[Adopted 12-14-1981 by Ord. No. 1981-10]
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this article shall be as follows:
Newtown Township, Delaware County, Sewer Authority.
Any structure or store, office or other unit thereof intended to be used wholly or in part for the purposes of carrying on a trade, business or profession or for social, amusement, religious, educational, charitable or public use.
Any structure or separate unit thereof intended to be used wholly or in part for the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembly of any product, commodity or article.
Any solid, liquid or gaseous substance or waterborne wastes or form of energy rejected or escaping from any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business or from the development, recovery or processing of natural resources, as distinct from sanitary sewage.
Any structure intended to be occupied as a whole by one family or an apartment intended to be occupied by one family or any other one-family living unit.
Any separately deeded piece of ground upon which there exists or can be erected a building.
The normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and commercial and industrial establishments.
All facilities leased by the Township from the Authority or by agreement with adjoining municipalities for the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage. This shall include any sewage facilities located in the area known as the "Valley View Sewer District."
[Amended 11-25-1991 by Ord. No. 1991-9]
The Township of Newtown, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Aqua, Pennsylvania, Inc., or other private water company distributing water in any part of the area served by the sewer system.
[Amended 3-11-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-02]
There is hereby imposed upon each property having a building thereon, located within the Township and served by the sewer system, sewer rents or charges at the rates and payable as hereafter provided by resolution for the use, whether direct or indirect, of the sewer system.
Basis of sewer rent and rate. The annual sewer rents or charges required hereunder shall be based upon the quantity of water supplied to each private dwelling or living unit or industrial establishment or commercial establishment, as the case may be, as evidenced by the applicable water meter readings of the water company and/or the readings of water meters installed pursuant to provisions of this article or, in certain cases where only on-site water supplies exist, as determined by the Township in accordance with provisions of this article. Such sewer rents and charges shall be established by resolution.
Minimum sewer rent. Regardless of the actual water consumption, a minimum annual sewer rent for each private dwelling, living unit, industrial establishment or commercial establishment shall be charged as set forth by resolution.
Sewer rent for multiple use properties. In each case of an assemblage of two or more private dwellings or living units, commercial establishments or industrial establishments, or any combination thereof, on one property having the use of the sewer system, each such private dwelling or living unit, commercial establishment and industrial establishment shall be charged separately the above-prescribed sewer rents and charges. If each such unit or establishment is not provided with an individual water meter, the annual sewer rent for the assemblage shall be based on the total water used by the assemblage, and the minimum sewer rent chargeable to the assemblage shall be the minimum rent multiplied by the number of individual dwelling or living units, commercial establishments and industrial establishments thereon. In cases where multiple contiguous dwelling units in common ownership are served by separately metered public water supply, upon request of the property owner, the Township shall group all water meter readings and all unit minimums together to generate a single sewer rental charge.
[Amended 9-8-1986 by Ord. No. 1986-15]
Properties having only water company service. In each case where all the water used on a property is supplied by the water company, the Township shall secure from the water company, by February 28 of each year a statement of the total water consumption by each of its customers connected to the sewer system for a period of 12 consequent months as closely proximate in time to the prior calendar year as meter readings of the water company shall permit. Reasonable compensation shall be paid by the Township to the water company for supplying this information.
Properties having on-site water supply.
In each case where a single-family structure has only on-site water supply, the sewer rents or charges for any calendar year shall be in an amount equal to the average of the annual rents or charges incurred in that calendar year by 100 other single-family structures connected to the sewer system and receiving water only from the water company, such structures to be chosen at random by the Township, who shall average their rents for the purpose thereof.
In all cases other than single-family structures and in all cases with both on-site and water company water supply, a meter or meters shall be installed, as provided in § 130-12, to meter the quantity of the water supplied by the on-site source. The total amount of water consumed as shown by such meters and by the water company meter shall be used in computing the sewer rents or charges to be paid.
