At the time of submitting the preliminary plat, final plat or comprehensive development plan, the developer shall pay the applicable review fees as periodically established by Village Board resolution.
The subdivider shall pay all engineering, inspection, consulting and legal fees incurred by the Village for services performed by or on behalf of the Village in conjunction with the design, inspection and review of any preliminary plat, certified survey or final plat. Consulting, engineering, inspection and legal fees shall be the actual costs to the Village on the basis of submitted invoices plus twice the actual payroll costs for time spent by any employees of the Village. Such fees may be billed monthly, or upon completion of the project as determined by the Village Board.
To guarantee payment of the engineering, inspection and attorneys' fees, and until otherwise provided in the development agreement or by other written agreement with the Village, the Village may require from the subdivider a deposit of all or a portion of the estimated fees prior to commencing review of the land division request. In the event that the subdivider fails to pay the required engineering, inspection and attorneys' fees within 14 days of the time when the Village submits its bill therefore the Village may deduct the amount of such fees from the deposit or from any other security provided by the subdivider.