[HISTORY: Adopted as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Public transportation — See Ch. 304.
[Adopted 5-6-1974 ATM; 11-24-1981 STM]
[Current statutes in effect: MGL c. 90, §§ 20A 1/2 and 20D.
The subject matter of each statutory section is reflected in its section title, as follows:
§ 20A 1/2, . . . parking violations; tags; appearance; failure to appear; adjudication by mail.
§ 20D, Tampering or destruction of parking tags; penalty.
Historical Notes:
The 5-6-1974 Annual Town Meeting accepted the provisions of MGL c. 90, §§ 20C and 20D. Former § 20C was repealed by St. 1981, c. 351, § 115. See now MGL c. 90, § 20A 1/2.
The 11-24-1981 Special Town Meeting accepted the provisions of MGL c. 90, § 20A 1/2.]