Properties where part of the water supplied does not enter the sewer system. Whenever water is used which is not discharged into the sewer system and the quantity of water so used is measured by a meter approved by the Township and installed and maintained without cost to the Township, then readings from such meters shall be submitted to the Township, on a form approved by the Township Manager, along with a legible photograph of the meter reading, which is due by February 28 of each year. A fee, which shall accompany the form, shall be established by resolution. Using the information submitted, a credit shall be calculated and applied to the property owner's account.
[Amended 3-11-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-02]
[Amended 3-11-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-02]
All meters or measuring devices used under the provisions of this article, except those provided by the water company, shall be furnished and installed by the property owner at the property owner's expense. All such meters or measuring devices, except those provided by the water company, shall be approved and shall be under the control of the Township and may be tested, inspected or repaired by Township employees whenever the Township shall deem necessary. The owner of the property upon which any such meter or measuring device is installed shall be responsible for its maintenance, inspection and safekeeping, and all repairs thereto shall be made by the property owner, at the property owner's expense, whether such repairs are made necessary by ordinary wear and tear or other causes. A schematic drawing shall be provided by the property owner to document for Township records the physical location of the meter or measuring device. These devices shall be available for inspection by Township employees at all times.
Bills for sewer rents or charges for each calendar year shall be prepared and mailed by the Township as soon as possible after receipt of meter readings from the water company and shall be based on the previous year's total water consumption pursuant to § 130-11.
If any property shall be connected to the sewer system after the start of the calendar year, the bill for sewer rents or charges for the next succeeding year shall be based on the actual water consumption following connection projected over a full calendar year.
[Amended 3-11-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-02]
All bills shall be payable on the date received. All sewer rental charges billed and unpaid shall be a lien against the property serviced by the sewer system until paid. If such bills are not paid within 30 days after the date they are mailed, but no earlier than June 30, a penalty of 10% thereof shall be added. It shall be the duty of the Township during and after the sixth month following the month in which the bills were mailed to certify the unpaid bills to the Township Solicitor, who shall proceed to collect such delinquent bills, together with interest at 6% per year, penalties and costs accrued thereon either by action at law or by filing a lien or liens for the same in the office of the Prothonotary of the County Court of Common Pleas, and such liens, together with interest, penalty and costs accrued thereon, shall be filed and collected in accordance with law. All persons connected to the sewer system shall give the Township their correct address. Failure to receive bills shall not be considered an excuse for nonpayment nor permit an extension of the period during which bills are payable.
The funds received by the Township from the collection of the connection charges imposed by the Authority and to be collectible by the Township as its agent, from sewer rentals and charges and all penalties thereon, as herein provided for, any fines collected by the Township in connection with the sewer system and any other funds received in connection with the sewer system shall be segregated in a separate fund to be designated "Sewer Revenue Account No. 2" and shall be used only for the purposes of defraying the expenses of the Township in the operation, maintenance and repair of the sewer system or other expenses in relation to such sewer system and for such payments as the Township may be required to make under any lease or agreement it may enter into for and of or, in connection with such sewer system, with the Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended (53 P.S. § 301 et seq.[1]).
Editor's Note: Former 53 P.S. § 301 et seq. was repealed 6-19-2001 (P.L. 287, No. 22). See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
The Township Manager is hereby charged with the duties of collecting all sewer rents and charges and connection charges imposed by the Authority. He is authorized to adopt such regulations with respect to the subject covered in this article as may, in his discretion, seem fit and proper. He shall also keep full, accurate and complete records of all sewer rentals or charges, bills, receipts, payments and transmittals of money to the Township.
The rates and any rules and regulations hereunder shall become effective on the date of their enactment and adoption respectively and shall be applicable to all properties as soon as they respectively become connected with and have the right to use the sewer system. The Township reserves the right to make such changes from time to time as in its opinion may be desirable or beneficial and to amend this article or to change the rates or charges in such manner and at such times as in its opinion may be advisable.