The subdivider shall install survey monuments in accordance with the requirements of § 236.15, Wis. Stats.
Water mains shall be installed so as to provide service to each lot within the subdivision. Subdivider shall pay all costs of such installation including extending water main from the existing location of the water main across the frontage of all lots and looping the water main, where such looping is deemed desirable or necessary by the Village Engineer.
Sanitary sewer shall be installed so as to provide service to each lot within the subdivision. Subdivider shall pay all costs of such installation including extending sewer from the existing location of the sewer across the frontage of all lots.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 375, Sewers and Water. Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The full width of all rights-of-way shall be shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete surface in accordance with plans and specifications of the Village Engineer, except where the Village Board grants a specific permanent or temporary variance or waiver allowing gravel or crushed stone. The required thickness of the asphalt and crushed stone layers shall be established by the Village Engineer and installed by the subdivider.
The developer shall construct stormwater drainage facilities, which may include curbs and gutters, catch basins and inlets, storm sewers, road ditches and open channels, as may be required. All such facilities are to be of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate maximum potential volumes of flow, the type of facility required, the design criteria and the sizes and grades to be determined by the Village Engineer. Storm drainage facilities shall be so designed as to present no hazard to life or property, and the size, type and installation of all stormwater drains and sewers proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Village Board and the Village Engineer.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall be installed in all subdivisions in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Village, except where the Village Board grants a specific permanent or temporary variance or waiver regarding same.
The subdivider shall cause all grading, excavations, open cuts, side slopes, and other land surface disturbances to be mulched, seeded, sodded or otherwise protected so that erosion, siltation, sedimentation and washing are prevented and shall comply with such erosion control ordinances or policies as may be adopted by the Village.
Unless otherwise specified in the development agreement, installation of the required improvements, as well as any extensions of streets and/or utilities inside or outside the development area necessary to reach connection points within the development area, shall be completed by and at the subdivider's expense.