachment, connection, alteration or extension.
Except as hereinafter provided, no corporation stop shall be opened and no water shall be introduced into or permitted to run into any premises after a new connection with the street main has been made or a new extension or attachment has been made, unless and until the pipelines, extensions and attachments have been inspected and approved by the district.
In any unoccupied premises wherein the introduction of water shall have been authorized or approved by the Board and which shall not have been disconnected or cut off by the district, it is not required that the water be cut off or disconnected where minor extensions or attachments are made; provided, however, that the district shall be notified of such minor extensions or attachment within 24 hours of the making thereof. The district reserves the right, however, to require that the consumer remove any attachments or extensions which do not meet the requirements of specifications established by this chapter and by the Board of Commissioners.
The district, its officers, agents and employees assume no responsibility or liability for damages, injuries or leakages that may result from an increase or decrease of pressure or a discontinuance of the supply of water, and said supply may be cut off or discontinued or the pressure increased or decreased at any time without notice to the consumer.
Whenever it shall be found that a service installation has been made in any manner other than that approved by the Board, the meter may be removed and the service discontinued. Water shall not again be introduced into the premises until the service installation is properly made and approved and all expenses, charges and deposits paid by the consumer or owner of the premises.
A prior approval must be obtained from the water district for an installation of any type of underground sprinkler system.
A check valve and an approved vacuum breaker must be installed in the manner prescribed by the district.
No air-conditioning system shall be connected to district water service unless it is the recirculating type and prior approval for the installation of the same is obtained from the water district.
A check valve with a five-eighths-inch detector meter on a bypass shall be installed on all separate water main service connections used exclusively for fire protection. All fire service lines shall be a constant diameter from the street main to building line. If branch lines are installed, the main header from the street shall have a flow capacity at least equal to the sum of the capacities of the various branches.
Interconnections or cross-connections or any other means whereby water from other sources except those of the district's wells may be introduced into the district's mains are strictly prohibited.
All public, industrial and commercial buildings and establishments are required to install vacuum breaker antisiphon devices, approved by the district, on all plumbing fixtures and other water outlets. Further, the Board shall have the power to require approved vacuum breaker antisiphon devices on any other plumbing fixtures or water outlets in the district when, in the Board's opinion, danger of contamination of the district's water supply exists.
To provide for the installation of pressure-regulating valves in new homes, said installation shall be charged against water district surplus accounts.
[Added 3-21-1967]