In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2003 Code of Ordinances have been included in the 2013 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2003 Code
Location in 2013 Code
Ch. 1, General Government
1.01, Elected Official
Ch. 65, Art. I
1.02, Appointed Officials
Ch. 65, Art. II
1.03, Boards and Commissions
Ch. 16
1.04, Emergency Management
Ch. 33
1.05, General Regulations Governing all Village Officers
Ch. 65, Art. III
1.06, Elections
Ch. 28
1.07, Public Records
Ch. 79
1.08, Code of Ethics
Ch. 37
Ch. 2, Governing Body
Ch. 95
Ch. 3, Finance and Taxation
Ch. 41
Ch. 4, Police Department
Repealed by Ord. No. 2009-03; see now Ch. 72
Ch. 5, Fire Department
Ch. 46
Ch. 6, Administrative Review
Ch. 5
Ch. 7, Traffic Code
Ch. 430
Ch. 8, Public Works
8.01, Official Map
Ch. 492
8.02, Street Grades
Ch. 400, Art. I
8.03, Street and Sidewalk Excavations and Openings
Ch. 400, Art. II
8.04, Obstructions and Encroachments
Ch. 400, Art. III
8.05, Sale or Display of Merchandise Prohibited
Ch. 400, Art. IV
8.06, Snow and Ice Removal
Ch. 400, Art. V
8.07, Utility Extensions Required
Ch. 400, Art. VI
8.08, Public Improvements and Assessments
Ch. 12
8.09, Special Assessment Procedure
Ch. 12
8.10, Driveways
Ch. 172
8.11, Moving Buildings
8.15, Penalty
Ch. 172; Ch. 400, Arts. I through V
Ch. 9, Orderly Conduct
9.01, Offenses Against State Laws Subject to Forfeiture
Ch. 320
9.02, Possession and Use of Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons
Ch. 198
9.03, Throwing or Shooting of Arrows, Stones and Other Missiles Prohibited
Ch. 198
9.04, Possession of Marijuana
Repealed by Ord. No. 2005-04; see now Ch. 177
9.05, Sale and Use of Fireworks Regulated
Ch. 205
9.06, Loud and Unnecessary Noise Prohibited
Ch. 289
9.07, Loitering Prohibited
Ch. 267
9.08, Consumption of Fermented Malt Beverage sand Intoxicating Liquor on Public Property and Parking Lots Prohibited
Ch. 235, Art. I
9.09, Animals and Poultry Not to Run at Large
Repealed by Ord. No. 2010-02; see now Ch. 114, Art. II
9.10, Keeping of Livestock and Poultry Regulated
Repealed by Ord. No. 2010-02; see now Ch. 114, Art. II
9.11, Littering
Ch. 262, Art. I
9.12, Burning Regulations
Ch. 138
9.13, Open Cisterns, Wells, Basements or Other Dangerous Excavations Prohibited
Ch. 343, Art. I
9.14, Abandoned or Unattended Iceboxes, etc., Prohibited
9.15, Curfew
Repealed by Ord. No. 2005-01; see now Ch. 164
9.16, Destruction of Property Prohibited
Ch. 339
9.17, Unlawful Removal of Property
Ch. 320
9.18, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 320
9.19, Keeping of Bees Regulated
Ch. 114, Art. I
9.20, Accidental Spills or Hazardous or Detrimental Substances
Ch. 224
9.21, Offenses by Minors
Ch. 278
9.211, Truancy, Habitual Truancy, Contributing to Truancy
Ch. 278
9.22, Offenses Upon School Property
Ch. 368
9.23, Uniform Citation Method Adopted
Ch. 20
9.30, Penalty
Ch. 114, Art. I; 138; Ch. 198; Ch. 205; Ch. 235, Art. I; Ch. 267; Ch. 278; Ch. 289; Ch. 320; Ch. 339; Ch. 343, Art. I; Ch. 368
Ch. 10, Public Nuisances
Ch. 300, Art. I
Ch. 11, Public Health
11.01, Board of Health (Repealed)
11.02, Rules and Regulations (Repealed)
11.03, Health Nuisances, Abatement (Repealed)
11.04, Communicable Diseases (Repealed)
11.05, Regulation of Nuisance-Type Businesses
Ch. 300, Art. II
11.06, Garbage and Refuse Collection
Ch. 391, Art. I
11.07, Illegal Dumping Prohibited
Ch. 262, Art. II
11.08, Compulsory Connection to Sewer and Water
Ch. 375, Art. I
11.15, Penalty
Ch. 262, Art. II; Ch. 300, Art. II; Ch. 375, Art. I; Ch. 391, Art. I
Ch. 12, Licenses and Permits
12.01, General Provisions
Ch. 256
12.02, Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages
Ch. 235, Art. II
12.03, Soda Water Beverage License
Ch. 295
12.04, Cigarette Retailer License
Ch. 152
12.05, Amusement Device License
Ch. 110
12.06, Peddlers, Canvassers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants
Ch. 326
12.07, Junk Dealers
Ch. 241
12.08, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
12.09, Rummage and Garage Sales Regulated
Ch. 213
12.10, Regulation and Licensing of Dogs
Repealed by Ord. No. 2010-02; see now Ch. 114, Art. II
12.11, Bicycle License
Ch. 120
12.15, Penalty
Ch. 110; Ch. 120; Ch. 152; Ch. 213; Ch. 235, Art. II; Ch. 241; Ch. 256; Ch. 295; Ch. 326
Ch. 13, Municipal Utilities
Subchapter I, General Provisions
Ch. 375, Art. II
Subchapter II, Blanchardville Water Utility
Ch. 375, Art. III
Subchapter III, Blanchardville Sewer Utility
Ch. 375, Art. IV
Ch. 14, Building Regulations
Repealed by Ord. No. 2004-03; see now Ch. 125
Ch. 15, Fair Housing Code
Ch. 189
Ch. 16, Cable TV
Ch. 17, Zoning Code
Ch. 520
Ch. 18, Floodplain Zoning Code
Ch. 477
Ch. 19, Parks and Parkways
Ch. 314
Ch. 20, Recycling
Ch. 391, Art. II
Ch. 21, Shoreland-Wetland Zoning Ordinance
Ch. 500
Ch. 22, Land Division Regulations
Ch. 485
Ch. 25, General Provisions
25.01, Rules of Construction
Ch. 1, Art. I
25.02, Conflict and Separability
(1), Conflict of Code Provisions
Ch. 1, Art. I
(2), Separability of Code Provisions
25.03, Clerk-Treasurer to File Documents Incorporated by Reference
Ch. 1, Art. I
25.04, Penalty Provisions
Ch. 1, Art. I
25.05, Repeal of General Ordinances
25.06, Effect of Repeals
25.07, Title: Effective Date: Citation
25.08, Keeping Code Current; Revisor's Amendments
25.09, Venue for all Municipal Code Violations
Ch. 1, Art. I