In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety or the general welfare. Whenever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, ordinances or local laws, the more restrictive provisions or those imposing the higher standards shall govern.
No site plan or special permit shall be approved, no building permit or certificate of occupancy or use shall be issued or variance shall be granted under this chapter for premises upon which there is an existing violation of this chapter or any related Town regulation governing either building construction or the use of land and structures within the Town of Poestenkill. This limitation does not, however, prohibit such an approval, issuance or grant with respect to a legal nonconforming use or legal noncomplying structure.
Should any section or provision of this chapter be decided by the courts to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this chapter as a whole or any part thereof other than the section or provision so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.
From time to time, at intervals of not more than five years, the Planning Board shall conduct a review of the effectiveness of the provisions of this chapter, including the location of district boundaries, and shall submit a report thereon to the Town Board, recommending such changes or amendments, if any, which may be desirable in the interest of public safety, health, convenience, necessity or welfare.