The preliminary plat shall be based upon a survey by a registered land surveyor and shall be submitted in four copies at a scale of not more than 100 feet to one inch, and shall show correctly on its face:
Date, graphic scale and North point.
Name of the proposed subdivision.
Name, address and telephone number of the person to be contacted regarding the plat.
Location of the proposed subdivision by government lot, quarter section, section, Township, range and county.
A scaled drawing of the exterior boundaries of the proposed subdivision referenced to a corner established in the United States Public Land Survey, and the total acreage encompassed thereby.
Location and names of adjacent subdivisions, parks and cemeteries.
Location, right-of-way width, approximate grade and names of any existing or proposed streets, alleys or other public ways; easements, and railroad and utility rights-of-way included within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
Location of existing property lines, buildings, drives, streams and watercourses, lakes, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, and other similar significant features within the parcel being subdivided.
Location and layouts for existing and proposed sanitary sewers, water mains and storm drainage facilities within the parcel being subdivided.
Contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet for a slope less than 5% and five feet for a slope of 5% or more.
Location and approximate dimensions of any sites to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds, drainage ways, or other public uses which are to be used for group housing, shopping centers, church sites or other uses not requiring lotting.
Existing and proposed land use and zoning included within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
Approximate dimensions of all lots, and proposed lot and block numbers.
Location of setback lines.
When requested by the Village, a draft of a protective covenant whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use in the subdivision and otherwise protect the proposed development.
When requested by the Village, soil borings to determine rock and groundwater elevation.
The development plan, as provided for in this section, shall be submitted in four copies at a scale not more than 200 feet to one inch and shall show:
Information required under § 459-18A, B, C, D, E, F, H, K and L.
Contours at vertical intervals of not more than 10 feet.
Location, right-of-way width and names of any: existing streets, public ways, easements, and railroad and utility rights-of-way and the proposed major streets, parks and school sites.
The final plat of the proposed subdivision shall comply with the requirements of Ch. 236, Wis. Stats., and the provisions of this chapter.
The certified survey map shall comply with the provisions of § 236.34, Wis. Stats., and the provisions of this chapter.
Written development agreement required. Before any final plat or certified survey map is approved, the subdivider shall enter an agreement ("development agreement") prepared by the Village wherein the subdivider agrees to install all required improvements within the sooner of such time period as specified in the development agreement or within two years of the date that the plat or certified survey map is recorded. Notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary, whether in this chapter or other agreements with the subdivider, and absent express waiver of the Village's rights hereunder, failure to complete all required improvements within said time frame may result in immediate forfeiture to the Village of security as well as such other relief as may be available to the Village under law. Where appropriate, the Village Board may permit construction to be staged pursuant to an installation and completion schedule approved by the Village Board. Where staging is permitted, the Village Board will accept the public improvements when they have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and when they have passed the necessary inspections, even though the particular improvements may not have been completed within the remainder of the subdivision or land division.
Security for performance required.
To guarantee the satisfactory installation of the required improvements and to guaranty the required improvements and the payments required herein, and as a condition of approval of the plat or certified survey map, the subdivider shall furnish to the Village a certificate of deposit, irrevocable letter of credit, certified check or other security note acceptable to the Village ("security") and in an amount up to 110% of the estimated cost of all required improvements, as determined by the Village Engineer. Where staging is permitted, the amount and duration of the security shall be determined as specified in Subsection B(2) of this chapter.
Where staging is permitted, the subdivider shall furnish to the Village a certificate of deposit, irrevocable letter of credit, certified check or other security in a form acceptable to the Village ("security") for the first phase and thereafter for each successive stage of construction. The security shall be an amount up to 110% of the estimated costs of improvements required for the phase under construction as determined by the Village Engineer. Improvements constructed during the first stage and each successive stage of construction shall not be accepted nor shall any building permit be issued for construction or comprehensive development until the security required for the next stage of construction has been posted with the Village.
When the security is furnished to insure the construction of required improvements within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Village, it may name the Town and Iowa/Lafayette/Green County, or either of them, in addition to the Village, as obligees, payees, or beneficiaries.
The security shall guarantee that all required improvements will be made and installed according to the development agreement, or within two years of the date that the plat or certified survey map is recorded. Notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary, whether in this chapter or other agreements with the subdivider, and absent express waiver of the Village's rights hereunder, failure to complete all required improvements within said time frame may result in immediate forfeiture to the Village of security as well as such other relief as may be available to the Village under law. Where appropriate, the Village Board may permit construction to be staged pursuant to an installation and completion schedule approved by the Village Board. Where staging is permitted, the Village Board will accept the public improvements when they have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and when they have passed the necessary inspections, even though the particular improvements may not have been completed within the remainder of the subdivision or land division.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). Additionally, original Section 22.305(3) of the 2003 Municipal Code, which immediately followed this section, was repealed as duplicative of Subsection B at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Issuance of building permits. No building permits shall be issued until the development agreement is fully executed and the security furnished.