The Highway Department shall be responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of those physical structures, highways and facilities (except water and sewer plants) that are owned and maintained by the municipality to house governmental functions and to provide transportation and similar operations and services.
The duties of the Superintendent shall be to:
Construct and maintain the streets, bridges, curbs and gutters of the municipality, including the provision of street cleaning, snow removal and ice control services.
Construct and maintain storm sewer structures and facilities.
Install and maintain traffic control devices and directional signs and signals, street name signs and parking meters.
Plant and maintain trees and other vegetation along municipal rights-of-way and other property of the municipality.
Provide for inspection and related procedures to assure proper maintenance and repair of sidewalks in accordance with municipal ordinances.
Repair and maintain all municipal vehicles, except those vehicles whose repair and maintenance is specifically provided for elsewhere in this chapter.
Plan, develop, design and administer, in cooperation with other appropriate municipal departments, municipal park and recreation facilities owned, acquired or designated by the municipality.