[Adopted 5-7-2011 STM by Art. 22]
[Amended 6-14-2021 ATM by Art. 46]
No individual or entity may carry on the business of pawnbroker, or deal in junk, old metals, or any secondhand articles without a license from the Select Board. The licensee shall, at the time of receiving such license, file with the Town Clerk, a bond to the Town in the sum of $5,000 with two personal sureties approved by the Town Clerk or a surety company authorized to do business in Massachusetts and conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties and obligations pertaining to the licensed business.
Licenses issued pursuant to this section may only be granted to: 1) suitable persons who have been residents of the Town, or residents of an adjoining city or town, for the six months preceding the issuance of the license; or 2) to businesses with a majority of principals, deemed to be suitable individuals, who have been residents of the Town, or residents of an adjoining city or town, for the six months preceding the issuance of the license. Licenses issued under this section shall be renewed on an annual basis and may be suspended, revoked, or canceled at any time at the discretion of the Select Board.
Every person or entity holding a license issued pursuant to § 141-4 shall require the person who pawns, sells, or exchanges any property upon the licensed premises to personally fill out a form, approved by the Chief of Police, providing his or her full name, address, driver's license number, social security number, and motor vehicle registration number used by such person, if any. The form shall include a full description of the article, including all distinguishing marks and numbers, and the time and date of the transaction. The licensee shall also include on the form a personal description of the person offering the article to the licensee, including complexion, height, weight, age, hair color, eye color, and the presence of any distinguishing characteristics. The licensee shall not accept any article unless he or she is provided with a copy of an identification card bearing the person's photograph, which shall be attached, along with a photograph of the articles, to the form described above.
A copy of all forms and identification cards and photographs described in Subsection A shall be provided to the Chief of Police within one business day of the transaction. The licensee shall also preserve and keep, for a period of at least six years from the date of the transaction, a copy of the record, which shall be furnished to any Town police officer if requested.
Every person or entity holding a license issued pursuant to § 141-4 shall put in some suitable and conspicuous place in their premises a sign containing the licensee's name and occupation.
All merchandise contained on the premises of a business licensed under § 141-4 may, at all times, be subject to inspection and examination by any member of the Town's Police Department.
Any licensee who makes any false statement on any form or otherwise fails to comply with the provision of the Subsections A through D above may be subject to the penalties described in § 141-8.
No person or entity holding a license issued under § 141-4 shall directly or indirectly purchase or receive by way of barter, or exchange any article or loan any money to, any individual that such keeper knows to be, or should have reason to believe is, a minor.
Every person or entity holding a license issued pursuant to § 141-4 shall immediately notify the officer in charge of police headquarters of any attempt or suspected attempt on the part of any person entering the licensed premises for the disposal of property by pawn, sale, exchange, or by any other means, when the attending circumstances indicate any possibility that said property has been stolen, or is unlawfully in the possession of the person offering it for pawn, sale or exchange.
[Amended 6-14-2021 ATM by Art. 46]
Any person or entity holding a license issued pursuant to § 141-4 who violates any of the preceding sections shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $50 for each offense, and any license held by such person or entity may be suspended or revoked by the Select Board.