The Town of Middletown collects yard waste from residents each
week on a set collection schedule. Yard waste includes things such
as grass clippings, leaves, brush, shrubs, garden material, pruning
clippings and Christmas trees.
A. Grass clippings and leaves must be kept separate from other yard
waste. Grass placed in bags will not be picked up.
B. The Town will not pick up sod, stumps, dirt, animal waste or any
other material considered trash, or materials brought in from outside
of the Town of Middletown.
C. Chippable material such as tree limbs, branches, small bushes and
sticks will also be picked up at curbside. Chippable material must
be kept separate from other yard waste so collection machinery does
not become damaged.
D. After the holidays, Christmas trees will be picked up following the
Yard Waste Collection Schedule. Christmas trees will not be collected
by the trash collector.