[HISTORY: Adopted 3-6-1972 TM. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Current statutes in effect: MGL c. 10, §§ 38, 38A, 39, 39A and 40, regulating the licensing and conduct of Beano in the Town; MGL c. 271, § 6B, prohibiting "skilo"; and MGL c. 271, § 22B, excluding Beano from enforcement under MGL c. 271.
The subject matter of each statutory section in MGL c. 10 is reflected in its section title, as follows:
§ 38, Beano; licensing of certain organizations; restrictions; rules and regulations; violations; penalties; receipts and expenditures; records and reports.
§ 38A, Council on compulsive gambling; posting of notice of availability.
§ 39, Beano; gross receipt tax; returns; disposition and crediting of receipts.
§ 39A, Raffles and bazaars; information and reports required; regulations.
§ 40, Violations of sections 38 and 39; submitting false information; penalties.
Historical Notes:
The 3-6-1972 Town Meeting accepted the provisions of Acts of 1971, c. 486, which:
1. Amended MGL c. 271, § 6B.
2. Added MGL c. 271, § 22B.
3. Added MGL c. 147, §§ 52 to 55.*
4. Required a Town Meeting vote on whether to accept the licensing of Beano in the Town in 1971 and again in 1975 if "yes"; and in 1979 and beyond, but not more often than every four years, upon petition by more than 5% of the registered voters.
*MGL c. 147, §§ 52 to 55, were repealed by St. 1973, c. 729, § 2, and replaced by MGL c. 10, §§ 38, 39, 40 and 41. In addition, MGL c. 10, § 41 (former MGL c. 147, § 55) was repealed by St. 1973, c. 1165, § 4. See now MGL c. 10, § 39.
While MGL c. 10, §§ 38A and 39A, were added after the 3-6-1972 acceptance of the Beano licensing laws, their provisions apply to anyone operating under a Beano license and are therefore operative within the Town.]